Xia Li doesn't want to talk to Li Beichuan anymore. Her mobile phone vibrates again【 Monica: after the auction, will the bachelor party be arranged?] Single Party! Xia Li's eyes brightened. But she immediately thought that Li Beichuan wanted to take care of her racing. The whole person fell down and replied in a concise and comprehensive way: [Xia's pear: No.] Then he added an expression package of "brother, we don't ask"【 Monica: why not? You won't be a husband, will you“ The word "strict husband management" has seriously stimulated women's self-esteem in the new era of the 21st century. She immediately returned an expression bag of "making trouble"【 Xiashi pear: go when it's over! Go wherever you say!]【 Monica: excellent!] After confirming the trip in the evening, Xia Li glanced at Li Beichuan's face with her eyes and told herself that home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers. The obedient and clever little brother outside doesn't smell better than the guy who can't understand what he's thinking Tonight's dinner is the annual charity party, which is broadcast live on a video website, and many stars will be present. In particular, some traffic without strength, rely on this opportunity to donate some money to donate a building, so that fans can brush "we XX are hard-working and kind, why do you black TA!" Xia Li is not interested in these. She was lack of interest and got off from Bentley with Li Beichuan. The actresses wanted to linger on the red carpet for ten minutes. She spent a few seconds dragging Li Beichuan to fly over without even giving a look to the photographer. The bullet screen floated: "it seems that something flew past just now." In fact, it doesn't matter that Xia Li doesn't need to run. Li Beichuan said hello in advance. The live broadcast can also be mosaic, so the audience can't see his face with Xia Li clearly. After Xia Li signed on the exhibition board, she quickly found her seat in the middle of the first row. In order not to let everyone notice her, she deliberately changed her name card and sat in an empty seat separated from Li Beichuan. The famous brand Xia Li took happened to be a popular flower at present, and directly ranked in the first and second tier through an online drama. Xia Li has seen this online play. It's easy and funny. Xiaohua's acting skills are less than the top, but more than the bottom. She likes her very much. So as soon as Xiaohua sat down, Xia Li took the initiative to say hello to each other. As a result, the little flower just nodded coldly, turned her head and greeted Li Beichuan with a smile“ President Li, long time no see! Thank you for your help with the last movie. I didn't expect to be in Hollywood. Also, I didn't expect that I could sit next to you... "Xiaohua's tone is sweet and soft. She looks completely different when talking to Xia Li. Xia Li is speechless. Why is this circle full of double-sided people? Xiaohua continued to say flattering words. Li Beichuan's eyebrows screwed up, confused in his eyes: who is this man? He leaned over and saw Xia Li sitting on the right side of Xiaohua. He frowned and asked, "wife, why are you sitting so far?" Xia Li, who is about to slip away to pick up Monica: "..." looks at Xia Li's flowers: "??" As a last resort, Xia Li had to move her ass back and truthfully said, "there are people from my crew here. It's better for me to sit away." Li Beichuan was silent for two seconds, "eh" and looked at the little flower between them. The meaning in his eyes was obvious: go away. Xiaohua has long lost her blood color on her face at the moment she learned Xia Li's identity. After looking at Xia Li and rolling herself in all aspects of her appearance, she has no face to sit between the two people. She stood up tremblingly, pressed shock and jealousy and said to Xia Li, "I'm sorry to disturb you and President Li."