Chapter 390

"Giggle, elder martial brother aochen, you should be careful. Brother Di may not be worse than you." the witch Ding Dang turned her eyes, showed a trace of cunning on her face, smiled and shouted. In my heart, I was also very surprised at emperor Shitian's combat power: almost, just a little short, aochen was really cut into two sections by that strange knife. It's a sharp knife technique and a domineering tiger roar. Emperor Shitian can't be underestimated.

"I'll cut you alive."

Dingdang's words undoubtedly add fuel to the fire. A proud person like aochen usually has eyes that are high above his head. There are absolutely few that can be put in his eyes. If he had suffered such a scene of life and death in Dingdang's hands just now, he might not be so angry in his heart. But who is emperor Shitian? In his eyes, he is just a monster like a mole ant. The ant that can easily be crushed to death doesn't pay attention to him at all. The more so, he suffered such a great loss in emperor Shitian's hands, which is no less than a great humiliation in his life.

On the spot, he roared angrily, "poop poop" there was a sound, and sword Qi spewed out wildly from the pores of his body. The blue light flashed between his eyebrows, and inexplicably flashed a green lotus mark. In this mark, a green ancient sword grew out of it inch by inch. The scene was strange. The ancient sword was only three inches long. As soon as it flew out, it was suspended in front of him.

Great power emanated from the sword. In the sword, there was a boundless pride that despised the common people like proud dust. Looking at the ancient sword, proud dust gently pointed to the ancient sword.

The body of the ancient sword trembled, gave out a soft chant, burst out a blue sword light, and stabbed the emperor Shitian in an instant. Countless residual shadows were pulled out in the air, but the real sword body had already appeared in front of emperor Shitian. The speed of the ancient sword was incredible, faster than lightning.

"If you want to cut the king alive, it depends on whether you have that ability."

Emperor Shi Tian's eyes contracted violently. When he saw the ancient sword, he had a strong feeling that the sword could threaten his life. His mind gathered unprecedentedly. Seeing the residual shadow in the air, his mind jumped, and the tiger's soul flashed behind him.

"Ding!! --"

The tiger spirit cut into the void, but suddenly made a strange light sound. Under the blade of the tiger spirit, the tip of the blue ancient sword just appeared below and fought with the tiger spirit. A strong sword spirit rushed into the knife from the ancient sword. But he was wiped out by Emperor Shitian with emperor Jizhen's power.

The ancient sword disappeared again. The emperor released the God's feeling. The tiger soul in his hand split to the left again and made a soft sound again. It was less than a second away from the previous sword. With unparalleled speed, the ancient sword pierces every key point of the body from all directions and from every angle, but it is wonderful that no matter how fast the ancient sword is, the tiger spirit can always stop the ancient sword.

The speed of the confrontation was so fast that the sword light and sword shadow around had no time to dissipate. They were connected outside. For a moment, it seemed as if thousands of ancient swords were launching a fierce attack on emperor Shitian, and Emperor Shitian himself directly became a demon God with thousands of arms and hands. Block all attacks again and again.

The attacks are all carried out at a very fast speed. After a group of attacks, it looks very long, but in fact it is just between a few breaths.

"Green lotus changes!!"

Aochen looked at emperor Shitian with awe inspiring killing intention. Under the attack of the ancient sword, he could still resist again and again. In a short time, he could not break the defense, which made his heart even colder. Drink gently in your mouth.

The ancient sword bursts out thousands of blue lights. The whole ancient sword is constantly shrinking in the light, and quickly turns into a blue lotus platform. The four products of the lotus platform. The green lotus looks natural without any defects. It shines with blue lights all over and rotates in the air. The aura of the surrounding heaven and earth was swallowed up by it like a tide. In the twinkling of an eye, it swallowed up the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. In the green lotus, there was still no sharp breath, but it was as calm as water.

Emperor Shi Tianxin jumped wildly and took a deep breath. He didn't feel any terrorist power in the green lotus. Just, an instinctive intuition told him that the calmer the green lotus is, the more terrible it is, and he dare not take it lightly. In the demon house, the demon refining tripod rotates wildly, and a pure Huang Jizhen force rushes out of the demon house like a surging river and passes through the demon vein quickly. What's more, he poured nothing into the tiger's soul.

"Ow!! -"

In the tiger's soul, a god tiger as dark as emperor Shi Tian sent out a tiger roar full of war spirit. After fighting again and again, the essence blood and evil spirit absorbed in the battle made the spirit in the tiger's soul more rich. The fishbone like lines on the tiger's soul flow like water.

"Huangji emperor's way - God and devil war!!"

