Chapter 754

The anger of ghosts and gods, the sound wave of ghosts and gods is the highest and unique skill.

With the ghost emperor's own supreme will, there is a supreme power to completely collapse the heaven and earth. That will belongs to the will of the strongest person in the world. Can it be resisted by the demon soul at the peak of the devil's early days that day? It was only drunk on the spot and died in seven holes.

The world's strong, how can they be humiliated!!

The power of the ghost emperor should not be offended. Anyone who offends should be punished!!

"Old devil."

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Just a few breaths after the ghost emperor broke the coffin of the Kowloon Emperor, a heavenly demon fell. This scene, in the eyes of the star picking old devil, was simply appalled and wanted to be heartbroken, and there was a kind of fear in his heart immediately. Derived from the idea of escape.

The reason why he dared to come here was that he found that the ghost emperor Fengdu was sleeping in the coffin of the Kowloon Emperor and ate the ghost seal in his body. In addition, he was confident that he could completely seal the coffin of the Kowloon Emperor, but he didn't expect things to change one after another. He was inexplicably forced to eat the ghost seal. Moreover, the ghost emperor woke up and killed the ten thousand ghost demons with supreme will in an instant. This terrible scene disintegrated all the fighting spirit in his heart on the spot.

I'm kidding. Let him fight with the awakened Fengdu ghost emperor. It's much better to seek death than here.


This idea suddenly appeared in the mind of the old devil who picked up the star.

"The stars kill the immortal flag, overturn the universe, reverse the void, and the stars move greatly!!"

Without hesitation, the old demon who picked up the star immediately showed the magic flag in his hand in the wind, and suddenly wrapped his whole magic body in the magic flag. Around the magic flag, hundreds of millions of stars showed a star sky scene that had been reduced by many times. Present the ancient star space, in which hundreds of millions of stars burst out the light of countless stars, showing a distorted scene.

The starry sky moves greatly and can appear at the other end from one end of the starry space in an instant. It can cross the starry sky and appear millions of miles away in an instant. It is a peerless secret magic power that transcends the void.

The space is rapidly distorted at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the stars in it seem to be about to escape directly.

However, just before the big shift of the starry sky was launched.

"Heaven punishes God's eyes - annihilation!!"

A voice like Tianwei came out of the star immortal flag without warning. The sound was as if it had come from somewhere. With a kind of awe inspiring vastness.


As the voice fell, the whole star Zhuxian flag seemed to have suffered a severe blow. On the surface of the whole flag, stars quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, I saw a purple and gold divine light breaking the flag directly from the magic flag and tearing a crack in the flag.

"Not good!! damn it."

The whole face of the old devil who picked up the star was as disgusting as eating a fly. He couldn't help yelling: "demon, what a demon! Why did something happen to me at this time? It's over. It's really over this time." his eyes completely turned red. The originally twisted space suddenly stopped.

The great movement of the starry sky stopped at once.

Look at the big dark hole on the flag of the star killing immortal flag.


In the flag, a golden knife flashed, and a figure followed the broken flag from the flag.

"The devil is you. You dare to destroy the good deeds of the devil. Today, I will kill you and take your heart."

The old devil who picked up the star saw that emperor Shitian broke the flag from the star killing immortal flag. His eyes were red. He was angry and wanted to spit out fire. Even his nose was crooked and roared.

The right hand, in an instant, leaned over. Strangely, what this magic hand probes into is not emperor Shi Tian, but a fist sized night pearl embedded in the temple.

Star picking hand - steal the day!!

In an instant, Emperor Shitian only felt that his heart was bound by a strange force and went out of the body silently. In an instant, I didn't even have a chance to react. I just felt that my body was empty and tight. In the blink of an eye, a purple gold heart appeared in the hand of the old devil who picked the star. In his chest, a fist sized night pearl strangely replaced the position of his heart.

Steal the day. It's really stealing the day.

Even the heart can be stolen in an instant and replaced by a night pearl.

The key is that in this replacement, even emperor Shitian himself could not perceive the mystery. It's really an incredible supernatural power.

"Watch this house crush your heart."

The old devil who picked up the star looked very cold. At the moment when Emperor Shitian broke the flag of stars killing immortals, he had fallen into a mood of despair. This move seemed to be to take a cushion before he died. The corners of his mouth showed a ferocious look. His right hand grabbed the heart, emitting bursts of magic light, and pinched it with a claw.

This pinch is enough to crush the divine iron!!

"Hum!! you're really delusional to crush the emperor's heart. You can't die. It's my heart that you stole. Don't you know that the heart is where I opened the demon house and the yuan God always lives. It's increasingly refined with supreme truth. In my body and the whole body, the heart is the most powerful. You're looking for death!!"

The heart of emperor Shi Tian was cold. He's angry. Even the heart was stolen, which is something that has never happened before. It's hard not to be angry.

