The killer was shocked and dodged.

"How could you be so strong!" He avoided the blow at a cost, and a wound appeared on his arm.

It's amazing. It's just a star leader. In one hit, it can gather 14 rules. Who will believe it?

All around, the crowd was stunned.

Those who didn't break through the patriarchal level are fine, but those who are already the master level are all barefaced. They know clearly that it is difficult to blow out the fourteen rules in one blow.

If you are under five stars, you don't want to think about it. If you are more than five stars, it will take a little time to accumulate. It can't be done in an instant.

So, what kind of monster is this?

Ling Han just a smile, he will be so evil, naturally because his divine sense is too perfect, too strong.

After crossing the other shore, his divine consciousness also reached perfection. Later, it was further purified. Who can compare this kind of spiritual quality?

The stronger the divine consciousness is, the more perfect it is, the faster the speed of this induction and extraction of the principles of heaven and earth.

"Yes, I'm also surprised. How can people live in such a fierce way?" Ling Han shook his head.

Damn it. It's got it.

But in fact, Ling Han does have such qualifications.

Is there a second monster like him?

"The golden generation is not comparable."

"Maybe, Yang Yi can return, Wan Dao can."

"Yes, and these two monsters!"

Although they all think that they are inferior to Ling Han, based on the simplest jealousy, they rack their brains to move out competitors for Ling Han and refuse to admit that he is invincible.

The killer roared and broke through.

However, this is in vain.

When it comes to strength, he is eight stars, while Ling Han is only five-star. In fact, he wants to have the upper hand. When it comes to the rule level, Ling Han can play 14 rules with one stroke, but he has only 10 rules, which is the situation that Ling Han is crushed by.

Therefore, the two have their own advantages, and it is difficult to decide between the victory and the defeat.

Ling Han enters the state, the cold fist unfolds, suddenly, his fighting power is violent.

When the first battle with the same rank emperor, Ming Ming's strength is exactly the same, but Leng is the same rank emperor wins, pressure Ling Han has no temper, why? Simple, each emperor is out of their own way, so, the same strength and how.

Now it is the same, Ling Han has begun to walk his own way, although not to reach the height of the emperor, but the opponent is not the emperor.

He soon gained the upper hand.

The audience was silent.

One star master crush eight stars!

God, who can believe that?

At the level of Hinayana, a warrior can be called a great power. However, there is a gap between the one star sect leader and the two star sect leader. Almost no one can cross the level to fight.

No way, can become a great power, which is not the genius of genius?

Since everyone is a genius, why can you cross the ranks?

Therefore, Ling Han's performance is unbelievable. The evil spirit is unbelievable.

But the fact is the fact. Under the attack of Ling Han's fist, the killer has little power to fight back.

In the face of adversity, the killer began to break through.

He would rather be seriously injured than saved.

Ling Han a smile, also lazy to waste time, evil spirit impact start.


"Ah The killer immediately hugged his head and screamed. He only felt that the sea was about to burst, and the seven orifices were full of blood.

Ling Han catches up with the strong bombardment.

The killer reluctantly fought back, but under the suppression of the evil spirit impact, he could not organize a decent counterattack at all. The wounds on his body were more and more serious.

After a few dozen moves, he was killed by life.

All of us are looking at Ling Han with awe. This guy has been able to kill the eight star sect leader. Who else can suppress him except Lin Xuan and other golden generation who have made great strides into veneration?

Will this age belong to this young man?

Ling Han didn't collect the Daoguo of this killer. On the one hand, the other was a human being. He had to cut the belly of the same kind and use the parts. Second, he had already stepped into the level of the cult leader. He needed pure and high-quality immortal Qi to nourish Daoguo.

Instead of paying attention to other people's reactions, he grew up and entered the waterfall.

Boom, suddenly the terrible force rushed down, and the rules into a small sword, in his body cut, to cut him into pieces.

Ling Han opened the star light curtain. As he stepped into the master level, the star light curtain also had a qualitative change, integrated into the rules, and further improved the defense.

Rules to rules, are six star level, Ling Han has no fear.

This regular sword is constantly scouring Ling Han's body. It seems that three or even five religious masters are bombarding Ling Ling Han in turn.If you change another one, you will soon collapse.

With one enemy, three enemies and five enemies, how to block it?

However, Ling Han can gather 14 rules with one stroke at will. What is this?

He bucked the trend and hit the top of the waterfall.

After a while, the impact of the waterfall rises sharply, and the strength of the regular sword also increases.

Ling Han just a smile, not out of the fist, still with the stars light screen to block.

That's enough.

This makes people look speechless. They have not tried the thrust waterfall. What is the result?

Take a look at Ling Han. It's so relaxed that he hasn't played before.

At half the distance, the impact force is further improved, and the regular sword is condensed from one rule to three!

This is a bit of terror. Under the constant impact, Ling Han has to fight a bit of spirit and fight to resolve it.

Again, again, again.

Three quarters, four fifths, nine tenths!

Ling Han is close to the top of the waterfall. At this time, the impact force has reached the level of four-star cult leader, and the regular sword has become a four-way composition, which can make 99% of the cult leader despair.

But Ling Han is still able to handle it easily and easily reaches the end.

In front of the waterfall center, there is a black light door.

Is this the gateway to the next area?

Ling Han thought in his heart, but without hesitation, he rushed into the light door.

Suddenly, a wonderful force effect, space change.

When Ling Han took another step, he actually appeared in the desert.

Instead of acting immediately, he closed his eyes and sensed the area.

Still can't sense the earth vein.

Ling Han shakes his head, which makes him unable to use the star step. However, it doesn't matter. Now he has mastered the wind wing and sky flying. This is the strongest body method in the world. Isn't it enough?

He walked, since he was not familiar with here, he did not care, and went in a direction.

After walking for three days, there is a castle ahead.

He walked over, his eyes swept, and he was surprised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!