The demon force flows like a river in the meridians. The meridians are rivers. At this time, the meridians are like dry and cracked rivers under the scorching sun. The demon force flows through and gives the dry and cracked land the best water. The cracks gradually begin to heal and recover in the silence of this moistening thing.

The strength of being counterattacked by the rock, coupled with his own full blow, has all the consequences for himself, that is, there are cracks in the meridians and great damage to the internal organs in his body. Such damage can not be recovered in a short day. Now, Emperor Shitian can only use the medicine in julingdan to restore his demon power, Then nourish the injured place a little bit.

The jade embryo was temporarily sealed in his mind. No matter how magical the jade embryo is, it will be something in the future. Now, what is imminent is not the jade embryo, but the immediate transfer.

Adjust your own state and try to cope with the upcoming migration in the best state you can achieve.

Just as emperor Shitian silently recovered from his injury, the creatures in Huqiu mountain were in a state of panic.

Because they found that in the mountains, the kings went out at the same time in a similar time, and they were not one. They went out to take all ethnic groups away from their permanent residence.

In the monkey Valley, thousands of monkeys, large and small, left the monkey Valley one by one. Most of these monkeys carried things, wrapped and wrapped with animal fur, or fruits or seeds. There were many strong apes with large bamboo tubes of different lengths on their backs. Everyone pays special attention to the bamboo tube. Together, there are hundreds.

There are many, with the seedlings of fruit trees.

It has to be said that the race with a king is often very different from those without a king. If it is another ethnic group, it will certainly not make so many preparations for moving. However, the monkey did.

Under the leadership of a golden ape with a full height of one person, several strong wild wolves led the way. The monkey family moved away, left the monkey Valley and rushed to the gathering place designated by Emperor Shitian.

On the vulture peak, at one moment, an amazing number of vultures suddenly flew out. One of them was the first. It was huge. Its wings were spread out, several meters wide. It flapped its wings and brought gusts of wind around. The speed was very fast. The cluster of golden feathers on its head was like a golden fireworks. Just like a phoenix standing in a flock of chickens, it is very different. Leading the eagles, they also soared to the middle of the mountain.

On the ground, one by one, in different colors, colorful, big or small poisonous snakes climbed out of the mountain stream without any sign. Countless, dense, and people's scalp would be numb. First, there was a white Python as thick as a bucket. It swam fast on the ground, and perfect scales kept wriggling.

When the snakes pass through the mirror, they provoke all kinds of birds and animals in front of them, one by one, like the riots, and keep running in all directions. Such a number of snakes can no longer be countered by ordinary animals. Even an elephant will be swallowed by the snakes at this time, even if there are no bones left.

The eagle flies in the sky and the snake climbs on the ground. They go in the same direction.

At the same time, in different areas of the mountains, the three ethnic groups rushed to the same place. This momentum is not huge. All animals disappeared wherever they passed.

If the speed of Kings wants to reach their destination, it naturally doesn't take long. However, ordinary people don't have that speed. Therefore, they start to set out just in the evening. In this way, they can reach their destination before the agreed time.

In the morning, the first ray of light blooms from the East and is reflected on the clouds in the sky. The clouds are rendered as a piece of red, with purple coming from the East. The rays of light dissipate the original darkness, the earth recovers, and there is light again. The golden sunshine is sprinkled on the vegetation in the mountains, and the drops of dew become colorful. Crystal clear, the moment is beautiful.

"Boom, boom!"

A waterfall falls vertically from the mountain peak and falls into the pool. It excites layers of clear water, and the water vapor with faint fragrance permeates the valley. Take a deep breath, giving people a relaxed and happy supreme enjoyment.


In the cave, Emperor Shitian was covered with a thick layer of black gas. The black gas condensed but did not disperse. It shrouded around and kept rolling. Around, the power of heaven and earth quickly entered the black gas. Just listen to a long exhalation, the black gas rolled violently, then quickly rushed to the middle, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Showing a powerful body in the middle.

A huge black tiger was crawling on the ground. It was two sizes of an ordinary tiger. Looking from a distance, you could feel a sharp breath turning on him. The king's breath of the king of beasts was condensed and not dispersed, and the purple King's pattern on his forehead was more obvious. Two tiger eyes opened fiercely, and two fine awns burst out from their eyes.