If a dragon has an adverse scale, it will die if it touches it. The tiger's ass can't be touched, let alone its heart.


The heart of emperor Shitian is full of rich purple and gold, and countless mysterious purple and gold patterns appear on it, as if it were natural Tao patterns. Even if he was taken away, he was still beating with strong ups and downs. The old devil pinched his paw on it and made a sound of collision with gold and iron, but his heart was unharmed. The Tao pattern on it seems to be alive. Inside, it contains the rare Tianpin demon house in the world.

"Heilian Yuanshen!!"

Emperor Shi Tian gave a cold roar.

Suddenly, the purple gold heart beat violently, hundreds of millions of dark lights burst out, and a ten grade Black Lotus suddenly emerged, and suddenly became huge. In the Black Lotus, the vast authority immediately swept out in all directions like a tide.

On the ten grade black lotus, I saw black lotus seeds set on it.

However, at this moment, hundreds of millions of divine lights burst out. In the lotus seeds, countless strange heavenly sounds emerge. There is the sad roar of gods and Demons and the anger of emperors. There is a gluttonous roar. Boundless blissful Sanskrit.

In the Black Lotus, almost all the Huangji Zhenli broke out completely at this moment. Frantically poured into the eight Magic Lotus Seeds on the Black Lotus.

Buzzing, buzzing!!

Suddenly, I saw that four miraculous ancient seals were condensed from lotus seeds and rushed out directly.

God and devil seal, Emperor seal, Taotie seal, blissful seal.

Each ancient seal exudes the unparalleled power to suppress the four directions. Regardless of the cost, the imperial power condensed in it is almost immeasurable. The black lotus leaves no trace and pours in. Each one distorts the surrounding space. Each one is enough to turn a strong man at the peak of an ancient demon Saint into powder.

Boom, boom!!

The four ancient seals appeared in front of the old devil who picked the stars. He couldn't even dodge. He just had time to cover the star killing immortal flag in front of him. Four ancient seals hit him fiercely.

Three thousand gods and Demons send out prayers, and countless Buddhas send out Sanskrit sound beyond bliss, which is the tyranny of the emperor and the strangeness of gluttony. At the same time, bang on the old devil who picked up the star.


Almost on the spot, the whole body of the star picking old devil was like being eaten by thunder, trembled violently, and a mouthful of magic blood gushed out in an instant. The whole demon body flew out upside down.

Seriously injured on the spot!!

"Come back!"

With a light drink, the purple gold heart turned into a streamer and returned directly to the body. At the same time, the ten grade Black Lotus flew into the air and became ten feet in size. There was a bright divine light shining on it. It was violently suppressed on the body of the old devil who picked up the star, like hundreds of millions of mountains falling down.


The crisp sound of fracture spread in the air.

He was hit hard by the devil in heilian town. Black Lotus directly presses on the old demon who picked up the star and rotates like a big mill. During the rotation, the old demon who picked up the star should be ground into powder. At the same time, the black lotus was suffused with spell marks.

Sky injury, soul erosion, withered glory, sky blindness, tarsal bone, petrification, decay, retardation, blood avalanche, gold melting, divine injury, cold ice, locking the sky, binding the God, and heaven ugliness!!

Fifteen mantra seals burst out with power. At the same time, a spell print projection burst out and fell into the body of the star picking old devil.

"Ah!! demon, how is it possible? You are just an ancient demon saint. How can you have such combat power? I don't believe it. It's not true. Spell, how can you know spell? Are you the pulse of those damn spell masters? My eyes, ah, my spirit..."

The old devil who was going to explode and become powerful suddenly fell blood mold. He saw that his whole devil body was covered with colorful colors.

First, the eyes suddenly became blind, and even the divine consciousness could not observe the outside scene. The divine soul was winding with a curse and constantly corroding the divine soul. The terrible pain was suddenly emitted from the soul. On the surface of the skin, it began to be stiff, turned gray and turned into rocks, and a violent explosion occurred in the blood. Blood arrows were ejected directly from the body.

The whole body began to freeze, and the cultivation in the body was strangely blocked and was dissipating little by little. Even the appearance began to become abnormally ugly.

At the same time, 15 spells are powerful at the same time.

The power is so strong that even heavenly demons such as the old devil picking stars can't support it.

"Heaven punishes God's eyes, absorbs old demons and suppresses hell!!"

Emperor Shitian took back the original God of Black Lotus, opened his divine eyes between his eyebrows, and burst out a divine light, which directly covered the old devil who picked up the star. The old devil entangled by various spells had no power to resist. He directly ingested it into the hell prison. In the hell prison, the evil mirror platform flew up in an instant and suppressed the old devil.

The old devil has excellent magic skills. Especially the star picking hand, even his heart can be taken away. Be sure to press it out. (to be continued, please visit for more chapters and support the author and genuine reading!)