Shanglin Banquet (4)

“The second room through there is the ladies’ dressing room. There is a shortage of manpower in the Plum Garden today, and this humble servant is unable to bring you there. The lady may head over to Lanze Court after changing.”

“Mother, you go on ahead first. Wanwan will come soon.”

Madame Wang looked hesitant, and only started walking after a light push from Zheng Wan. After two steps, she turned back, looking concerned, “Is it really okay?”

“Mother, go quickly.”

Zheng Wan stamped her feet, revealing the embarrassed indignation of a spoiled daughter, “If you don’t go soon, I’ll be annoyed.”

Only then did Madame Wang turn around to leave.

Following through with her act, Zheng Wan really went to the dressing room. She sent Luodai away to fetch another set of clothing from the carriage, then went out through the archway next to the Moon Gate.

The servant girl from earlier was waiting there; she bobbed a curtsy, “My lady, everything is in order.”

“You don’t need to follow.”

There was a pebbled path connected to the archway. After walking along the winding and secluded path for a while, she arrived at her destination. At that moment, snow was falling from the sky again.

Zheng Wan gathered her feathered cloak around her and walked on.

Ahead, there was a boundless expanse of clear water, floating lotuses, swaying bamboo, small pavilions—but no people.

Zheng Wan walked slowly along the lake before she found the crooked-necked tree she saw in her dream. It had strong branches, and its trunk was so broad that it needed three people to wrap around it. Perhaps because of lightning, half the tree had been scorched black, but the other half was still stubbornly alive.

Who could have imagined that up on those bare branches, sat a person.

An immortal’s abilities were really astounding.

Zheng Wan thought this to herself as she reached out to stroke the rough, charred bark, full of emotion.

“You’re still here, how nice. If I am still here next year…”

She let her words trail off. She stood upright, wrapped up in her big cloak, letting the snow fall all over her head. Then she lifted her head and gazed out at the waters in a long silence.

Cui Wang looked condescendingly down at the daughter of the Zheng family. Plum blossom huadian, cloud brocade clothes, a cloak made of the mortal world’s most precious bird feathers, and pearl shoes; an awe-inspiring, noble aura.

Putting character aside, and just looking at the appearance, even in the immortal realm, she’d be considered a rare beauty.

He turned his head without emotion and gazed out at the lake.

A moment later, he heard a choking sound from under the tree. It sounded like someone was trying—and failing—to hold back fierce sobs.

Cui Wang glanced down.

He saw that the girl who had been standing proudly just a moment ago had now shrunk into a ball. Her head was buried in her cloak, her body trembling with sobs.

Seemingly aware of the noise that’d escaped from herself, she tried desperately to hold her cries back, but failed once more, and started to hiccup.

Cui Wang casually cast a soundproof shield. Even a beauty’s cries couldn’t stir a ripple in him. He gazed out at the lake again.

Zheng Wan stopped crying after a while.

She patted off the grass and leaves that’d got on her when she crouched down, slowly and carefully tidying up the mess she made of herself. She made sure that she was impeccable before stopping.

She saw a group of the capital’s infamous rich men’s sons approaching from a distance, and turned to leave.

“Hey, hey, don’t go so quickly.”

“Look, isn’t this the almighty Zheng family’s Zheng Wan? Are you hiding and crying here alone?”

“His Royal Highness does not want you, but this brother does. Come into brother’s arms, I’ll let Father know, and make you my concubine.”

“How dare you! Who gave you the guts to insult the daughter of a court official?” Zheng Wan straightened her back and did not take another step.

She really couldn’t leave anyway. Even though these were all incorrigible dandies, they had grown up on horseback, and had strong muscles and quick legwork; they could easily chase her down if she tried to leave.

“Oh? ‘How dare’ we?!”

The odious second son of the Duke of Liang, who she had once publicly whipped, laughed. “Brothers, listen to that! This Zheng Wan still dares to be so arrogant! Who doesn’t know that the Zheng family is on the brink of disaster? We’ll be so heartbroken to see you in Jiaofang Si13 in future.”

“For the foremost beauty of the capital to fall from the skies like fireworks, and become a good enjoyed upon the pillows of thousands, isn’t that a pity?”

“Why don’t we have a taste now before that happens?”

Zheng Wan shook with ‘anger’, her body trembling like a willow leaf in the rustling wind. Her back was still straight, never bent for even a moment. She backed away towards the lake, gritted her teeth, and said,

“Wishing thinking.”

The strong smell of alcohol that wafted to her nose told her that the scene she arranged for was about to come.


13 Jiaofang Si: 教坊司; A department under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites. It responsible for celebrations and welcoming VIPs with musical performances. It was also an official brothel with many musicians and female musicians (official prostitutes). Many of the wives and daughters of punished officials are sent here as sex slaves, and even their future generations are condemned to the same fate.