
Hearing the shout, the young master stopped and looked towards the location the shout came from. When he saw the man who was towards them at top speed, the three bodyguards went on full alert. Even with full alert, Hou Yan went past them with a *zooooooooooom* and landed next to the young master and the poor lad.

"Why must you bully the weak?"

"Who the hell are you? You dare poke your nose into my, young master of the Yan clan's business?! Such audacity! Guards, capture him alive so I can torture him to death!"

When the nearby audiences heard what the Young master of the Yan family said, they shivered in fear. Then they sighed at the misfortunes of this young man who wanted to be a hero.

"Yes, young master!"

The three guards flew towards Hou Yan with their blades drawn. One of them slashed at Hou Yan but Hou Yan grabbed the poor man and jumped back 3 feet. The second guard snuck behind Hou Yan and tried to stab him but Hou Yan rather jumped up and stepped on the guard's blade.

The guard was rather shocked. How could he have predicted his attack? Did he have a third eye on his back?

The last guard, using all of his strength, slashed at Hou Yan with his heavy sword. The heavy sword came down at Hou Yan at top speed but Hou Yan just jumped back. The heavy sword broke the second guard's sword and still continued until it hit the ground and made a huge crate.

When Hou Yan was about to land on the ground, the first guard saw this as an opportunity to attack and threw his sword towards Hou Yan.

If Hou Yan dodges the attack, then the crowd would get hit by the attack but if he doesn't dodge, he himself would get hit and that wouldn't be good. Well, that would be the circumstance if Hou Yan was a normal cultivator, but he wasn't a normal cultivator. How could such a weak blade hurt his body? He has the almighty demon body.

Feeling confident, Hou Yan decided to embrace the attack. When the crowd saw what Hou Yan was doing, their eyes showed admiration, respect rather than pity.


The attack created a shockwave. The wind that was created from the shockwave blew the audience away cause some to even vomit blood but none was hurt badly or dead.

When the attack landed, the guards began to sigh in relieve while the young master was furious. How could they kill him when he T O L D to capture him alive.

"You imbeciles!!!! I told you to capture him alive not end his life! Who am I going to torture now?!"

"""We apologize, Young Master! We forgot to hold ba..."""

Before they could finish their apology, a voice interrupted them.

"Wow, I can't believe you guys want to kill me so early."

When they heard his voice, their back was full of cold sweat. How could he still be alive? At this moment, they have realized that they have fucked up!

"Aahaha, you have realized far too late."

The three guards realized that they were truly on a tough spot right now.

"Oh, senior! Spare us! We are from the famous and reputable family, the Yan family! If you let us live today, we promise that we will never speak to anyone about this and we will even reward you!"

"Oh, really?"


All three guards replied to Hou Yan immediately.

"Then, I want you to hand over all your loots, including your YOUNG MASTER's loot."

When they heard the first part, they were sort of happy, but the last part caused their body to shiver in fear. If they really do give all of their young master's items to him, the patriarch will truly massacre them and their family.


"Oh, so you were lying?"

Hou Yan's eyes glimmered with killing intent.

"Nononono, we were not lying! Here, take my stuff senior."

This time, the young master spoke up.

"Hehe, that's more like it."

They handed over all of their items. Although unwilling, they couldn't do anything. At least, they could try to stall for time till back up arrived.

"Well, now that I have finished my business here, I shall take my leave."

When Hou Yan finished speaking, he immediately sensed a bunch of peak Core Formation experts heading his way. Right now, he wasn't planning on going full out with anyone. He wanted to stay low key and reach the top of this world and that dungeon might help him out.

Hou Yan turned around and was about to leave, but he turned around and looked at the three guards and the young master. He took out an object from his ring and looked back at them. He was smiling but that smile made them shiver in fear. Throwing the object at them, Hou Yan flew away.

At the same time that Hou Yan flew away, a bunch of experts landed near the young master. What greeted them wasn't an enemy but rather an explosion.

Good thing the experts were quick to react and cast a barrier around them and the surrounding. They thought their barrier would stop the explosion but they underestimated the explosion.

The explosion caused the barrier that surrounded them to crack and pushed them far. It could be seen that all of the experts were injured, though not heavily but to some extent.

The explosive Hou Yan threw was an item he found in the forbidden ground. It was called 'The Annihilating Explosive'. Its firepower could overpower those at the peak of Core Formation.

Hou Yan was watching everything from the sky. When he saw how strong the explosion was, he was truly astonished.

"Yikes, good thing I wasn't the one receiving that explosion."

With that, he flew away and landed at a different part of the city. There, he dropped off the young man and gave him some money. The young man started to cry when Hou Yan gave him money.

"*Sob* T-t-thank you!!! I re*sob*ally needed this *sob* money! My mo*Sob*ther is really sick and the me*Sob*dicine costs a lot!"

Seeing the young man crying, Hou Yan truly felt pity for him and his family, so he gave him more money. Then sent him home and flew back to his inn. A lot of things truly happened today. He just rented an inn but immediately got into a fight.

"Hais, I should probably head to the center of the city and check out that dungeon."

The city was surrounded by a wall in a circular shape. Then, the city itself was divided into parts. The outer part was where the commoners lived while the inner part was where the nobles and rich ones lived. Then the core of the city was the dungeon. The dungeon itself was open for anyone, from commoner to nobles. The expert who ruled the city let the commoners go to the dungeon because he thought there might be talented ones in them but the nobles disagreed with him. In the end, the commoners were still allowed to use the dungeon as the expert's words were the final words and no one could force him to change his words.

At the center of the city was where the dungeon was and also where a lot of stalls were set up. Here, people would sell the items they found, potions, etc...

Hou Yan was browsing through the stalls looking at the items that were being sold. Nothing intrigued his interest except for one big book. It was called 'The Dungeon'.

Paying 2 silvers for it, Hou Yan sat at a bench and began to read it.

'Yeet... would host like to memorize the content's of 'The Dungeon'?'


All of a sudden, a lot of information began to flood Hou Yan's mind. Although it hurt, it wasn't to the point of causing him to scream. The nearby people were confused at his grim face. They didn't know what happened to him but just continued walking as they thought he might be crazy.

'Yeet... You have successfully memorized the content's of 'The Dungeon'.'

<<The Dungeon>>

- Has 100 floors

- Every 10 floors have a boss

- The first 10 floors all easy and is full of Qi Condensation monsters

- From floor 11-30 is full of Foundation Establishing monsters

- From floor 31-70 is full of Core Formation monsters

- From floor 71-?? is full of void shattering monsters

- The dungeon was only explored up to the 81st floor.

- What is at the bottom of the dungeon is unknown

- Anyone who is able to reach above the 31st floor would get scouted by empires and those who are able to reach above the 81st floor would even be able to meet the legendary expert who had reached half-step to the next realm.

Thanks to the system, Hou Yan was able to receive a little bit of what the book was about.

He thought that the information he received was good so he decided to head towards the dungeon.

Name:Hou Yan

Occupation: Alchemist

Cultivation: Core Formation lower level (0/8000)

Physical Body: Void Shattering lower level

Special Skills:

- Dao of Fire

Martial Skills:

- Heaven Burning Punch 4/20

- Almighty Demonic Body 6/20

- Heavenly Steps 9/20

- Invisibility Arts 13/20

- Universal Bestowing 2/5

- Executioner's Slash 2/3 (Third level locked till Void Shattering realm)

Looking at his status, Hou Yan felt a bit weak. He believed that it was time to grind for experience and rank up his martial skills.