Liu Wuyi and his son’s lives were back to normal. The only thing that changed was instead of sleeping at home while his father was collecting herbs in the mountains, Zixiu was practicing the basic skills of Qing Kung. Those soldiers who had come for the “magic herb” didn’t leave, but surprisingly, though they were sometimes very close to their house, Zixiu had never seen them. Several times as he stood by the gate, he even heard people talking loudly and dogs barking, but still, he saw nobody. Only then did he understand why his father was so confident that no one could find them! However, he still couldn’t see what Liu Wuyi was up to! What was so magical about the Cirrus Valley?

The better part of a month had passed. As the next day was the 15th of the month, Liu Wuyi was preparing the herbs for sale in the town. Unable to hold back his curiosity, Zixiu finally poured out his questions at the risk of being lectured and criticized by his father. “Dad, are you serious that you’re going to town?”

“Why not?” Liu Wuyi counted the medicinal herbs intently without looking up. “It’s getting cold. I need to buy some thick clothes for you. Moreover, we’re running out of salt.”

“Dad, what if you meet those soldiers there?”

“I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. I’ve been picking medicinal herbs under their noses every day, but none of them has ever found me! Seems they have no brains!”

“But the town is not like the mountains where there are many trees to hide from…”

“No worries! As I dare to go down the mountain, I’m not afraid that Nangong Du will make trouble! Besides, we can’t stay at home forever just to avoid meeting him! ”

‘What dad said is reasonable, but…’

Zixiu still felt restless, so after hesitating for a while, he continued, “Dad, are you sure that no outsiders can find us in the Cirrus Valley?”

“Of course! Years ago, I…” Liu Wuyi suddenly checked his tongue halfway into his words, as if he had just swallowed a mosquito. Seeing that his son didn’t sense anything wrong, he immediately corrected himself subtly. “I’ve blocked off the paths into the valley, so no outsiders can find us unless they risk their lives by climbing the cliff!”

“I see!” Zixiu nodded. At this point, he suddenly remembered the portrait of the Princess Liuxu, so he continued, “Dad, why do we live in such a secluded place?”

“A secluded place?” Liu Wuyi froze for a few seconds with a trace of complex look crossing his eyes. However, he regained his composure soon and answered, making an understatement, “The Lius have lived here for generations. The terrain of the valley may be a little complicated, but it’s not so secluded!”

“Er… Do we have any relatives?” Zixiu thought as the princess and he looked so much alike, they must be related by blood.

“You still have some maternal relatives, but we’ve been out of touch with them for years!”


Being bombarded with questions, Liu Wuyi became even more suspicious that his son had known something, but he didn’t show anything special on his face. “Your grandparents were not satisfied with me, their son-in-law!”

“Er…” To avoid his father’s embarrassment, Zixiu stopped asking questions.

The next day, given how well he knew those soldiers in recent days, Liu Wuyi chose to go down the mountain by the way he used to take to sell medical herbs. After a day in the town, he not only returned safe and sound but also learned that because of the missing of Princess Liuxu, Prince Mu had been banished to his fief in the name of convalescence.

A month later, Liu Wuyi went to the town on the 15th again, but still, nothing happened.

Therefore, the two were certain that they had overestimated Nangong Du, and those useless soldiers would get nothing in the end no matter how hard they searched the mountains, so there was nothing to worry about!

In the peace of life, Zixiu’s belly grew bigger day by day. ‘Heavens! Is it really a FAKE pregnancy?’