28 Grey Qi

OH SHIT!Was what Hou Yan thought when he heard the goat speak.

[At that moment, Hou Yan realized, he fucked up!]

'Shut up you stinky system. Oh god, I think this will be the end of me. System I just want to say...'

[Don't give up easily.]

(A.N. When system speaks, it will have [] around its words and Hou Yan's inner thoughts will have '' around it)

'I haven't given up yet, but I am losing hope though.'

"H-hey guys. Hehe, sorry I thought this was the bathroom, my bad. I'll just go this way, hehe see ya!"

Hou Yan was sweating buckets while speaking. Then all of a sudden, he ran like there was no tomorrow. The 12 generals looked at Hou Yan with an amusing expression.

Among the generals, they were ranked among themselves according to their strength. The strongest being the Aries, while the weakest was Pisces.

"Who shall take the honors and mess with this ant?"

"Hehe, let me handle this little lamb."

The one who spoke up was Pisces. Pisces loved killing others and he decided to become an assassin in order to kill others. As an assassin and one of the 12 generals, he had killed a lot of people that none of the other generals can amount to. During his years as one of the generals, he developed a unique personality. He loved watching others tremble in fear as he got closer to kill them.

Pisces ran after Hou Yan and was catching up to him at an unimaginable speed. When Hou Yan felt the fish close up to him, he almost pissed himself in fear. How is he going to survive such predicament!

"Oh mighty fish, leave me alone! I swear I didn't turn any of your children into sushi rolls!!!"

"What the hell are you saying? Haha, don't be scared of me. I won't kill you. I am just here to tell you about my lord and savior, Pisces!"

"No no no, I am an atheist. I don't need to hear about your almighty lord and savior, Pisces!"

"Tch. How dare you say no to hearing about my lord, Pisces!"

[Hehe, why don't you hear about his lord, Pisces?]

Pisces got bored of conversing with Hou Yan and decided to end it. He launched himself forward and flew past Hou Yan. Hou Yan was shocked endlessly when he saw the fish go past him.

"I got bored so I am going to end this. Now, don't resist and let me put you out of your misery."

"Eh? Please don't kill me oh almighty fish!"

"Stop calling me fish! How dare you call me 'fish', a mere creature that barely has any brains. I am the almighty Pisces!"

"Then, who was that lord and savior you kept speaking about? Don't tell me you were speaking of yourself?!"


"AHAHAHA, calling yourself 'lord and savior' AHAHAHA! What are you? A stupid kid?!"

Rather than showing fear, Hou Yan began to make fun of the fish. One of Pisces's weakness was his anger issues. He could get angry easily and lose his calmness which results in him attacking like a wild beast.


Pisces was pissed beyond comprehensible. He launched a barracks of punches which began to bombard Hou Yan. When Hou Yan met all the 12 generals, he thought he would truly die because they were strong as fuck. He didn't know how he would survive, but when he saw only the fish was chasing him, he was elated. So he decided to bait out the fish and take him somewhere far far away from the other 11.

"Hehe, stupid fish, he fell for my trap. If all of you 12 attacked me together, I wouldn't even last a second. But now that I am fighting the weakest of all you twelve, I still have a chance of surviving. Hehehe!"


Veins were sticking out of Pisces's head and were ready to pop out. He was truly enraged beyond words. In order to vent all of his anger, he needed to kill this bitch of a human.

[Why did you make him angry?]

'To make him lose his calmness and make him attack me mindlessly. That way, I will have a better chance of winning.'

Hou Yan took out his Executioner's blade and got into a stance. He was ready to fight back at any time. When Pisces saw Hou Yan ready to fight, he took out his dagger and ran at Hou Yan. He was going to fight him head on without surprise attacks like an assassin.

"Stupid fish take my attacks!"

Hou Yan began to slash his blade towards the fish, but his attack was blocked by the dagger. Pisces jumped back and threw four knives at Hou Yan.

Seeing the knives coming at him, Hou Yan jumped back and dodged them. Before he could recover, Pisces appeared behind him and launched his dagger towards Hou Yan.

Hou Yan blocked the dagger with his blade but Pisces swerved to the right and threw a kick towards Hou Yan stomach. Successfully, the kick landed and Hou Yan flew backward. He began to cough up a bit of blood.

'Who would've thought a fish could be this strong. I need to watch out.'

Hou Yan ran back towards Pisces and began to slash at him. Pisces blocked all the attacks like it was nothing and began to counterattack.

Seeing this, Hou Yan jumped back and slashed to his right. Pisces unexpecting the attack, was wounded by the blade. He looked at Hou Yan with hateful and furious eyes.

"You dare injure me?! I will kill you."

"Oh shut up. This is a life and death battle, so OBVIOUSLY, I would've injured you."


Pisces flew towards Hou Yan activating his skill, "Thousand Slashes".

His dagger kept on slashing towards Hou Yan one after the other. Then the slashes turned into two at a time, then into three at a time. Finally, after thousands of slashes, Hou Yan had multiple wounds on his body. His whole body was bloody as hell.

Meanwhile, Pisces was breathing hard. He put almost all of his Qi into that one attack just to end Hou Yan but this pesky human wouldn't just fall.

"*Huff Huff* Damn you human! *Huff* Why don't you just fall to the ground and die!"

"*Huff* Shut up you fish! Hmph, you think you can take *huff huff* me down with that shitty skill of yours!"

"Oh? *Huff* Since my skills *huff* are so shitty, why don't you *huff* show me your skill?"

"Hehe, don't regret it! *Huff huff* I shall turn you into a sushi roll you dumb fish!"

Hou Yan got into the third stance of the <<Executioner's Slash>>. This stance/attack was called <<Life severing, Immortal killing slashes>>. It would be his first time using it. Unlike the other slashes, this one was 100 times stronger and deadly than the rest.

While charging up for his attack, Hou Yan began to activate his bloodline too. Before, the energy gathering around his blade was just pure Qi. But when he activated his bloodline, Void Qi and Chaos Qi began to surround his blade. The Void and Chaos Qi looked like a phoenix and a dragon intertwining.

Hou Yan still felt that the power wasn't enough to fully end this fish's life. So he began to do the unthinkable. He used his pure Qi to be the median and combine the Void and Chaos Qis together. They were mixing with each other. The color of the Qi on the blade changed from transparent white (pure Qi) and white and black Qi to translucent grey colored Qi. It gave off a primal aura and looked truly deadly.

When Pisces saw the grey Qi, he began to shake in fear. He wasn't alone. The other 11 generals who were waiting for the return of Pisces began to shake too when they felt the grey Qi.

[Yeeeeeeeeeet... Congratulations to host for making ??? Qi]