"Lou Xiyue, don't hurry to help!" He had a broken arm and a big hole in his chest. He almost had a heart position.

There's no way. Ling Han's fighting power is really four steps. He can't be suppressed without five steps.

Lou Xiyue's expression just became solemn. She didn't speak any more. Instead, she killed her directly. She was floating like a cloud. Boom, only her palm shot, powerful, let people realize that this woman's strength is also extremely terrible.

She is also in the early stage of three steps, but her combat power is the peak of four steps, which is not under Mengdong.

Mengdong naturally won't let Lou Xiyue fight against Ling Han alone, so he immediately saves his body shape and cooperates with Lou Xiyue.

Two strong attack together, more powerful.

"Go away!" Ling Han rebukes lightly, one fist thunders, 200 times the strength erupts, he showed the invincible posture.

Bang, bang, Lou Xi, Yue, Meng Dong were all bombed.

"Mondong, this little brother is too fierce!" Lou Xiyue said as she vomited blood.

"Don't you see that he has mastered more than 100 combination symbols?" Snorted mondong.

"I thought he was scaring people with so many symbols." Lou Xiyue said.

The two men were really calm. They obviously fell behind in the battle, but they were still teasing each other, as if they didn't know what fear was.

Ling Han screamed and continued to attack.

Lou Xiyue and Meng Dong join hands to try their best, but they still can't compete with each other. They are blown away everywhere. They all know that as long as he can survive the outbreak period of Ling Han, his fighting power will surely fall down.

The problem is, if they stay up, they may be killed by Ling Han.

Now the gap between the two sides is too big.

"Go away." Mondong shook his head, looking helpless.

"I've been waiting for you." Lou Xiyue is so simple that she immediately turns around and runs away.

Meng Dong is running in the other direction, so that Ling Han can only chase one of them.

Ling Han did not hesitate to chase Meng Dong, but as soon as he was moving, the voice of Lou Xi Yue came over: "little brother, don't forget that you still have two little wives?"

Hearing this, Ling Han immediately stopped.

If he pursues Meng Dong and Lou Xiyue kills a gun, can the queen and Tigress stop her?

Impossible things.

Maybe the queen can compete with her after three steps, but she can't do it now. Tigress's leapfrog fighting ability is zero, and naturally it can't be expected.

"Hahaha, little brother, I hope you will wake up when I see you next time! If not, we'll bring more partners to help you The voice of mondong also came.

Ling Han snorted. It's also because his fighting power is not enough to crush Meng Le completely. However, if he takes three steps, he will suppress all of them no matter how many people you come.

The queen and Tigress came over and were very surprised.

Such a genius as Meng Dong should be pitiful. He should be a little worse than Lin Youlian and others, and even be equal. But not only came a Lou Xi Yue, listen to Meng Dong's tone, there seems to be a lot of people like him.

Moreover, Ling Han should also be one of them, but has not "awakened".

What is the origin of these two people?

"Don't worry about them. As long as we improve our cultivation, everyone will be fearless." Ling Han firmly believes that nothing will affect his pace of climbing the top of Wudao.

The queen and Tigress both nodded, and they had the same fearless faith.

The three people continue to search for ore veins here. If they don't hurry up, others won't leave them any good things.

If they get the symbol of heaven, they will refine it immediately. If they get the medicine, they will take it equally. It's just that the medicine is good, but the symbol of heaven is too difficult to come out. After hundreds of millions of years, they only got 36.

Ling Han got 21 of them, which made him master 139 Tianzun symbols. Compared with the total number of nearly 1000, this is only a beginning. But looking at the Tianzun group, most of them only master the seven symbols handed down from generation to generation.

However, there were a lot of big drugs, which sent the queen and Tigress to the two-step peak and the three-step peak respectively, but they did not go further because the boundary barrier was too difficult to cross.

Ling Han came from behind and came to the top of the second step at a very slow speed.

The reason why the empress and Tigress can't break through is that their qualifications are not at the top level. The empress is because she has integrated the forces of 100 planes when she takes a step forward, which forms a thrust force. She comes to the second step with little effort, but her potential is also exhausted. It is difficult for her to take three steps.

Tigress, on the other hand, has no desire and no desire. On the contrary, it makes her mind more empty and easier to communicate with the essence particles, so that she can lead in the realm. However, the more essential particles in the body, the greater the rejection of other particles. It is impossible to break through easily.This plane is almost swept up. Ling Han inquired about it and found Zhou Heng and them. Now the people in the outer plane have basically come here, and Zhou Heng and others have naturally built a new base here.

"Ling Han, Yue Bolong is looking for you. Be careful." As soon as they met, Lin Xiaoyang reminded him.

Yue Bolong is Yue Chengwang's Laozi. He is the six step Heavenly Master. Ling Han killed Yue Chengwang. It's not sudden that Yue Bolong will come after him. It's just unexpected that he is so late.

"Before, he was closing down, estimating the strength of another step." Zhou Heng also said.

"How strong is it?" Ling Han is curious.

Chu Hao ha ha a smile: "should not be weaker than elder martial brother Zhou."

Zhou Heng gave him a white eye: "you and I strength is similar, not weaker than me, equal to not weaker than you, why go around this circle?"

Lin Xiao shook his head: "you are all from behind, only me, the strength stagnates, has been left behind by you."

Both Chu Hao and Zhou Heng comforted the elder martial brother. In fact, he was a wizard of all ages when he could reach six steps. As long as you look at the number of seven steps, you can count them with two hands.

The reason for this is that they ask for advice from both sides.

"I don't know." Zhou Heng immediately shook his head. "The three of us have discussed various possibilities, but it turns out that our inference is impossible."

"What about the ancient corpse?" Ling Han asked again, this is also a huge mystery, the seven step strong actually died, too fantastic.

"That's really seven steps." Lin Xiaoyang said, "my father and several seven step adults took the time to study and thought that this God God died under a very strong impact."

Ling Han was surprised: "shouldn't seven steps not be bad? Who can kill seven steps and be killed by several seven steps together? "

Zhou Heng shook his head: "this impact is far stronger than the seven steps. Let alone several seven steps, it is impossible to bombard hundreds of them together."

Ling Han is even more strange. Hundreds of seven steps can't kill each other. At that time, did hundreds of seven steps work together? But the problem is, if there are so many seven steps, why are they all gone now?

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