Li Beichuan's lips are slightly pursed. The lip shape of thin lips is so perfect that it can't be described as "sexy". It's completely tempting. A man's facial features are so delicate that he can hardly give a girl a way to live. Xia Li's brain is a little empty for a while. She didn't know what she was thinking, but she suddenly wanted to get close to him. Xia Li is an activist. She thinks so and leans forward honestly. But she just moved forward. Li Beichuan suddenly stretched out his hand and dragged the back of her head. Instead, he pasted his thin lips on her lips“ Boom - "it's like a thunderbolt exploding in my mind and turning into rotten and beautiful fireworks. This kiss is not like the one in the coffee shop. It's just a skimmer. Li Beichuan doesn't seem to be satisfied with superficial Kung Fu at all. Once people open Pandora's ink cartridge, ambition and desire can no longer be taken back. Just kept wanting more, more... At the moment when her lips and teeth offset each other, Xia Li only felt that her breath, reason and even heart beat had been taken away by Li Beichuan. At the moment, it seems that what beats is not her heartbeat, but her whole person. Xia Li only felt what it was to be kissed an hour ago. An hour later, she actually upgraded from a dragonfly to a close relationship between lips and teeth. This speed made her brain jam in an instant. She couldn't even do such a simple action as closing her eyes. She just stared round and looked close at her. She closed her eyes and focused on kissing her Li Beichuan. As soon as her eyes blinked, her eyelashes swept Li Beichuan's cheeks. She and Li Beichuan felt itchy at the same time. Li Beichuan's thick eyelashes trembled and opened his eyes to look at her. The four eyes are opposite. It seems that there are invisible roses in full bloom in the air. They can only feel each other's heartbeat, and nothing else can attract their attention. Just the next second, Li Beichuan finally left her lips, sat up straight, stretched out his hand and hooked the tip of her nose, "Oh", smiled low and said, "fool, don't you know to close your eyes?" Xia Li's eyelids jumped and her lost reason came back in an instant. Nervous, shy, upset, shocked, overwhelmed... Countless emotions mixed together in the brain, and finally turned into anger. She punched Li Beichuan on the chest and said angrily, "Li Beichuan! You are not human! " Xia Li's punch was not light. "Bang" sounded very loud. Li Beichuan immediately covered his chest, looked painful and coughed weakly. Xia Li was stunned and asked, "are you okay? Am I beating too hard? " She stretched out her hand to help Li Beichuan rub it, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, Li Beichuan held it. His palm was a little rough, and his big hand wrapped all her hands in it. Xia Li raised her eyes in amazement and saw Li Beichuan whispering like no one else: "next time you kiss, remember to close your eyes." He's pretending! She's got another Dog Man routine! She's so angry! Xia Li suddenly took back her hand, ground her back teeth, and stared angrily: "Li Beichuan! You are not human! Get out of my car! " Li Beichuan pulled his lips and smiled shamelessly. If you can kiss the fried kitten every day, what will you do as a person? Xia Li saw Li Beichuan laughing so jokingly and her face became hotter. She urged, "get out of my car quickly!" Li Beichuan glanced up and down at her, with the dog man's unique, pure doubt eyes: "get out? From you? "