He stood up, shook his strong tiger body, and soared up with awe inspiring tiger power.

"I can only recover 60% of my strength in one night, and the rest can only be cured by slow recuperation." emperor Shitian has recovered more than half of his injuries in this night's recuperation, and he has no time to recuperate slowly. He can only recover slowly with time.

"Monkey King, they should have all reached the designated destination, and it's time to migrate."

Emperor Shitian thought decisively, ran out of the cave, killed an adult deer, drank blood and meat, filled his stomach first, returned to the cave, tied the storage bag to his thigh, looked at the cave, and his eyes glittered with strange light. Think of the scene when I was just born before. There was a terrible cold in his eyes.

"Mother white tiger, brother and sister, don't worry. Even if those immortals catch you at the ends of the earth, I will achieve amazing accomplishments and save you. When I know who caught you, I will destroy them sooner or later."

He made up his mind secretly.

Turning around, there is no nostalgia. Huqiu mountain is just his first stop. Leaving the mountain is to step into a broader world. All the things to be taken away are put in the storage bag, and there is nothing in the hole.


Out of the cave, a startling tiger roared out of emperor Shitian's mouth, and his body jumped forward quickly. The direction is the valley under the waterfall.

The speed of shuttling through the mountains and forests was quite fast. Soon, the valley appeared in front of us.

At this time, the valley was different from the past. I only saw that over the valley, a strong goshawk kept circling in the high altitude. When I saw the emergence of emperor Shi Tian, a burst of Eagle howls sounded one after another. The apes who stayed all over the place immediately got up when they heard the chirp. Colorful snakes sprang out of the pool, Thousands of wolves lying on the ground also quickly stood up.

The kings of the four ethnic groups also took action to integrate their respective ethnic groups and stood up in the valley, a continuous and dark area.

"Welcome the king!!"

Under the leadership of the four kings, for a time, I saw that whether it was vultures, wolves, snakes or apes, they worshipped emperor Shitian in their own ways. Ordinary ethnic groups have limited spirituality, but everyone's eyes look at emperor Shitian with a trace of awe.

"Well!! get up."

Emperor Shitian nodded in a low voice, but his whole body was more invisible and dignified. Look at the number of four ethnic groups in the valley, which added up to more than 100000, mainly because the number of snakes was too many and numerous to count. For others, each ethnic group has a number of two or three thousand.

Taken together, it's really a huge number.

Imagine for a moment what a shocking sight it would be if the four ethnic groups were all gathered together, and then take the migration of ethnic groups. Such a momentum is shocking.

"Worship the moon, Bai Susu, are you four ready?"

"Wang, we are all ready. All the people have gathered here. As long as the king gives an order, his subordinates can start to move." Bai Yue said respectfully. They are not people. They don't need too many things. They just follow.

"Wang, where are we going to move?" the Condor Wang Yingkong suddenly asked.

"To the south, there are no people in the south. If we keep going south, we will always find a place suitable for us to live." emperor Shi Tianmu's eyes fell on Yingkong.

When Yingkong heard this, the light in his eyes flashed and said, "king, my subordinates can fly in the sky. They have left the mountains, looked around and visited the south. They have found a mountain larger than our mountain in the south. It is very hidden and there is a lot of powerful breath in it."

He is the king of vultures. Among the birds, he is absolutely fast. The eagle strikes the sky and soars in the world. After becoming the king, he has not always stayed on the vulture peak, but left and looked around. He has valuable knowledge compared with other kings who have never left the mountains.

As soon as emperor Shitian heard this, his eyes immediately burst out amazing light and realized that the place mentioned by Yingkong might really be a good place to go.

"Yingkong, what do you know about the mountains? Tell them all." without hesitation, he asked Yingkong. The other three leaders also focused on Yingkong.

The eagle was speechless, and immediately said everything he knew.

Originally, if you go from here to the south, it is called the land of Nanman. In that area, it is not suitable for ordinary people to survive, so all kinds of beasts run rampant——

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Bai Chou, a talented otaku in the game world, unexpectedly changed his system when playing the latest version of online game, and crossed into a different world. In the different world, he became a strong, loving and promising prisoner exiled by his family because of flirting with the princess.

Embarrassing—— This is a big joke.

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