It's not how the Jings care about people's opinions, but the current situation of the Jings determines the shares of the Jings consortium. If they suffer a series of setbacks, the shares are likely to fall again.

The king family can't stand a few more limit drops.

Mrs. Jing coughed a few times and her eyes were full of fatigue. The mental blow in recent days made her feel very tired, heart tired and physically tired. She just looked at the old and young at home. She couldn't add more trouble, and the great sadness had to be pressed down.

The sound of the engine came from outside. She knew that Jingdong had come back, and finally showed a smile on her face.

"Little darling, why did you come back so late?" Mrs. Jing asked her to sit aside. Where was she tired and covered up.

Jingdong drank and said, "nothing. I met a friend, grandma. Is this my dress?"

Her eyes looked at the big box. Mrs. Jing smiled and opened it for her. "Come and see the color chosen by grandma. Do you like it?"

Jingdong smiled, "of course I like it."

"Last time I saw you wear light yellow, I found that the color lining you is water smart, and the lining skin is whiter. That kind of smart temperament is really eye-catching. Our little darling is a clothes rack!"

Jingdong went upstairs to try on the dress. It fits very well. There is no need to modify it.

Soon, the day of the banquet was approaching, and Chen Nan couldn't put it down with the invitation.

The dress is ready, and it will wait for the news to get the invitation. Indeed, it is awesome.

Yes, originally, the Chen family were not qualified to attend the banquet and were not invited, but Chen Tiancheng gave a gift to the senior management of Wendong group. They were asked to wait for a letter and finally got an invitation.

One invitation can carry two family members, and Wang Jiahua and Chen Nannan can naturally follow.

Being able to attend this banquet will only enhance the status of the Chen family. Who knows how this invitation came from?

If people only see you participate, your status will naturally rise.

I believe that after this banquet, some celebrities and ladies will also invite Wang Jiahua and Chen Nannan to the tea party. They finally make it out.

Chen Nannan wears colorful clothes and Wang Jiahua wears extraordinary wealth. At first glance, they are rich, but the really rich can also see at a glance that they have no inside information and belong to the ranks of nouveau riche.

For Zhang Xian's ostentation, Chen Tiancheng specially bought a luxury car of more than 8 million, even his watch is seven or eight million.

Wang Jiahua winks at Chen Nannan. The necklaces between their necks and the rings on their fingers are valuable, but Chen tianchengdu doesn't know.

Women are worth as much as they spend on themselves.

The banquet venue of backlight is on the roof of backlight headquarters. The building is 350 meters high and 80 floors. In addition to being used for the modern office of backlight employees, there are also high-end banquet halls and five-star hotels.

The specifications of this banquet were very open, opening the long-awaited roof banquet hall.

This ballroom covers the top of the floor, not brick or tile, and uses holographic images.

Overhead, on the dark night, there is a bright Milky way, dotted with dots, converging into a shining silver pisian!

But in fact, it's cloudy outside today. You can't see a star. The technology of visible backlight has been at the forefront.

"My God, when I went to Antarctica, the Milky way in the sky was like this. The backlight holographic image can be so realistic!"