Chapter 835

Those who worship the gods, like the divine emperor, come and connect with the divine map. There are countless seals inside, which are transformed into ancient seal characters - seal characters!! Each of these "seals" glitters with bright stars. It seems that God intends to communicate with the ancient star space and connect with the endless power of stars in the star world. One by one, it is condensed like an entity, outlining the supreme principle of the seal.

Quickly branded to the ten thousand demon city and collided with the divine light burst out of the ancient city. Suddenly, I saw that those seals were strangely printed on Shenhui. At the same time, Shenhui was strangely dim. It seemed that they were sealed by some terrible seal.

"Nine days and ten places kill gods and kill demons!!"

Emperor Shi tianduan drank. Suddenly, bright thunder clouds burst out over the ten thousand demon city. They appeared in nine days and ten places. Inside, countless thunder shuttled madly, killing God thunder and killing devil thunder, intertwined together, protecting the whole ancient city in God's prohibition. Each god thunder had a cold idea of destruction.

Countless thunderbolts exploded, blocked in front of the divine map, and bombarded the "seal" letters with divine thunder. A large number of seal letters were blown away. However, the strange end of the divine map was constantly rolled down. More and more seals burst out from the divine map, and the power is stronger and stronger. Even the divine thunder rushed out from the thunder cloud is sealed.

At this moment, those who worship God are really like the presence of the divine emperor.

"Damn it, this God worshipper has such a profound understanding of the way of sealing. He can't crack the star emperor's star demon sealing stele. He has opened another shortcut to integrate the power of stars with the way of sealing and specialize in the art of sealing. The God sealing stele is afraid that it is infinitely close to the origin of sealing. Once it is understood, it is afraid that it will be the time for him to be promoted to the strongest in the world."

"Ming" changed his face slightly when he saw the God's plan to cover the sky and roll it down.

I found that the current Tianjing Fengshen tablet seems to have begun to break away from the influence of the original Star Fengmo tablet and began to walk out of a unique path. Thoroughly refined into a sealed treasure. It is essentially different from the one seen in the Tongtian tower and is approaching Dacheng.

"Since it is declining, we should learn to forget, forget our feelings, forget all our troubles, and be able to set foot on the eternal country and follow the path of heaven. Forget!! forget the ancient glory of the demon family, forget, forget the ancient pride of the demon family, forget, forget the hatred of the demon family. Once you forget, it will become empty. Put down your hatred, put down your indomitable, and a thought will be eternal."

The supreme forgetfulness is carved from the mysterious young man standing on the forgetful sky boat flying in the air. The distance across the void. It appears over the God map of the God worshipper, dribbling and rotating, and mysterious words appear on the glass like diamond carving. Those words are not humanistic ancient seal characters, demon words, or even any kind of words in the world of heaven, but they have the charm of the avenue. It is the divine text of the avenue.

Each one has a mysterious power to communicate between heaven and earth.

Inside, there is a charm of forgetfulness and supreme idea.

A trace of golden light of colored glass comes out from the diamond carving like spring rain.

All over the world, he shuttled directly from the God map and spread it to the whole demon city. In the divine light, he exuded a strong charm of forgetfulness. It seems that countless devout believers are praying and admonishing. Spreading the way of forgetting love.

That idea exists almost everywhere.

Where the Tao goes, the air seems to be constantly echoing out bursts of forgetful sounds.

This forgetful idea, even the divine brilliance emitted by the ten thousand demon city, can't be stopped by killing gods and killing demons for nine days and ten places. It seems to penetrate all barriers quickly and cover hundreds of millions of creatures in the whole ancient city.

Everywhere you go, countless demon families just feel stunned and countless words appear in your mind. It seems that countless demon martyrs are constantly persuading them to put down their ancient hatred. Now they are enslaved, exploited, killed demons and take pills. They are all the arrangement of fate. There is no need to be unwilling. They should comply with fate and the way of heaven. Humanity should prosper and the demon clan should decline. When you forget, forget everything, there will be no pain.

It seems that there is an invisible force that constantly penetrates into the minds of the demons.

In a trance, vaguely, his pride in the demon family is slowly blurred and slowly dissipated.

As if to sleep over it. When you wake up, you will naturally forget all your emotions.

Completely forgetful.

"No, it's too forgetful. There's a terrible power that can wash your mind and make you forget your feelings. It's almost comparable to the forgetful water refined from the holy river of the yellow spring. However, its power is even more terrible. This diamond carving is a top innate treasure with unlimited power. If it really makes all the demons in the ancient city too forgetful, then our demon family will live in name. Absolutely We can't let him succeed. This is to break the foundation of our demon family. "

"Ming" was so shocked that even the dragon's beard had to stand up upside down when he saw the forgetful artistic conception that was constantly invading the whole ancient city. Longan stared at the boss in an instant. Deeply aware of the horror.

Once the mysterious youth succeeds, the whole demon clan will exist in name only.

