True Self (3)

Cui Wang opened his eyes; his voice was a bit coarser than when she had first heard it, but it still sounded good to her ears.

“My residence’s carriage is equipped with medicine for strains and swelling. May I trouble the gentleman to make a trip for me? My maidservant has to help b-bring me to… the dressing room.”

When the words, “dressing room” came out of her mouth, the young lady’s scarlet face could no longer be suppressed, and she blushed right up to the tips of her ears.

Cui Wang glanced at her; he instantly brought out a jade bottle from his sleeve:

“This medicine is for external use. It will take effect immediately.”

Zheng Wan smiled and reached out to take it, her face blushing.

“Thank you.”

She had forgotten that this gentleman had no shortage of elixirs, and even unearthly medicine that could bring flesh and bone back to the mortal world was within easy reach for him.

It doesn’t matter, the fact that Cui Wang was willing to give her medicine, meant that everything was going well.

Zheng Wan can only comfort himself in this way.

“Luodai,” she counted time silently and beckoned for her handmaiden to support her up; she frowned with the effort to stand, as if enduring the pain. “Help support me, I want to go out.”

“Yes, my lady.”

Luodai supported her.

The pearl shoes had only taken two steps, when there was a sharp “crack”; Zheng Wan let out a cry of pain as she fell.

The direction she fell was right towards a sharp corner of the rectangular low table in front of Cui Wang.

If the fall struck true, even a thick-skinned sturdy man would be bedridden for at least half a year, let alone such a delicate little lady. After all, the waist was the most important part of a person.

“My lady!” shrieked Luodai.

The Crown Prince, Rong Qin and company all turned to look.

Amidst the shocked exclamations of the crowd, Zheng Wan laughed self-mockingly. Who would have thought that the noble Lady Zheng Wan, who would cry for half a day from a prick on her finger, would one day slam herself against something so hard and sharp?

She had no better weapon than this.

The only thing she could rely on was the young Sword Sovereign’s heart that had not yet turned stone cold.

The wind carried the sigh of an unknown person. Zheng Wan could feel her waist come into contact with something sharp; before she could feel any pain, she was spun around again, held by someone.

By the time she recovered herself, she saw that Cui Wang had materialised beside her. Her indigo sleeves hung loosely, and her waist was being lightly supported; she couldn’t quite make out the meaning in his eyes.


Zheng Wan felt as if there was a cold sharp blade pressed against her waist; she gritted her teeth and tensed her body to prevent herself from showing fear. Just then, her ears picked up the sound of chaotic footsteps from outside the cabin.

Here they come.

Zheng Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

She smoothed away the slight smile that tugged at the corners of her mouth; when she lifted her head, her twinkling peach blossom eyes were full of trust:

“Gentleman, you’ve helped me once again.”

That voice hid a faint note of affection, like a spring bird’s tactful song that was delicate and gentle, but secretly containing honeyed notes.

No one could resist it.

The Crown Prince’s fists were clenched tightly, and he couldn’t help but burst out:


But no one paid any attention to him.

Cui Wang looked down at the woman in front of him, whose form was so delicate that she seemed scarcely strong enough to bear the trifling weight of her clothing. His long eyelashes fringed his beautifully curved eyes, and with an expressionless face, he let out an “Mm” in reply.


The door of the second-floor cabin was violently pushed open.

A group of young men barged in aggressively, led by the second son of the Duke of Liang; they rushed straight to Zheng Wan:


“Liang Jianye, this is not a place for your wild impertinence]!”

The Crown Prince stood up with a swish.

“Your Highness,” Liang Jianye, the second son of the Duke of Liang, arched his hands in salute[4] towards the Crown Prince. “We’re not being reckless, in fact, this Zheng Wan, Zheng Wan is a demoness!”

The group of people who came in with him started to chime in unison.

“Yes! We came upon Lady Zheng in front of Xiaofeng Hall by coincidence. Since we were all acquaintances, we thought it would be alright to have a chat. Wh-Who knew, the moment there was a disagreement, this demoness used her demonic magic to conjure a fierce gale! Look, this wound on my face was caused by that demonic wind!”


4 Salute: 拱手 gongshou; A formal hand gesture made by a male to show respect to the recipient. It’s made by cupping one hand in the other before one’s chest, the arms forming an arc. Usually made when meeting the other party and once more before leaving.