p: "I'm sorry. I was a little dizzy yesterday. I updated it when I came back. I just got home today, so I sent it up in a hurry. [ If you can't see it on your mobile phone, you should be able to see it on the website first. As long as you log in, you don't have to repeat the subscription. I'm sorry for the trouble of taking photos for you

"Thank you, man. Now I think you are better than those headhunting companies. You can consider being a headhunter!" Zhou JieXi said jokingly.

"Of course, I don't charge!" Dahl said with a smile. But suddenly he was stunned, and then he stopped talking.

Jessie looked at him a little strange, thinking that this boy would not tell me, would you like to charge me? At that time, I took the opportunity to beat him? Or take the opportunity to beat him? Well, better beat it up! He thought for a while, and Dahl just finished thinking!

"What's the matter, my friend?" Asked Jesse Zhou.

Dahl looked at Jesse, took her hand with a little excitement, and said, "man, I think what you just said is quite reasonable, my God! I've been wandering in front of this door for so long. It turns out that I can really do this. I can completely start a headhunting company. With my contacts and the relationship here in California, I can completely support the company! "

It's strange for him to hold Jesse Zhou's hand. Although he knows that Dahl likes women, who knows if he is bisexual. And two big men's hands together, he how all feel strange!

He quickly laughed, took out his hand without any trace, pretended to touch his hair and said, "Dahl, you don't really want to do this, do you? Just because of one of my words? Is it too rash? "

"No, my friend, what you said made me think a lot at once. I think I can adapt to this industry. I have some knowledge of people in various industries, especially the Ti industry. "

"With my contacts, I can help them get better treatment and find better companies. Isn't it a good idea for me to earn that little tip after the disaster? " Dahl thought more and more intensely. In his mind, he almost began to think about the preparation of his company and where to get business.

With a stroke of money, he can make the company profitable and earn a lot of dollars. What we have to pay is to let some people go out of their original companies and go to companies that can give them better treatment, more salary and more happiness.

"Of course, it's not about loyalty. It's just that everyone has the right to pursue happiness." Now that he has even thought of the advertisement, he looks like he has a lot to do with it. Jessie Zhou thinks it's time for him to take medicine?

"Well, Dahl, have you taken your medicine?" Jessie Zhou said tentatively.

"Medicine, what medicine? How do you know I'm going to take medicine? " Dahl looks at Jesse Zhou strangely.

Jessie Zhou suddenly realized that this is my little friend. He didn't give up treatment. It's really good! A strong life is to have the courage to face and never give up.

"Recently, the doctor suggested that I eat more of this food, saying it's good for my cough. My God, you don't know how upset I am when I see these gadgets." Although he said with a depressed face, he still scooped out a small bottle that he carried with him, opened it, scooped out a few pieces and ate them in the clear water.

"Well...... All right

Time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, the watermelon auction that Jessie looked forward to was coming. This reminds him of the moment when he was just born again. He scooped up the watermelon and went to the vegetable market to sell it.

He hired a tricycle to rent a small vegetable stall. However, because of the delicious taste of watermelon, the stall couldn't accommodate these customers. Finally, he went to the small warehouse he rented next to the market to buy and sell.

Think of him can't help laughing, remember that time a little kind, a little greedy little cheap fat aunt, there is a two passers-by like aunt, founder on the fat aunt, impressive it!

In the morning, after boxing and having breakfast with the master, Jesse Zhou walked out on the grassland and walked around the dog by the way. As for Marcus Braun, Justin Bieber and Dahl who are still in the guest room, they are probably still sleeping!

It's only been a while since the farm was arranged in a hurry, but an experienced company was invited to arrange it, and the auctioneer was also a professional. Also, as the main part, the security system in the farm has been established step by step, although a small area has been set up now.

The bodyguard team began to grow up gradually, and the fastest ones came were the mercenaries who decided to retire. They are famous for their ability to serve customers quickly. This meeting, Jessie Zhou just needs people to decorate his appearance. Of course, he will transfer these people first, and then after the event, he will make further arrangements and sign a formal contract.

