This figure pounced on the body when sealing. Normally, it can't be avoided at such a close distance, but when sealing, it just staggered slightly in a leisurely way, and the figure directly hit the car.

With a bang and a low cry, the man fell to the ground and hung his head. It seemed that he couldn't slow down for a long time.

Jingdong stands aside and knows that this is Chen Nannan without looking at the front. Why did she appear here in Jingjia's old house to find her?

Chen Nannan came out of the hydrangea outside the old house. No wonder she hadn't been found before.

Feng stood aside coldly, without the slightest intention of helping her up,

Chen Nannan was already in great pain. She just thought it was a subconscious reaction when sealing. She was waiting for him to help herself up. She knew each other when she was wronged again. Unexpectedly, she didn't reach out when sealing for a long time.

Even if you don't help her when sealing, the little bitch doesn't help her!

Chen Nannan couldn't sit on her knees all the time. When she slowed down, she had to help the car stand up by herself.

She raised her eyes and looked at Feng. She had practiced this for hundreds of times. Whether it was a drill or at ordinary times, it was very natural. Both men and women could make their hearts soft in a mess.

"I'm sorry to scare you, Professor Feng. Just now someone harassed me and ran over in panic. Unexpectedly, I met Professor Feng here."

After Chen Nannan's words, he looked at the eyes with no temperature and his heart suddenly stopped. At this moment, his tears almost scared him back. Where is there any tenderness to cry.

Her pretty face was slightly white. She subconsciously stepped back, her lips trembled, but she couldn't say a word anymore.

Until Feng Shi's eyes moved away from her, she was suddenly relieved and almost sat on the ground again.

Young master Feng ER is such a gentle man at ordinary times. Why did he look so terrible just now?

When he raised his eyes again, he saw that Feng Shi's eyes crossed her and looked behind her, with obvious dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Chen Nannan suddenly realized that the original seal was not aimed at her, but because of Jingdong. It should be Jingdong who provoked him.

Feng raised his hand and looked at his watch. The woman in front of him had wasted nearly four minutes. He should stay alone with Jing Dong.

As for just now, he knew very well whether the woman bumped over accidentally or deliberately. He didn't even want to give a trace of patience. The reason why he gave it was to wait and see if some people have consciousness.

The results are obvious.


The sealed eyes fell on Chen Nan again, with a faint tone, "get out of the way."

It was this calm tone and this kind of eyes without temperature that made Chen Nannan's heart suddenly clenched and his breathing difficult.

The feeling of fear surged into my heart, but I couldn't stop feeling a throb.

The foot didn't listen to the order and moved away according to the requirements of the sealing time. When he saw the sealing time, he stretched out his hand to Jing Dong.

In Chen Nan's unbelievable eyes, Jing Dong hesitated a little, put his hand on Feng Shi's hand, and then got into the car.

The car went away. After a long time, Chen Nan came back to his senses, and his eyes were almost spewing fire.

This damn little bitch went to hook up with Professor Feng!

Although she planned to develop with Jing Zhixu, she really couldn't give up Professor Feng. At the thought of that handsome face that brought disaster to the country and the people, she couldn't forget it and her heart beat unceasingly.

Today's frightening eyes add a touch of charm to Professor Feng.

But then, Chen Nan stamped her feet angrily. The purpose of her coming here