While Kraft was dreaming in the life support module, sol, who was exiled to the earth, came to the place where the Thor hammer fell with the help of Jane foster.

Because of the noise made by Kraft before, the security here is much deeper and stricter than before.

"You wait here. I'll get the hammer and your equipment back."

Sol said that before Jane foster stopped him, he rushed to the temporary base of the Divine Shield Bureau.

It was only as soon as he had drilled through the barbed wire that he had been found.

"Find the intruder! Find the intruder! "

Before Kraft's invasion, the s.h.i.e.l.d. strengthened its alert again, the alarm in the base was sounded again, and the agents of the s.h.l.d. quickly surrounded sol.

"Ha! Then come! "

Thor, the God of thunder, was not afraid, but no longer hid his figure and chose a positive breakthrough.

Although deprived of divine power, Sol's thousands of years of war experience is not a decoration. Even a pig can have a skill in a thousand years, not to mention Thor, a pioneer general.

On the premise of not using guns, the agents of the s.h.i.e.l.d. are not Sol's opponents at all, but they have a large number. One fell and a group of them. Sol, who lost his divine power blessing, finally fell under the human sea tactics of the agents of the s.h.l.d. because of his lack of strength, he didn't even see Miao ernir's face.

It's also because he didn't see it, or he would look like his brother rocky.

Thor's hammer... Does it look like this?

As Sol's weapon, melnier can't be unknown to rocky, but what's the extra part? Did something go wrong in throwing it to midgart?

Rocky, who came to the hammer of Thor by magic, looked carefully at the hammer in the pit. He wanted to take the hammer of Thor himself while sol was exiled, but now he saw the shape of Miao ernier

Suddenly I don't want it.

Of course, rocky just thinks so. For him, the satisfaction of getting Sol's weapons is beyond everything.

Reaching for the handle of Thor's hammer, rocky pulled it out twice.

not to turn a hair.

"Well, it looks real."

Rocky had long expected his failure, so he was not particularly disappointed, but he was more dissatisfied with Odin's eccentricity.

Because his life experience was concealed, Rocky's state of mind had changed a lot at this time.

As the God of lies and fraud, of course, the most annoying thing is to be deceived. This is a mockery of your profession!

Unable to lift the Thor's hammer, rocky came to the place where sol was temporarily detained by the s.h.i.e.l.d. while Colson was interrogating him.

"Who are you? Why did you break in? "

"Sol odinson, son of Odin, I'm here to take my hammer."

Sol, who didn't touch mirnier, replied very cooperatively. This is also because he had been with Jane foster for some time and had a basic understanding of his current situation. Otherwise, he wouldn't be as patient as he is now.


"Yes, some people call me that."

Sol shrugged and looked indifferent. In fact, he was very proud of his fame.

"So, why did you... And your hammer appear on the earth?"

"Because I made a big mistake," Sol's mood dropped suddenly. "My father Odin deprived me of my divine power and exiled me to midgart. I have to stay here until he forgives me."


Colson has also mended Nordic mythology in recent days. Of course, the word midgart is not strange.

Although it's still a little incredible, in fact, Colson has believed most of it. Observing words and expressions is a basic skill for an agent. In front of him, the guy who claims to be Thor looks very serious when talking about these Arabian Nights. He doesn't seem to be lying, except that he is also an agent or a psychopath.

If he is a psychopath, it's too coincidental, and he can easily overturn the combat effectiveness of s.h.i.e.l.d. agents. Although he is too weak compared with the legendary gods, sol just said that his divine power has been deprived by Odin, which logically makes sense.

"So, is it you who showed up here two days ago?"

Colson continued.

"Two days ago? Two days ago, I was in the facility called the hospital, "Sol shook his head and denied." after I was exiled to midgart, I was hit by your vehicle called a car, and then Jane and Eric took me there. "

"Are you talking about Jane foster and Professor Eric shavig?"

Colson quickly got to the point.

"Yes, Jane said you stole their equipment. I hope you can give it back to him. It will give you friendship from Thor."

Sol's face showed a silly smile.

"... well, if you're Thor, I'll think about it."

Colson touched his bald head and began to doubt Sol's identity. He thought this guy in front of him might be a fool fooled by Jane foster in order to cheat back their equipment.

But the necessary attempts were needed. Colson stood up and said, "come with me."

"Thank you! You are not as unkind as Jane said! "

Coulson, who was followed by sol, slapped him on the back and said with a broad smile.

Coulson glanced at sol and said nothing more.

Whether sol is Thor or a fool, or both, Colson doesn't have to worry too much about him.

Take sol to the place where Thor's hammer is located. Before Colson can speak, impatient sol jumps into the pit with an arrow step.

"Milnell! My old man... What's going on?! "

Looking at the inexplicably small piece of pipe on the hammer, sol was furious. He grabbed Colson's collar.

"What did you do to my milnell?!"

"Hey, hey, don't get excited." Coulson gestured to the agent in the distance to put down the muzzle of the gun and comforted sol in his anger. "It has nothing to do with us. Remember the man I said before? Two days ago, the hammer was suddenly made by thunder. There was a shadow in the thunder. After he disappeared, there was this little thing on the hammer. "

"How could..."

At a loss, sol loosened Colson's collar, and rocky, who was hiding, looked unbelievable.

"Miao ernir is made of URU metal. Few people can forge this metal except dwarves..."

Colson silently wrote down the information that sol inadvertently revealed when he was absent-minded. His reaction just didn't seem to be false. The possibility that it was Thor increased again.

Sol was stunned for a while and soon recovered. No matter what mirniel became, it was his own exclusive weapon. A little more pipe was nothing, and he wouldn't dislike it.

Sol came forward and held the handle of milnell's hammer and gently lifted it up as usual


The hammer didn't move.

Sol lifted it hard,

The hammer is still motionless.

With both hands on the handle of the hammer, sol used his milk strength, and Miao Ernie was still embedded in the ground, completely losing face to his master.

I'm despised by milnell!

Thor looked desperate.