If the eyes can hurt people, at this time, the man is afraid to have changed thousands of vicissitudes and hundreds of holes.

"Don't worry, younger martial sister Yun. I happen to meet the Li family this time. If you don't help me, I will be punished by my father if you go back. Please don't worry, younger martial sister. The two elders who follow me are already strong in the foundation period. Wait a minute, I'll ask the two elders for help in person. With the elder's love for me, I will certainly promise to help. Then It's not easy to subdue the black tiger spirit in the forest. "

The young man named Li Jiangchen showed elegant demeanor, which could be seen by Princess chuyun, with a pleasing charm in it.

"Thank you, elder martial brother." Princess chuyun smiled sweetly at Jiangchen, and immediately stared at each other, with a look of obsession in her eyes.


But behind them, Qin Hai almost went crazy without jealousy. He slapped the tree around him, shook the tree violently, and the leaves fell down.

Speaking of this, it was three days ago.

At that time, Princess chuyun used the divine talisman to run fast. Emperor Shitian was blocked by those talismans of Zheng Baichuan, and immediately let them run without trace.

The divine talisman can travel thousands of miles a day. It's not blowing. It didn't take long to rush out of the mountain. However, it didn't come to the place where it came in before, but appeared in another direction of the mountain. Because they were afraid that emperor Shitian would catch up with them, they still didn't stop after leaving the mountains, and sped forward for a long distance.

But unexpectedly, it also happened that they ran into Li Jiangchen who came out to experience all the way.

Speaking of Li Jiangchen, it's not small.

In this world, there are differences between the secular world and the immortal world. Generally speaking, people in the immortal world rarely have too much intersection with the secular world. Concentrate on the road of cultivating immortality, seize every inch of time to practice, and hope to break through to a higher level before the end of Shouyuan.

Therefore, in the secular world, although there are legends of immortals, they are rarely seen.

However, there is a special case, that is, Xiuxian aristocratic family.

What is an immortal cultivation family? In fact, this family is a family type immortal cultivation family. For example, if a disciple of a sect in the immortal world feels that he can't achieve much on the road of cultivating immortality, he will go down the mountain and marry a wife and have children in the secular world. There is a great chance that the blood of the immortal will produce children with spiritual roots.

Then, pass down the immortal cultivation skills to these children, so that the children of the family can embark on the road of immortal cultivation. After decades or hundreds of years, they can form an immortal family.

Such an immortal family is not only related to the immortal world, but also inseparable from the secular world. It is a very special existence. However, the power of some large families that have been inherited for hundreds of years and thousands of years is often quite deep. Some super aristocratic families are almost comparable to the immortal sects in the immortal world.

There are strict divisions in aristocratic families. For example, only a few people in a family who have spiritual roots and have not reached the foundation period are divided into the lowest third rate aristocratic families. Those who have an expert in the foundation period can be called second rate aristocratic families. The aristocratic family with the strong in jiedan period has stepped into the scope of first-class aristocratic family.

As for the super aristocratic family, that is, the top Xiuxian aristocratic family, there are old monsters in their infancy. Such an aristocratic family can be comparable to those sects in the immortal world. Often, the strength of savings is quite huge.

As for Li Jiangchen, he is the little master of the first-class family Li family. There is a strong man in jiedan period in the family. The aristocratic family is located in the state of Chu.

After walking together for some time, Princess chuyun found an excuse and went back to the house.

Looking at the cloud princess who returned to the room, where did Li Jiangchen's eyes have the previous obsession and restore Qingming. Also turned away and entered a wooden house that looked better in the mountain village.

As soon as he came in, he saw that in the room, two middle-aged men sat silently meditating on Yungong.

"Second uncle, third uncle, chener has just agreed to Princess chuyun's request and went into the mountain to help her catch the strange black tiger." Li Jiangchen respectfully reported back to them.

Hearing the sound, I saw one on the left, gently opened his eyes, looked at him, nodded approvingly, and said, "dustfall, you did a good job. Remember, catching the black tiger is a small thing. As long as you have a relationship with the Chu family, you'd better win the heart of the little princess of the Chu family, which will be of countless benefits to our whole family."

