Jing Zhishen thinks that at least unmarried older women can be called miss as long as they are unmarried, right?

He never thought it would be so different from what he imagined.

The three magic doctors wore a light blue antique dress. It was said to be antique, but the style was modern. Only there was a layer of gauze outside. The exquisite embroidery on it and the exquisite buckle on the right chest made the dress full of antique flavor.

Obviously, there are two styles of skirts, but they are perfectly combined to form a new style, which looks very eye-catching!

This let him not help but sound a foot of snow, which is also such a combination of East and West.

It's just that this skirt hides all the figures of the three miraculous doctors. I don't know if it's intentional.


A unique voice came.

Then Jing Zhishen greeted those indifferent eyes. They didn't feel as oppressive as yizhangxue, but they gave people an invisible sense of tension, as if they had been seen through the essence.

As for why the voice is unique, it is because Jing Zhishen can't distinguish between men and women. He should deliberately change the voice.

Is it a little too cautious?

As usual, Jingdong doesn't need to change her voice deliberately, but in the future, she will have to contact the Jingdong family as Jingdong. It's hard to ensure that the Jingdong family doesn't have the talent to listen to the voice and distinguish people. It's natural to be careful.

"I'm sorry to bother you to look at my grandpa," Jing Zhishen said politely.

He thought that he would no longer have a sense of mystery when he saw three magic doctors, but he didn't expect to feel more mysterious when he saw them.

A lot of doubts are quietly growing in my heart.

Can you really save people at this age?

He can't guess how much, but he can't get involved with professors and experts.

Jingdong came forward to have a look and reached out to explore the pulse of old man Jing.

This is not for Jing Zhi. Although her skills in the second world are medical treatment and pharmacy, most of them are based on traditional Chinese medicine.

Jingdong touches the pulse, which is neither pulse nor pulse.

Different from normal traditional Chinese medicine, Jingdong can touch the pulse and know the disease of the whole body. All lesions will be clear.

Knowing what disease it is, we naturally need relevant drugs to treat it.

The most difficult thing here is dispensing. When she was the second, she was able to become the strongest assistant because she had her own unique opinions on dispensing, and the speed was very fast!

Adjuvants are somewhat similar to current Chinese herbal medicines, but they are not exactly the same.

Each kind of adjuvant has different effects. When combined with each other, it will naturally produce different effects. This alone makes it difficult for 70% of the adjuvants.

In addition to adjuvants, the most important thing is the main drug. If you choose the wrong one, you can't achieve the effect, or even die.

Adjuvants need to be adjusted with each other, and the main drug and adjuvant also need to be adjusted with each other. The amount of memory is very huge, which still needs a lot of understanding.

This is why there are very few medical aids in the second, not only few, but also few who can reach the peak.

Jingdong is the only full-scale medical assistant who has reached the peak!

If you practice to the peak, you can cure all diseases, and the medicine can get rid of the disease without healing time.

This is also her confidence to go all the way to the big boss palace as a medical assistant.

After touching the pulse, Jing Dong knows how old man Jing is.

The cause was just a viral cold, which led to pneumonia. Master Jing's body immunity was too poor to resist the attack of the disease, resulting in organ failure.

This is not a rare disease. It would be a disaster if it was placed on the exhausted body of master Jing.

Jing Zhishen has been watching the actions of the three magic doctors. When he first saw her touch her pulse, he picked his eyebrows. Is this a traditional Chinese medicine?

Traditional Chinese medicine focuses on conditioning, which can't cure grandpa's disease for a while and a half.

But then what surprised him even more was that the three magic doctors took out one!?

He didn't study the pot, but he could see that it was a rare partridge spot pot, with Silver Oval dots on it, which was very beautiful and simple.

What is this?

Do you want to drink alcohol?