Yes! Liang Mingjia slowly clenched his hand. She likes moving so much that she fell in love with him at the first sight from the day she moved. For him, she was afraid of riding on the high speed. She learned racing. For him, she studied hard every day for her poor grades, just to be admitted to the University of Kyoto and stand side by side with him who developed in Kyoto. She works so hard that fate can't treat her badly“ Then I'll contact the racing club. Can you... Let brother Dong go? What if he refuses? "“ Rest assured. " Chen XiuXiu said, "cousin, even if you refuse a princess, you can't refuse the car." When Xia Li took Qiu Xueer and Monica to walk the whole street, it was getting dark. The three ate the most popular Japanese food shop in Xiali square, and then went to the racing club on the business card given by the taxi master. When the three men took a taxi, it was completely dark. Along the way, the colorful scenery of Jiangnan comes into view. Xia Li also received the message "the plane is ready to take off" from Li Beichuan. After Monica knew about it, she calculated the time and said, "that's right. We'll catch up with senior brother Tao, then play a few racing cars and go back to the crew hotel. Then the next day we set out together to go back to Kyoto? " Xia Li nodded in agreement, and Qiu Xueer had no opinion. Taxis are driving, the road section is more and more remote, there are few other cars driving, and the buildings are more and more sparse. Monica couldn't help asking the taxi driver, "master, how long will it take to arrive?" The driver estimated and said, "I haven't walked this road before, but I should be there right away." As soon as the voice fell, several people saw dozens of valuable racing cars parked on the lawn beside the open intersection in front“ That's it. Don't get out of the way. It's a private road. " The taxi driver said and pulled over. Several people opened the door and got off. Monica looked at a huge billboard along the road, which prominently printed several reflective gilded characters of "Taolin Racing Club". Monica exclaimed, "it seems that senior brother Tao has done well in recent years. I thought it was an indoor racing club. I didn't expect to get a private road directly. Cow break! When I see him later, I'll hold his thigh. " Xia Li looked at the cars quite absently, and her memory seemed to go back to four years ago. That was the most energetic time in her racing career. At that time, she gave herself a very Chinese second English name "Princess", which means princess in Chinese. It's called P God. Including qiumingshan, she has set a record for countless racing tracks at home and abroad. Countless racing drivers at home and abroad come to her for PK or study. Tao Lin is one of them. At that time, Tao Lin was just an unknown racing enthusiast. Moved by his enthusiasm for racing, she accepted Tao Lin as an apprentice. But later... My mother found out that she was playing a racing car. After knowing that she was Princess, she directly imprisoned her and forced her to study for a bachelor's degree. She remembered the last time she played racing, the night before she was found. A race on the steepest racing track in Kyoto. On that day, it was raining... Under the conditions of precipitous location, bad weather and extremely low visibility, she beat the mysterious racing driver "lux" who was as famous as her at that time.