Forget the ancestors, forget the proud demon family in ancient times, can it be regarded as a demon family.

Just a enslaved pig and dog.

"How is it possible to make our demon family forget their feelings, hatred, identity, pride and history?" emperor Shi Tian sat on the Lingxiao throne with a threatening light in his eyes. His eyes were full of unswerving will, and no one could shake.

Looking at the ancient city, under the power of forgetting too much, his eyes were blurred, and there was a group of demons who wanted to be scattered.

He raised his voice and said: "brothers of the demon family, our demon family was born in ancient times and was naturally raised. We were born to fight with wild animals and compete for a foothold. Countless martyrs sprinkled their blood and threw their heads. Finally, we drove away wild animals and won a place for our future generations of the demon family. Tell the emperor, can we forget these!!"

The voice came to my ears and fell into the ears of the demons with the refreshing power in Huangji BAXIN Jue, word by word. As if it were the voice of heaven, it was directly branded into their hearts and minds.

"The spirit of our ancestors won us a place to live. We can't forget!!"

Under the power of forgetting feelings, the demons were vaguely confused and were about to sleep in the past. In their closed eyes, there was a trace of Qingming, as if in an instant, in their mind, there were scenes of countless ancestors of demon families fighting with savage animals in ancient times, although they died without regret. For a time, they issued a cry from their blood.

Can't forget!!

This is the origin of the demon clan. Even if you die, you can't forget it.

With one voice, hundreds of millions of voices have been heard in the city since ancient times. At the same time, it is like thousands of thunder roaring through the whole ancient city and even outside the city. A kind of blood from the blood, from ancient times, seems to start burning in the body. An idea from the bone is constantly converging. Gathering in the city, even the ungrateful idea can not be suppressed and defeated.

The cry echoed.

In the ears of the friars in the surrounding sky, they only felt that their minds were shaken, and their faces were a little ugly. Yes, they can feel the blood of the demon family across time and space in ancient times. That unyielding fighting spirit.


On the boat, the mysterious young man also made a sound of surprise and doubt. However, the ecstatic brilliance emitted from the supreme ecstasy became more and more rich.

We should suppress the belief emanating from the demons.

"In ancient times, our demon family came to the purple and gold continent and the world, leading the trend of heaven and earth and standing on the top of heaven and earth. The achievements of our ancestors can shine together with the sun and the moon. This is the pride of our demon family ancestors and our descendants. Dare you ask, can you forget it!!"

Emperor Shi Tianleng looked at the overwhelming and endless ecstatic brilliance, which was a clash of ideas and beliefs. Will he be afraid.

If you want to fight, no one can make him give in!!

"We are proud of our ancestors' achievements and can't forget them!!"

The look in the eyes of the demons was more concise, and one after another seemed to cry out from the soul. With one voice, it rang out again, which was asking the heart.


Hundreds of millions of demon families, with their beliefs converging and invisibly intertwined, actually oscillate the void. I saw that the golden light of the colored glass was held up by an invisible force.

"In ancient times, when the demon gods invaded, our demon clan ancestors resolutely fought against them and sprinkled hundreds of millions of demon blood. Although they died, they did not retreat, and their souls did not die. They won the world of the heavens and did not fall. I dare to ask, can we forget our demon clan!!"

Word by word, it seemed that they were whipping the spirits of the demons. Not only the demons, but also all the heavenly friars who heard them changed their faces, some ugly.

"The spirit of our ancestors is not far away. How dare we forget each other? We can't forget!!"

A kind of pride and pride from the blood is filled with every inch of blood. Hundreds of millions of demon families only feel that their blood seems to feel the ancient call and boil completely. Blurred eyes, more and more bright.

Can't forget, can't forget

Three words echoed in the void.

"Our ancestors used their flesh and blood to block the invasion of demons. Even if they died, the soul of the hero was not far away, the human race betrayed their trust and turned against the enemy behind them. They slaughtered our ancestors and countless demon families while our demon family was weak. This despicable act, this huge blood debt and this indelible hatred, dare you forget it!!"

"Blood debt, blood taste, can't forget... Can't forget!!"

The whole mind of the demons, under the call of blood, completely restored the scene, completely defeated and scattered the emotional mood eroded into the body, and replaced it with blazing faith, towering hatred and unyielding war intention. One after another, they sent out a cry of jestie from their souls.

This is an accusation against heaven and earth.

"Our demon family not only failed to get the due glory to resist the demon God, but also suffered endless suffering, endless humiliation and thousands of years of slavery. Kill the demon and take pills, and let the friars in the sky climb on the bones of our demon family. Dare you ask, can you forget this towering humiliation!!"

"We can't wash the water from the world and the Milky way. We can't forget!"

A famous demon clan set off towering fireworks in his eyes and issued an unyielding roar!! (to be continued, please visit for more chapters and support the author and genuine reading!)