The Transient Realm (End)

“Change it.”

Zheng Wan examined it. It turned out to be a pair of brown leather shoes with thick and sturdy stitches. They looked very comfortable, just that they were in the style of a boy’s.

“Did… Mister Cui used to wear these?”

Cui Wang gave a faint “Mm” in reply. After she had put them on happily, he then said, “Let’s go.”

The forest at night was pitch-black. The tall and luxuriant trees blocked out the sky, and only a faint light managed to shine through the dense branches and leaves onto the ground.

Zheng Wan held on to the white silk and made her way forward, one step at a time. Cui Wang was about one zhang in front of her, and the two of them walked together like grasshoppers tied to the same rope.

“Mister Cui, these shoes are very comfortable.”


“Mister Cui, why do you say so little?”


“Mister Cui, can I marry you?”


Zheng Wan sighed with regret; it’s so difficult to trick him.

As she thought about it, she looked up, and was scared out of her wits. “M-Mister Cui, s-snake.”

Zheng Wan trembled with fright, but Cui Wang simply flicked his fingers and sent a blast of air and knocked down the green snake. He said mildly:

“It’s not venomous.”


Zheng Wan hugged her arms tightly, wanting to behave pitifully again so as to take advantage of the opportunity to run to his side. She then noticed that from the bush where the green snake had fallen… blue fist-sized lamps rose eerily one after another, densely packed—it was a bone-chilling sight.

The lamps were “looking” at her with all their might.

“M-Mister Cui——”

“Stay back.”

Before she could make out Cui Wang’s movements, he was already between her and the blue lights. His longsword came out of its sheath like a bolt of lightning—with a “swoosh”, it cut through the sky. “Hide here; do not come out.”

She was once again enclosed in the familiar golden shield.

Zheng Wan was suddenly seized by heart palpitations; they were the most violent yet.

She clutched her chest and sat down, panting heavily, and looked at Cui Wang. He was like a mountain that stood between her and the inexplicable things. The ghostly blue lights came closer and closer with a fixed frequency, so close that she could see a small horn on a wolf’s forehead.

She suddenly remembered from the book, the shadow wolves that were at cultivation level 2, the “Guardian Rank”.

Blue eyes, with a small horn on its forehead; it is known for its speed, and has the ability to create phantom clones.

“Guess who will win?”

The mysterious faceless monster suddenly appeared. This time she didn’t have any white rags on, and Zheng Wan couldn’t catch its trail at all. “Don’t scream; if that lover of yours gets distracted, I’m afraid he will die on the spot.”

“Your lover is at the ‘Accomplisher Rank’; although that is one rank higher than the Guardian rank, an army of ants can kill even an elephant. This pack of shadow wolves will not be easy to deal with, they’re the sort that will fight to the death.”

The battle between one man and a pack of wolves quickly escalated.

The sword flashed; its brilliant light collided with countless blue lights, so utterly dazzling that it hurt to look at.

Zheng Wan watched without blinking, thunderstruck. This was her first time seeing Cui Wang fighting so relentlessly without holding anything back. His stance seemed like he was about to raze the entire forest to the ground——

And indeed, in a little more than ten breaths, apart from where the golden shield was, nothing else was intact.

It was also because of this that some shadow wolves noticed Zheng Wan in the golden shield.

At the head wolf’s signal, they struck blow after blow on the golden shield——

Zheng Wan covered her mouth; she was trembling with fear, but still dared not scream. These shadow wolves looked even more terrifying from up close. They stared unblinkingly at her, and there were even remnants of the flesh and blood of unknown animals between their fangs.

“Go on, scream—let’s see if your lover chooses you, or himself?” coaxed the faceless monster in her ear.

Zheng Wan ignored it and concentrated on the battle.

It was evident that Cui Wang was struggling to deal with the shadow wolves. His hands were already severely injured to begin with, and even his bones were exposed. Blood and sword whipped about in the air; before long, his snow-white robes were reduced to rags, revealing several bone-deep wounds.


The head wolf’s claws tore through Cui Wang’s back; blood and flesh flew—he was almost cut at the waist.

At the same time, the golden shield that had been cast in a hurry broke with a “crack”.

A dozen shadow wolves pounced towards Zheng Wan—there was a burst of light and the Puppet Mirror suddenly appeared, blocking the fatal blow. Zheng Wan couldn’t hold back any longer and cried:

“Mister Cui!”