Of course, there is also the audit, many people come, but it is doomed not to need so many people to work together. This is the most important thing. Now it's Mrs. Yang, the master of Jesse Zhou, who is in charge. Not many people came, but at least the farm looks much better. It's not a silk figure, but a tycoon. Well, tycoon!

These people's current contracts have been assigned to the security company he just founded. However, the security company and the farm are operated separately, and each has its own tax system. He also asked the farm to sign a contract with the security company, and his private security should be included in the order of the company.

According to his private lawyer and private accountant, this is good for his tax structure and some government tax cuts, which can reduce his tax by at least several hundred thousand dollars a year. Obviously, it's reasonable to steal the money from Meidi occasionally. Will Zhou Jesse not do such a thing? That must be impossible!

Several towers have been built in the farm, all of which are equipped with searchlights. The design of the tower is very simple, just like building blocks, which are made of steel and some wood. Although the style looks simple, the design is really creative.

Jessie Chou didn't know how to buy it, but he didn't know he didn't bring a watch, and no one else knew. Joe as long as contact, the other company will soon be able to deliver to the door, and help assemble. Because of the time, we try to install several positions first. When they're ready.

Jessie Zhou also planted some rattan plants below, and gave them a lot of water of life. He hoped that they would grow faster and find some places to surround the tower, so that they could be more close to nature.

"Boss, the auction is ready. Now we just need to wait for the guests. Are you going to go now? " Atwood went up to Jesse and said to him.

"Well, I'll go there now, lest I can't receive those people when they come! What about the woman in the PR company? Why didn't I see her? " Jay frowned and said to Atwood.

This woman was invited by Jesse Zhou to take care of the layout of the auction venue. As for the auction, she asked a senior auctioneer to come here to control the atmosphere of the scene and make sure that his watermelon sold at a high price.

Not enough, this already 30-year-old gypsy woman, Jessie Zhou did not see her to keep with himself. You know, she is a well-known workaholic. At this critical moment, drop the chain for him. This is not a pit for him!

"Boss, director Elia is really going to inspect the venue for the last time. I think she will be here soon! ha-ha...... I don't think there will be any accident with her professionalism! "

"I hope so!"

When Jessie Zhou said that, his phone rang. He scooped it up and saw that it was his good friend, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook“ What can I do for this kid? Is there something that can't come? " Jessie Zhou surmised and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Jesse, I think I need you to come out, or give a call to your big, muscular security advisor. My invitation is on the way. I don't know that shit guy's head. My God, FAK! All right, man, I want to say now, I can't get in the hell! " As soon as Jesse Zhou picked it up, pockmarked boy on the opposite side spoke English quickly.

He was stunned for a moment, and he reflected that the boy came so early, but he didn't bring an invitation. God knows which thief is so bored to steal his things“ All right, man. I'll come out to meet you now and be kind to the muscular man opposite you. He just came back from the battlefield, and I think he has a gun in his hand! Otherwise, I don't think I can guarantee anything! "

After Jesse Chow finished, Mark Zuckerberg gave the man a full body of muscles, wearing a black short sleeve combat suit, and a pair of combat pants with military boots. The real person seems to be in an abnormal spirit, which is a little awed. At this time, Mark Zuckerberg could feel the man in front of him. He was full of something called murderous.

Because this black man is Jesse Zhou's bodyguard, also known as security advisor Raymond. His eyes were staring at Mark Zuckerberg as if he were a dangerous man.

Mark looked at him, a little hairy, and said, "well, man, thank you for reminding me. I think I've already felt it. I personally think if you can pick me up quickly, we will have a better day! "

Jessie Chou secretly smiles. He can imagine that Mark's face must not be very good at this time, but he can only hold it, so as not to be beaten by the black man!

"It seems that it's a wonderful thing to put this big black man out as a doorman. And the idea of "tall, big and strong" that wo advocated at the beginning is definitely a very good idea! " Thinking of him, I couldn't help laughing secretly.