6 Leveling Up 2

If someone were to tell him a weak looking loli was playing around in the deeper parts of the forest, he would smack them so hard even his ancestors would feel it just telling such an absurd lie.

"What the hell is a loli doing here? Eh, don't tell me she is a princess waiting for her prince charming to save her? What a lucky day!"

Hou Yan spat on his hands and smoothened his hair. Then he walked towards the loli and spoke in a cool fashion.

"Hey there cutie, what are you doing alone in this forest?"

The loli looked back at him with her big eyes. She was staring at him as if she found herself a prey.

"Oh, thank god you are here big brother. I don't know where I am and I think I am lost. Can you help me find the exit?"

The loli replied in a flirtatious way. She even stuck out his chest in order to seduce him.

Hou Yan was drooling a little when he looked at the loli and how she was sticking out her big breasts. He thought to himself, 'hehe today I'm getting laid!'

The system was thinking to itself, 'Sigh, what a stupid host. Thinking only with his d**k. Maybe I should turn him into an impotent so he doesn't get tricked.'

While Hou Yan was leading the loli out of the forest, the loli went behind him and was threw a punch at his defenseless back.


The punch carried a lot of force and when it struck Hou Yan's back, he was sent flying. His body hit a tree and landed on the ground yet when he stood up he looked unharmed.

"Huh? What just happened? What hit me?"

'You idiot, you were just hit by that loli. She isn't human but a monster.'

"What?!? This whole time I was thinking of f**king a monster? Why did you not tell me?"

'Why should I? Maybe next time you should use your head and not your d**k. That loli looked suspicious if you were able to find her in that forest.'

Hou Yan wasn't able to retaliate against the system's scolding. He also realized his mistake and was reflecting on it, which made the system somewhat proud of him.

Meanwhile, the loli was flabbergasted at seeing the unharmed human who she had just punched with her full force. How the hell was he unharmed? At least he should be somewhat injured. I used my whole power which is at the lower level of Foundation Establishing while he is at the 9th level of Qi Condensation.

Hou Yan launched a fist with a tremendous amount of strength at the loli but the loli was able to react in time and dodge. If Hou Yan was an experienced fighter, he would be able to change his trajectory and be able to land a hit but unfortunately, he was an amateur.

The loli counterattacked with a punch but it was countered by Hou Yan's other fist. Hou Yan's punch carried a lot of power behind it. When it hit the loli's fist, it caused the loli's fist to become crippled.

That one punch was able to destroy all of her bones and made her hand deformed. The loli was shocked but also in pain. It realized it couldn't beat this human on its own and cried for help from her peers.

In seconds, a bunch of lolis began to appear. Some of them were in the middle level of Foundation Establishing while most of them were in the lower levels.

When Hou Yan saw this, his back was drenched with cold sweat. He was scared witless when he saw the number of lolis that appeared. Without hesitation, he threw a punch at the loli he was fighting with and the punch carried 6 times the strength of the previous fist.

The loli had no way of defending against that fist and in turn, was killed.

'Yeet... You have killed a Foundation Establishing monster... Experience +breakthrough'

'Yeet... You have broken to the Foundation Establishing realm'

Name:Hou Yan

Occupation: Alchemist

Cultivation: Foundation Establishing lower level (0/500)

Physical Body: Foundation Establishing middle level

Special Skills:

- Dao of Fire

Martial Skills:

- Hercule's punch level 8/10

- Body Tempering level 8/10

- Sky Dash level 6/10

- Invisibility Arts 2/30

When the other lolis realized that Hou Yan had just killed the loli who had called for help, they became really mad. All of them struck out at Hou Yan with full power.

Without waiting for a second, Hou Yan used his movement skill and disappeared into the air. The lolis realized that Hou Yan ran away and chased after him.

When the lower leveled monsters sensed the auras of a bunch of Foundation Establishing monsters and human running their way, they would run for their life.

The lolis chased Hou Yan through the forest and didn't stop chasing for even a second. Even when Hou Yan reached the outer part of the forest, they didn't slow down.

If someone were to see what was happening right now, they would see a bunch of midgets chasing after a man.

Hou Yan was panting harder than ever and his body was covered in sweat. He kept on running and running but these damn bunch of lolis wouldn't even stop chasing him. They might be planning to chase him all the way to the sect.

When Hou Yan exited out of the forest, he felt a bunch of glares on him back. He immediately broke into cold sweat. Those glares were radiating with killing intents as if telling him if they ever catch him in the forest, he would be a lump of dead meat.

Even when the lolis stopped, Hou Yan didn't stop. He even sped up and ran towards the nearest city.

Hou Yan arrived at a city that was near the sect. In fact, this city was owned by the sect and the city lord was an elder of the sect.

When Hou Yan arrived at the gates of the city, he showed his outer sect batch and was let in without a paying a fee. He then proceeded towards the cheapest inn and stayed there for the night. Hou Yan was just too tired and out of strength to do anything.

Before he fell asleep, he checked his status,

Name:Hou Yan

Occupation: Alchemist

Cultivation: Foundation Establishing lower level (0/500)

Physical Body: Foundation Establishing middle level

Special Skills:

- Dao of Fire

Martial Skills:

- Hercule's punch level 8/10

- Body Tempering level 9/10

- Sky Dash level 9/10

- Invisibility Arts 2/30

Seeing that three of his skills were close to ranking up, Hou Yan decided to put more effort into it tomorrow and fell asleep.