It can be said that Jingdong is not only easy to be concerned, but also easy to be ignored.

Those who pay attention to her remember not the word "Jingdong", but the five words "Fengshi girlfriend".

Jing Dong smiled at this.

However, because of their simple attitude of saying hello and ignoring it, Jing Dong didn't mean to say more to them.

Naturally, I saw it at the time of sealing, and I didn't make any more introduction.

He just thought that in a moment these people would know what they had missed.

The great opportunity is fleeting in front of them. They are afraid that their intestines are green with regret.

For Feng Shi, Jing Dong is irreplaceable. Her importance is self-evident. Therefore, he is slightly unhappy about such a human thing for others.

Fortunately, he didn't think he had done anything too much. He just delayed some introduction to Jing Dong.

It is not grand enough to introduce Jingdong on this occasion.

Jingdong looked at the time. Half of Feng's attention was on her. When she made a move, she knew what she meant.

"I've asked Chu ming to pick it up. I should be there in a minute."

Jingdong nodded when he heard the speech.

Su Yun's car broke down halfway. It's not easy to take a taxi at this time. What's more, as the CEO of warm winter group, we should pay attention to safety even if we don't pay attention to ostentation.

She contacted the people below, but it would take half an hour to send a car as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, the party began long ago. This time, the young lady will attend. She can't be late anyway!

Therefore, she was really anxious. At that time, the young lady called. Su Yun had no choice but to explain the situation. Only then did Chu Ming come to pick her up.

Although she had to see the annoying guy before the party began, she felt she could bear it in order to arrive normally.

Sheng Wenqin finds Jing Dong in the crowd and walks over with his skirt.


"Sister Wenqin."

Sheng Wenqin and Jing Dong smiled knowingly.

"Where's the big aunt?"

"My mother is talking to Mrs. Jing over there. You are so beautiful today. Is this the heart of the monarch?"

Sheng Wenqin looked at the necklace around her neck and showed her amazing color.

Jing Dong lowered his head and closed his mouth, raised his hand and gently stroked her. He looked very delicate. When he provoked Feng, he stared at her.

Sheng Wenqin naturally noticed that he pulled Jingdong and whispered, "he gave it to you?"

Jing Dong nodded.

"Various forms of confession ~ I can't help being sour."

Jingdong was stunned when he heard the speech. His vague feelings became clear. It turned out that he was expressing his feelings to himself at that time. Unfortunately, she was too defensive at that time and couldn't understand him at all.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help lifting her eyes to see feng, just opposite his deep eyes.

He kept his eyes on her.

They were the focus of the people around them. Seeing Jing Dong's appearance, they thought she was a little hypocritical and deliberately touched the necklace to remind those who didn't notice.

It's nice to have the richest boyfriend in the world. You don't have to work hard to have it all.

"A vase! It doesn't have much power. It's good at seducing men!"

Many people noticed that Feng Shi was looking at Jing Dong with a handsome and cold face and elegant and noble temperament. He was obviously not enthusiastic about anyone, but he looked at Jing Dong with an undisguised deep feeling.

Which celebrity doesn't want this kind of sole favor?