Holding the necklace in her hand, she began to draw the picture, and intended to steal it, and then quietly replace it with another one of her own.

As a result, only half of the photos of the famous female star were taken out, and ye Fei's action stopped.

Under this photo, there is also a photo, which just showed a head, but she recognized that the person above was not others, but herself.

In the photo, I was still wearing the uniform of the International Trade Institute, with long hair, holding textbooks and walking on a path covered with fallen leaves, laughing happily. I don't know when he took the picture.

Ye Fei can't help but hook up the corner of her lip, but when she is lost, a sharp eye falls on her body, her hand trembles, subconsciously turns her head to look at the man on the sofa.

Su Mo Han did not know when he had opened his eyes, staring at the necklace and wallet in the hands of Ye Fei, and his face was gloomy.

"I I I saw you fall asleep on the sofa... "

Before ye Fei's words are finished, Su Mo Han has thrown away the blanket and snatched the wallet and necklace in the hands of Ye Fei.

When he saw the picture in the wallet, Su Mo was cold and staring at the concubine ye, and his eyes were sinister.

Damn it!

He was hidden under other photos. How could she find him all at once!

"That The picture in the wallet It's like me. " Ye Fei looked at Su Mo Han innocently, facing his burning eyes, and spoke softly.

Su Mo Han glanced at the photos, and then looked up at Ye Fei. He wanted to find an excuse to explain this phenomenon. But after thinking for a long time, he could not think of any suitable excuse.

Ye Fei blinked a pair of smart eyes, looked at the man in front of her, and said, "Su Mo Han You Have you been thinking about me

Hearing her question, Su Mo Han's blue veins on his forehead obviously beat a few minutes: "miss you? Ben Shao just It's just

"What is it?" Ye Fei raised her eyebrows.

"Just to remind myself how much I hate you!" Su Mohan gave a far fetched explanation from his teeth.

Ye Fei talked and nodded, a posture that I understood and I understood

Su Mo's cold face turned red, but he couldn't think of how to explain why this photo appeared in his wallet!

Looking at his angry appearance, ye Fei's mouth floated a smile and said in a soft voice: "I didn't expect that you have been thinking of me like this all the time. I thought..."

"I miss you?"

"Yes, you remind yourself how much you hate me every day, don't you think of me? Don't remember how I hate me? Do you think so? " Ye Fei's mood looks obviously good.

Su Mo Han clenches her teeth and stares at Ye Fei. After a long time, she vomites out a sentence: "self indulgent!"

Seeing that he picked up the clothes and turned her head, ye Fei rushed to catch up and said, "Su Mo Han, can that necklace be returned to me?"

"You deserve it?"

"But you haven't given it to others for so many years. It seems that you haven't found a suitable family. If not, I'll take care of it for you first ~" Ye Fei plans to carry out the brazen spirit to the end.

Su Mohan stopped, looked back at the woman in front of her full of expectation, and said word by word: "I will not give it to you even if I throw it in the garbage can!"

Ye Fei squints a pair of crescent eyes and smiles: "are you suggesting that I go to the garbage can?"