
Aware of his kiss, Xiang Tianqing's reaction suddenly became intense, struggling to push him away.

However, Yin Shaolong did not agree. He pressed her hand firmly against the wall to prevent her from moving. After leaving her lip a few millimetres away, she looked at her carefully, but still could not resist it and put it on her lips again.

The soft tongue tried to slide into her mouth. Xiang Tianqing was stiff, and she was still biting her teeth. The whole person trembled slightly, and tears whirled in her eyes.

"Well, relax." Sensing her nervousness, Yin Shaolong opened his mouth in a soft voice, like a Wang Qinghong, with a touch of magic.

However, this magic had no effect on Xiang Tianqing. Seeing him leave for a few minutes and struggling again, his voice was choked: "Yin Shaolong You put... "

It seems that he knew her like the palm of his hand. At the moment when she opened her mouth, Yin Shaolong's lips pressed on her lips again, and his cold tongue slipped into her mouth. He greedily picked up her breath and explored every corner of her life.

Xiang Tianqing's words were directly swallowed in his mouth, only to feel a slightly cold tongue constantly entangled with her, making her stiff like a stone.

Two people's bodies tightly fit each other, and there is almost no gap. Yin Shaolong releases one of her hands and involuntarily takes her waist. But when he releases her, Xiang Tianqing struggles to run out again.

But the other hand was still held by him. Yin Shaolong pulled her over again and said in a deep voice, "don't go..."

"Pa --"

Xiang Tianqing, who was pulled back, slapped him with his hands. The clear fingerprint fell on his side face, but it was very clear in the dim light.

Everything seems to be still with this crisp slap.

Yin Shaolong was stunned at the spot, and his cheek was hot.

Tears whirled in her eyes, but they did not fall. Her whole body was trembling, but said: "Yin Shaolong, don't touch me again!"

Still standing still, she raised her other hand, grabbed his wrist, and took his hand off her wrist.

Red eyes deep look at him, and then do not look back to turn away.

Yin Shaolong's eyes fell on her back. The whole person was a little lonely. He said to himself in a low voice: "I just want to hold you."

Xiang Tianqing stopped for two seconds, but without hesitation, he ran into his room and closed the door tightly.

Yin Shaolong lowered his eyes and sat on the sofa in silence.

Is he too anxious?

But the more she tried to hide, the more he couldn't control himself.

Compared with the silence on the sofa at the moment, Xiang Tianqing in the room at the moment is not better. At the moment when the door is closed, her legs are soft, and the whole person directly falls on the ground, remembering the kiss just now in her mind.

He raised his hand and touched his lips. It seemed that his breath still remained on it.

Even she couldn't tell why, she didn't seem to be so annoying

Xiang Tianqing can't help laughing at herself. What's wrong with her?

I should have put up with this kind of behavior of a man I just knew.

Soft light shrouded her body, two slender arms covered with large red dots, Xiang Tianqing this time came back to mind, quickly climbed up from the ground, gently trembling from the bag to turn out a plate of white tablets.