Not everyone can be an "international superstar", and not everyone can get an Oscar or a Chinese movie queen.

Li Xue is the only one.

Beijing film has been born with so many top stream and big names, which will be with you Rongyan. Here, Li Xue is the biggest wrist and one of the few stars who give back to his alma mater.

School leaders will naturally come to receive and express condolences and give the highest courtesy.

Li Xue is indifferent to things around her and refuses to treat people thousands of miles away. However, she gives the greatest respect to the school leaders of Beijing Film and Beijing University.

Teaching and educating people is worthy of respect.

"Welcome back to Beijing film. It's been hard all the way." the school leader said with a smile.

Li Xue's red lips turned and suddenly flowers filled the room. "I'm glad to come to my alma mater's welcome party. It's my honor to watch the rise and bloom of the new generation."

High cold does not mean low Eq.

All the leaders of the University show their faces.

After greeting the school of Beijing film, he greeted the school leaders of Beijing University.

"Jingda is one of the cradles of excellent talents. Li Xue pays tribute to you!"

Beijing University Teacher Li politely shook hands with Li Xue. The two sides met formally.

The two sides sat and talked for a while. Because the orientation party was about to begin, the school leaders planned to leave.

"Mr. Jing, I have a few questions to ask for advice. Is it convenient?" Li Xue said with a smile.

The other teachers were surprised, but they didn't ask much. The door was quickly taken away.

Now the people in the room are her closest people. She breathed a sigh of relief, walked forward, tilted her head and looked at Jing Dong with great interest.

"Miss Jing?"

Jingdong's mouth rose, "I'm flattered."

Li Xue chuckled, "praise you, you're floating on!"

At the moment, her speaking attitude and acting style are very different from before, and her team has long been surprised.

Jingdong himself found a chair to sit down, looked up and asked, "how did you come back this time?"

Li Xue is one of her few friends. People who can be called friends by her are consistent in three views and have the same temperament.

Li Xue stood up and said, "there's a contradiction with the company. If my schedule is stopped over there, I'll go home."

After a pause, she leaned close to Jingdong, bowed her head, thin waist, rich hips and enchanting figure. Even women took a breath and looked away.

"Boss Jing, you are so rich. Open a media company. I'll change jobs to you."

Jingdong raised his eyebrows. "To be honest, I really have this idea."

She had this idea abroad before. There are many enterprises under her group, except those not involved in the entertainment industry, which may be a breakthrough to occupy the market.

Li Xue hugged Jing Dong, without the style of Leng Yan goddess.

"Gold Lord dad, please keep it!"

Jingdong pushed her away with a black face, looked at the plump place, sneered and said, "can you afford the liquidated damages?"

Li Xue's face collapsed and said with a bitter smile, "I can't afford... 50 billion! It's not 5 million, it's 50 billion. Do you say those people have human nature!"

Then she smiled again, "but there's good news. My contract is about to expire! So... The gold Lord's father can book me in advance. I can be cute, salt and warm the bed. I'm welcome if I want to dive. I can come safely and boldly!"

Yin Yutong, the brokerage director, looked at Li Xue helplessly. He didn't look at this gesture.

However, their family Li Xue can only do this in front of President Jing.

"Mr. Jing, drink some water."