Psychological preparation?

Jing Zhishen's heart sank suddenly.

Mrs. Jing, who had been praying with her hands folded, was held by Jing Zhishen.

Zhang Weishan looked at the silver faced woman who stood quietly in the distance and was not affected by the chaos in front of him. He asked Jing Zhishen, "I want to ask, have you seen the three magic doctors?"

Jing Zhishen shook his head slowly, with a dull voice.

"What miracle doctor is a fake at all."

Zhang Weishan looked surprised and turned his eyes to the silver faced woman.


"How do you know it's a fake?"

Jing Zhishen stated his views concisely and comprehensively, but he was not in the mood to say anything more.

Zhang Weishan pursed his lips. The silver faced woman didn't say a word or defend herself from beginning to end, as if she wasn't talking about her.

He took a look at Mr. Jing's situation. They are powerless now. What's more, what Jing Zhishen said is entirely his own subjective judgment.

Zhang Weishan bypassed the hospital bed, came to the silver faced woman and asked politely, "excuse me, are you three magic doctors?"

"I don't dare to be called a miracle doctor. Three lanterns are just called by others. You can call me warm winter."

Zhang Weishan heard the name for the first time, but at the moment, he couldn't think of anything else. He hurriedly asked, "Miss Wendong, can you help me?"

Jing Dong looked at Jing Zhishen on one side, "it was to be treated, but it was stopped."

Jing Zhishen suddenly raised his eyes and frowned.

Zhang Weishan is a professional in the industry. Since he said so, there may be some basis.

This is the only thing Jing Zhishen can expect now.

"The boy is not sensible. You can see the situation of the old man. If you delay, you may really be hopeless."

Jingdong already knows the condition of master Xiaojing. As long as she has one breath, she can recover such a disease.

Seeing that Jingdong was unmoved, old lady Jing walked over and helped her. Jing Zhishen had to follow her.

"Girl, I apologize for my grandson. Please..."

Jingdong sees old lady Jing bending down and helps her up.

This is her grandmother. She doesn't dare to accept this gift.

"I have something to do with the Jing family. Since the old lady speaks, please leave."

Needless to say, Mrs. Jing, Zhang Weishan immediately asked all the medical staff to stand.

They don't play a big role here.

Jing Dong takes up the medicine lamp placed aside, comes to the hospital bed of old man Jing and looks at him.

This was her grandfather's first meeting. Although she had no feelings, she couldn't stand idly by when she remembered that she was the one who gave birth to her mother.

"Lift the patient's head."

Zhang Weishan hurried forward to lift up old Jing's head. When he saw Jing Dong looking over, Zhang Weishan just didn't see it and never mentioned leaving here.

This time, Jing Zhishen didn't stop him. In this case, he can only be a live horse doctor.

Jingdong puts one side of the medicine into master Jing's mouth. However, he clenches his teeth and can't open his mouth.

Seeing this, when Zhang Weishan was thinking about what to do, he saw Jingdong gently knead on master Jing's neck for a moment. Soon, master Jing's mouth opened.

Jing Dong uses the same technique to pour the medicine down, and then holds old man Jing to lie down.

On the instrument, master Jing's condition is no different from that just now. He is still waiting to die, and his heart rate is still falling.

Jingdong packed up her things and looked at the time, but it was a little late. Because of the situation just now, she delayed a lot of time here.