The Transient Realm (2.3)

The female ghosts of supernatural novels came instantly into Zheng Wan’s mind; she grabbed Cui Wang’s sleeve and moved reflexively to hide behind him. Unexpectedly, before she managed to duck behind him, the Puppet Mirror flew in front of her, and in jerky movements, drew a…

…flower in mid air?

Zheng Wan cried, “There’s a ghost!”

She buried her head in Cui Wang’s arms, her body trembling with fear.

“Get up.”

Cui Wang’s tone revealed his impatience.

Zheng Wan hugged him hard around the waist and shook her head. “There’s a ghost.”

“That is your chance.”

Cui Wang peeled her fingers away one by one; he beckoned, and the mirror flew obediently into his hand. He handed to her, “It wants to recognise you as its Mister; give a drop of blood.”

Zheng Wan then remembered the all-powerful immortal objects from her dream.

“This is a… magical item?”

“Spiritual item.”

Cui Wang flicked his finger; Zheng Wan felt a pain in her fingertip, and a drop of red blood, seemingly pulled by a traction force, dripped into the mirror. She felt that the atmosphere was clearer, as if there was suddenly something else.

“You have no vital energy in your body, so you can only use it as a mirror. However, if there is a killing intent, there will be a protective force—mortal man cannot hurt you. As for the rest…

“…Never mind. You will find out later.”

Cui Wang spoke with indifference. He didn’t seem to have any regrets about the fact that the mirror had been taken away by her.

“How does one get vital energy?”

Zheng Wan quickly seized the opportunity to ask.

Cui Wang looked at her.

“From cultivation.”

“M-Mister Cui, can you teach me?” Zheng Wan plucked up her courage to ask, as she squeezed the handle of the Puppet Mirror. She was unaware that the ambition blazing in her eyes was clearly exposed.


Zheng Wan deflated like a punctured ball; she almost bit through her lower lip. “I thought— Well, we’ve at least gone through life and death together once.”

Cui Wang answered her with a gust of wind; Zheng Wan was sent to another corner of the room by a soft wind, and the white silk between their wrists tightened into a straight line due to the distance.

“Stay three zhang away from me.”

Zheng Wan was almost overwhelmed by her sense of loss.

She thought her efforts had paid off, but with the man’s sudden outburst, everything was back to square one.

The weak can only ask for mercy.

Fortunately, there was still a protective spiritual item; spiritual items were much more powerful than magical items.

Zheng Wan rallied herself. With the slightest stirrings of intent, the mirror disappeared from her hand. At the same time, a delicate tattoo appeared on her wrist. She touched it with her fingertips and found that there was a lingering joy in her heart.

It seemed like the mirror was trying to express their close relationship.

Zheng Wan still didn’t know how she had won the mirror’s favour. She saw Cui Wang circle around the room with his hands clasped behind his back, then finally walking back to the now blank painting.

“What’s the matter?”

She went over; Cui Wang did not expect her to adjust her mood so quickly, and glanced at her in surprise before turning away. He spread his right palm out and placed it on the painting for a moment—then, the painting disappeared.

“Hmm?” Cui Wang brows furrowed, then relaxed again in an instant. There was a rare smile on his face.

“What is this?”

Maybe it was because they had gone through some experiences together, Cui Wang did not tell her to stay one zhang away, and even answered her question. “A small transient realm. It will take a lot of time before it grows into a big transient realm.”

He thought that Zheng Wan didn’t understand, but his words had already set off a storm in her heart.

Original transient realms are akin to seeds, they cannot be controlled by humans—but secondary transient realms could.

No matter how ignorant she was, she knew that having control of a realm was a terrifying power——this was clearly a divine object that Cui Wang obtained only in the later stage of his cultivation; even if it was currently an unformed transient realm, it was still incredible.

All living things were born to support humans, but even humans were beings that were borne of transient realms.

Having obtained this object, Cui Wang obtained the power equivalent to having an entire world supporting one human…

No, that’s not right, how could such a divine object have appeared in the mortal realm?

Could it be that her appearance had caused a change in the transient realm that Cui Wang was supposed to enter?

Zheng Wan was puzzled. Cui Wang also found it strange; he waved his hand and put away the small transient realm. The wall that had been tightly blocked disappeared, and a long dark tunnel appeared in front of them.

“Follow me.”

Cui Wang offered her his sleeve on his own initiative. “A strange treasure has descended from the heavens—I’m afraid that the road ahead will be difficult. Don’t stray more than one zhang away from me.”

“The State Preceptor ordered me to stay three zhang away just now.” Zheng Wan remained stubbornly where she was.

Cui Wang said nothing more, and just made another move—the little lady who had been so far away moments ago was suddenly right next to him.

He held out his sleeve. “Hold it.”

Only then did Zheng Wan grab it, happy as a lark; she thought to herself smugly:

He knows how to offer his sleeve on his own accord now.