Chapter 983


This is an excuse!!

As soon as the news spread, many smart people understood it. This is an excuse for the ten immortal sect. Although the Allied forces suffered heavy losses in Zhenmo Valley, in the plan, this allied force is only a pioneer of joint action and a test of Zhenmo valley.

Although there are losses, the Terrans account for the majority of all races, but the loss is not too great. The true details of the Terran have never been revealed.

The Manifesto issued by this is obviously a perfect excuse for the event of Zhenmo Valley on the spot, a perfect excuse for using the supreme artifact.

The master order restricts the action of the strongest in the world. However, there are still a large number of demons on the purple and gold continent. In that case, I use the supreme artifact to suppress and kill the demons. There is no such restriction. After all, the demon God is the enemy of all living creatures in the whole purple and gold continent, the heavens and the world. Nothing can be too much.

It seems that the demon God in the town magic Valley gave the ten immortal gates a rare excuse.

At this point, monks with almost a little brain can guess the purpose of their words. The ten immortal gates are really old foxes. They not only aim at the demon God, but also want to occupy the whole town demon valley.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the whole continent was a little strange.


In a mountain range, a slender figure slowly moves forward step by step. Every step seems to be pushed by an invisible force. Although it seems not slow, there is a distance of tens of feet every step. Walk fast forward.

"Emperor madman, you've got the demon flag. If you don't return to the ten thousand demon city, you'll be ready to establish an imperial court and ascend the demon emperor throne. Instead, you'll go to the human world. What do you want to do?"

"Ming" asked with a little curiosity.

Walking in the mountains and forests, he was the emperor Shitian. However, he did not immediately return to the ten thousand demon city, but went directly to the human secular world after leaving the Tongtian tower. In his footsteps, he was completely introverted without the slightest smoke and fire. As long as he didn't do it, no one could see through his reality.

"As a man, some things should be done and some things should not be done. Some things should not be borne by women. It's time for me to bear them."

Emperor Shitian looked up at the void as he walked, and his eyes twinkled with an inexplicable look.

This trip to Tongtian tower can be said to be extremely successful. It not only achieves the goal and gets the demon flag, but also improves its cultivation to the position of competing with the world's strong, plundering countless wealth and obtaining countless demons. The magic skills that are pressed out all the time are extremely precious. If you integrate them into the Huangji jade ultimatum, you can immediately improve the avenue in the jade ultimatum.

Even the emperor's will has now condensed 73 pieces.

It can be said that before and after entering the Tongtian tower, there was a transformation like heaven and earth on him.

However, the same regret.

Before leaving the Tongtian tower, after he asked the snake, he knew that xuewuya was accepting the inheritance of Dapeng demon respect, and Emperor yu'er was living in