"Chen'er, your second uncle is right." at this time, another person also opened his eyes and said gently: "Although our Li family has an old ancestor and is crowded into the first-class Xiuxian family, compared with the Chu family, we are ants in front of elephants. As long as you can get in touch with the little princess of the Chu family, our family's status will not only be stable, but also have the opportunity to produce a primordial expert."

"Jiangchen knows." with a flash of light in Li Jiangchen's eyes, he quickly opened his mouth and said, "chener previously promised Princess Yun to go into the mountain to help her catch the black tiger tomorrow. According to them, the black tiger is no small matter. I'm afraid we need to ask the second and third uncles to do it at that time."

"Don't worry, when you are in danger, your third uncle and I will rescue you naturally."

"Thank you, uncle two, uncle three!"

After saluting respectfully, Li Jiangchen withdrew from the wooden house.

In the wooden house where Princess chuyun lived, her face also showed a strange look. Looking outside, she murmured: "I was going to send a letter to ask the family to send someone to help, but that would certainly disturb the rest of the family. If I knew I was almost in danger, it would be difficult to come out next time. Now that I met the Li family, I just borrowed their hand to help me catch the black tiger."

Then she waved her small fists in the air, showing a shrewd light in her eyes, and said, "black tiger, you can't run away. The more powerful you are, the more I want to catch you and be the princess's spirit beast."

As a royal woman, how can she look at her with the eyes of an ordinary woman? If she doesn't say well, she will suffer a great loss.

But he said. Led by the wolf king, he ran continuously for more than an hour before finally reaching a towering and steep mountain.

"What a dangerous mountain."

Emperor Shitian stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the sky. An idea naturally appeared in his heart.

I saw that this mountain is full of strange phosphorus and strange stones. There are cliffs everywhere. They are awe inspiring and quite steep. Even experts with martial arts are difficult to climb in such a mountain. If they are not good, they will fall down from the hillside and break to pieces. It is really terrible.

Moreover, the mountain is bare, without half a plant, and there is no trace of trees. It looks dead and depressing when people approach it.

However, on this cliff, there are large and small caves. You can vaguely see that there are figures moving in the caves.

"King, this is where the vultures live." the wolf king looked and reported to Emperor Shitian.

In fact, Emperor Shitian has also seen the danger of this mountain. Moreover, vultures always like to live on cliffs. They can shelter themselves by drilling a cave on it. It is quite safe. It can be said that it is the most suitable place for vultures to live.

There was great silence around.


Emperor Shi Tian jumped onto a big stone and took a deep breath. On his forehead, the purple King's pattern kept beating like a flame. He opened his big mouth and looked up to the sky with a tiger roar that broke the sky.


The roar of the tiger sounded in this silent field, like a sudden thunderbolt, shocked the world. The roar of the tiger was long and continuous. The domineering tiger power and the natural King's spirit of the king of beasts filled the world with the roar of the tiger. There was an impulse to make people admire at their feet. The roar was even more full of a trace of the tyranny of the king in the world and a strong sense of provocation.


This tiger roar enveloped the whole mountain. On the spot, a large group of vultures were startled on the cliff. These vultures, feeling the strong and domineering tiger power, panicked and flew in midair. Looking down, the black tiger's eyes showed a strong color of fear.


At this time, a sharp cry appeared in the sky. Although the sound was not as loud as that of emperor Shitian, it was quite sharp. Hearing this cry, the panicked vultures suddenly seemed to find the backbone, calm down and look at the highest mountain.


A huge wind came. When you look up, you can see that a huge vulture ten times larger than an ordinary vulture flew out, with a cluster of golden feathers on the top of the vulture. Its mouth is extremely sharp, and its eyes are as sharp as a sharp arrow. It seems that it can pierce people.

The two claws under the body are like hooks, flashing a terrible cold light. One claw can cover a person's head under the claws, and immediately catch several big holes to catch the head. It can be seen that it is quite shocking. Needless to say, this is the king of vultures, the vulture king.

The vulture king was startled by the provocative tiger roar of emperor Shitian.

In the face of provocation, no king can avoid it. Once he avoids it, he will lose all his prestige in the ethnic group and can no longer be the king of an ethnic group.


The vulture spread its huge wings and waved several times in the air. Suddenly, it bent down and rushed, stretched out two sharp claws, and grabbed emperor Shitian without hesitation. The attack had no omen. It just wanted to kill emperor Shitian with one blow.