Peter Jason quel, nicknamed starlord, is driving his beloved Milano to land on a planet called mogra.

The planet has long been abandoned for many years. Except for some tenacious wild animals, no intelligent creatures live on it.

As a member of the predator, Peter Quayle will come to this uninhabited planet because his predator team has received a commission to look for a thing called the cosmic spirit ball on the ruins of the planet.

Peter quill didn't know what the so-called cosmic spirit ball was for. He only knew that it was worth 150000 credit points, and he was going to get it before other predators arrived and trade it with brokers alone.

He jumped off the ship, put on his headphones and turned on the old walkman. Peter Quayle danced to the ruins of the cosmic spirit ball with music.

At this moment, he is the most beautiful cub on the planet!

Easily handle the gate and protective device of the relic. Xingjue threw the cosmic spirit ball in his hand and was about to leave. Several ferocious guys came into the relic.

In the face of these obviously ill intentioned intruders and their aiming at their guns, xingjue obediently raised his hands and handed over the cosmic spirit ball that had just started without covering the heat.

But the invaders didn't intend to let him go. They took his 150000 yuan and planned to escort him to the accuser Ronan.

Ronan is no stranger to the name xingjue. As a member of the famous predators in the universe, they have been paying attention to some bad guys in the universe, and the accuser Ronan is also the most troublesome among the bad guys.

This is a war madman with strong strength and strong troops.

Even though the Kerry people and the shandar people have long signed a peace treaty, Ronan, the senior level of the Kerry people, and his subordinates continue to attack the shandar people, killing all men, women, children and old.

Although xingjue is not from shandar, he is not interested in giving his life to Ronan, a madman, not to mention his 150000 credit points are still in Ronan's hands

So while talking nonsense with the mechanical head of the leader, he secretly took out an electric grenade from his pocket and threw it at the feet of the two mechanical heads escorting him.

Pull out the element gun at the waist and knock down the mechanical head of the leader. Xingjue picked up the cosmic spirit ball that fell to the ground.

However, before he was happy for a while, Ronan's men, who had been shot before, got up unharmed from the ground and pulled the trigger at him.

An iron plate bridge escaped the violent rays. The star Lord grabbed the cosmic spirit ball and fled to the hole just smashed out behind him, while Ronan's men followed closely, and there were several mechanical heads of the same shape near his spaceship.

"Damn it..."

Xingjue threw a magnetic trap and temporarily trapped the Ronan's men guarding the ship. Then he rolled into his Milano before the pursuers behind him chased him.

Just as he was sitting in the driver's seat and preparing to start the spacecraft, several light beams suddenly fell in the sky, piercing the wings of his spacecraft and destroying the spacecraft parked next to Ronan.

"Generous crab!"

Xingjue angrily beat the front operation panel, and then looked up at the sky. He wanted to see who dared to provoke Ronan and the predator at the same time.

On the other side, Luo Nan's subordinates who broke away from the magnetic trap and chased them also raised their heads.

I saw a huge figure falling slowly from the air.

This is a huge robot with a height of more than ten meters. The overall color matching is mainly red, white and black. The position of the robot's forehead and chest clearly represents the pirate's skeleton sign. The wings extending from the shoulders cover most of the robot like a cloak. The four thrusters behind it are opened in an X-shape and are spitting out a kind of fluorescent green particles.

"Cosmic pirate... Death pioneer..."

Peter quill swallowed his saliva and murmured.

Like the accuser Ronan, the cosmic pirate is also one of the "bad guys" concerned by the predators. Unlike Ronan, who has been famous for a long time, this cosmic pirate named death pioneer is a mysterious force that has suddenly emerged recently.

However, the short time of fame does not mean that their strength is general. On the contrary, the force calling itself the death Pioneer has been very strong from the beginning.

As soon as they appeared, they robbed a resource ship destined for the HIA empire. After empty the resources on the ship, they not only did not leave, but carelessly docked the ship to a nearby planet.

A group of bounty hunters who wanted to please the HIA Empire decisively launched an attack on them. As a result, the other party only sent a human walking canine to beat the bounty hunters away. Finally, they mortgaged all their ships to the death pioneer one by one before they were released.

Later, the HIA Empire also sent troops to encircle and suppress the mother ship of the death pioneer. As a result, the HIA empire lost a big loss and was chased and cut by a group of robots with fluorescent green particles waving lightsabers.

Of course, the HIA empire could not easily let go of the cosmic pirates such as the death pioneer, launched several encirclement and suppression, and invited some bounty hunters who are also famous in the universe as foreign aid.

Of course, the result is obvious. If they succeed, Peter Quayle will not see the iconic giant robot of the death pioneer here

"We are the subordinates of the accuser Ronan, the death pioneer! If you don't want to offend Ronan, you'd better not meddle in our affairs! "

The leader who took a shot from xingjue but was unharmed shouted at the landing pirate Gundam.

Different from the name of xingjue, the name of death pioneer is well-known in the interstellar society recently. In order not to affect Ronan's mission, his men decided to give priority to peace talks.

But even in the peace talks, Ronan's subordinates put themselves in a higher position.

Because compared with the death pioneer who just broke through the fame, the name of accuser Ronan is more deterrent, and his subordinates don't think these cosmic pirates dare to be enemies with their masters.

The pirate's head turned to Ronan, who was shouting at him, and then a huge light blade pierced out from under its steel cloak, directly turning the unknown guys into ashes.

"Hey! wait! I'm not with them! "

Seeing that the giant robot turned its eyes to itself, xingjue quickly jumped out of the cockpit of Milano, waved his hands and shouted.

"I also come from the earth! You are also Earthlings, aren't you?! We are our own! "

Peter quill can swear to his walkman that although there are other forces in the name of pirates in the stars, he has never seen the pirate culture with the symbol of skeleton outside the earth, so he is almost 100% sure that these cosmic pirates called death pioneer must come from the earth.

It is said that the leader of this group of cosmic pirates is a woman named "Red Queen". Maybe he can have a deep soul love with her.

Mr. xingjue, holding his hands high, was nervous and had time for pink delusions.