In the knife, there was a sense of sadness that shocked the world and wept for ghosts and gods. It ran through the world and burst out a hundred Zhang knife awn. Thousands of gods and Demons flew out of the knife and covered the sky. The power emanated from the gods and Demons was not under the emperor's release. Waving the war knife, they burst out gorgeous tracks.

"The gods and demons are united and cut through the sky!!"

Emperor Shitian treated the seemingly harmless green lotus, and without hesitation displayed the strongest means of God and devil war, and thousands of gods and demons were integrated into the tiger's soul at the same time.


Emperor Shitian's body suddenly and violently grew, and his body "miso" grew wildly upward. In the twinkling of an eye, it was as high as 100 feet. His body was as huge as a giant. The golden light on the tiger spirit sword was unprecedented with the integration of a famous God and devil. Itself grew violently with the expansion of emperor Shitian. In the twinkling of an eye, It turns into a terrible Sabre with hundreds of feet. That infinite domineering spirit soared into the sky from the knife. In the knife, a black tiger roared up to the sky.

"Fit... Cross the robbery... Cross the robbery in the middle... Peak......"

The witch Ding Dang was stunned when she saw such incredible fighting skills. After seeing that thousands of demons were integrated into the tiger spirit, the terrorist force emitted from the tiger spirit was rising continuously. In a twinkling of an eye, she condensed the terrible sword idea of destroying heaven and earth in the knife at an incredible speed!!

"No way, I want you to die!!"

Aochen's face changed on the spot. He looked at the huge figure like a giant, roared and pointed at the green lotus. Suddenly, the green lotus drew green light and rushed to the emperor Shitian.

"Chop!! --"

Feel the earth shaking terror in the knife. Emperor Shi Tian's eyes burst out two terrible lights and split them with a knife——

This knife, like breaking the waves and dividing the waves, like breaking the clouds and guiding the moon, seems to be the only one in heaven and earth. The startling light of the knife, straight through the clouds and through the air, splits a terrible crack in the void in front of me. The crack is as gorgeous as a blade. The knife also carries the sense of sadness of the heroic end when the infinite gods and Demons fall.

Spread, all the creatures around couldn't help being affected, and they seemed to be transformed into the fallen gods and demons.

"Bang!! --"

The tiger spirit is extremely overbearing and powerful. The green lotus is introverted but arrogant. There is no unexpected collision between the two. With a loud bang, thousands of terrible sword Qi exploded from the green lotus, crushing everything within the coverage, collapsing the void and annihilating everything. The green lotus whirled violently, and countless sword Qi was thrown out of it. It integrates with the surrounding world and constantly absorbs the power of heaven and earth. The attack continued.

Constantly bombarding the tiger's soul. Compete with the tiger spirit!!

"Broken!! --"

However, no matter how strong the green lotus is, its sword Qi is scattered. Although it constantly blows on the tiger's soul, it constantly destroys the power of the tiger's soul. However, after all, it can't completely stop emperor Shitian, a knife that even heaven and earth have to split. Smashed countless sword Qi all the way. Then he cut it on the green lotus.

The green lotus exploded violently, annihilated the surrounding space, suddenly turned into an ancient sword, moaned, and rushed into the center of aochen's eyebrows like lightning. The light on the tiger soul blade was dim again, but it still split the annihilated area, and appeared on his head towards aochen with the terrible power of destroying the sky and the earth.

For a time, even the air under the knife began to solidify.

"Sword field!!"

Ao Chen roared wildly. Just when the tiger soul sword was about to cut off, a strange wave broke out from him. Suddenly, he saw that in the space around him, it was secretly twisted and rippled in circles, as if something was overlapping with the surrounding space.

At the speed visible to the naked eye, a strange world with the size of only three or four feet appeared around aochen and wrapped him in it. In this small world, there were all kinds of ancient swords everywhere, all inserted on the ground, like a sword tomb, filled with different sword Qi. There was no power except sword Qi.

This is his sword field, which completely belongs to the sword world!!

The sword realm comes. In it, he is God. He can master everything and has infinite power.


Emperor Shitian's Sabre is too fierce. No matter what field is not, it will be directly cut in the sword field. This knife is against the power of a field. During the collision, we can see that thousands of ancient swords inserted in the sword field are flying wildly, and thousands of sword Qi burst out from the sword, supporting the whole sword field.

After a moment of stalemate, the sword area vibrated violently, but the edge of the tiger's soul was consumed by the power erupted in the sword area.

"Qiang!! --"

When he returned with his sword, Emperor Shi Tian looked at each other coldly, and couldn't help sighing: This is the field. It can have such incredible power. No wonder "Ming" said that in the field, those who don't condense the field are mole ants. Indeed, it is unique. However, although the field is powerful, it's wrong to think that you can beat me.

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