Chapter 1229

[where is the ticket? The emperor madman needs a strong faith to tide over the five decline of heaven and man.]

The five failures of heaven and man were born specifically for the great powers standing at the top of heaven and earth. Of the ten great powers, nine could not survive the disaster of the five failures of heaven and man. It can be imagined that their destructive power was terrible, especially the exhaustion power of the five failures of heaven and man.

It is wrapped around the flesh. It is extremely tough and difficult. Even if it is burned with real fire and washed with thunder, it can't be washed away. It looks extremely terrible. Failure is not eliminated, flesh and blood are not born, flesh and blood are forever exhausted, forever exhausted, this is the first failure of the five failures of heaven and man, flesh and blood!!

"The emperor is very real fire. Burn the power to the emperor!!"

Emperor Shi Tian turned into a black tiger with a size of tens of thousands of feet, and his flesh and blood turned into fly ash. Only a purple gold bone was left, and his viscera were clearly visible, but the light in his eyes was still bright and bright, and he made a voice without God.


As soon as the voice fell, a purple and golden emperor flame with an obvious imperial power came out of the bones of the whole body. As soon as the purple and golden emperor flame appeared, it immediately wrapped the bones of the whole body and burned them quickly. In the emperor flame, it can be clearly seen on the bones of the whole body, There are countless wisps of dark air wrapped around the body. There is no trace of omission. Every wisp of black air carries the power of exhaustion like death.

"Decay force!!"

Emperor Shitian looked at the black gas on his body coldly, and without hesitation drove Emperor Yan to burn the black gas wrapped around his bones violently. Huangji imperial flame is truly a unique powerful real fire in the world. I saw that a trace of black gas made a crisp "hiss" sound in the imperial flame and burned into nothingness in the imperial flame. After each wisp of black gas was burned, a trace of blood and flesh was born out of thin air on the bones. However, immediately, the black decay gas was born again, and the newly born blood and flesh turned into fly ash.

The burning of Huangji imperial flame is fast, and the birth of black gas is faster, which always makes it impossible to produce any flesh and blood on the bones.

"Bad Qi, you bad my flesh and blood?"

Emperor Shi Tian raised his head to the sky and made a tiger roar that shook the world. In his eyes, two divine lights directly pierced into the void. With endless faith, he shouted: "my emperor's flesh and blood was conceived and bred by my mother in October in the tiger hill mountains. This contains my mother's pure maternal love. Dare you ask heaven, what qualifications do you have to take my flesh and blood."


In the celestial body of emperor Shi, there suddenly burst out a will of the godless emperor to question the sky, a pure and domineering will power turned into a trace of purple and gold lightning, which appeared on the bones of the whole body, swept wildly towards the black gas, and erupted into a powerful destructive force. A trace of black gas burst out in the lightning and scattered on the bones covered by the will lightning, Black decay cannot be derived. Be washed.

However, there is still a huge black gas in tenacious resistance.

"My flesh and blood power is accumulated by the Emperor himself bit by bit from the tiny, rolling and climbing against the desires of all sentient beings. Every power has my mark, including my experience. Dare you ask the heaven, why do you plunder!!"

Boom, boom!!

With the unswerving words, more emperors' will turned into thunder and washed on the bones in an instant. Countless black gases, such as summer snowflakes, melted quickly with the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, all the strength covered on the bones had been washed away.

"The source of life is the kind that releases the purest power of life for me. Huang Jizhen's power and endless desire condense my flesh and blood again!!"

Emperor Shi Tian opened his mouth and roared, stretched out his ferocious tiger claw, waved towards the void, quickly opened the jade boxes one by one, and the crystal like green life sources appeared in the void one after another.

Each one is crystal clear and emits pure divine brilliance. That is the glory of life. Precious life source species poured out at an amazing speed in an instant. In the twinkling of an eye, a full 129600 life source species appeared in front of us. In one fell swoop, it can be said that the source species of life possessed by Emperor Shitian were almost exhausted. Apart from these, there were only 20000 in the whole Lingxiao demon court. Use one, less one, unless you find the tree of life!!

As soon as 129600 life source species appeared, they immediately gathered outside the emperor Shitian and continued to rotate, exuding strong and pure life power.

Boom, boom!!

At the same time, I saw that in the celestial bodies released by the emperor, a pure imperial purple air and a strange immortal obsession gathered in the past among these life sources. Drilling source species. Suddenly, the green source species were constantly transformed at the speed visible to the naked eye, and rapidly transformed into purple gold. Circles like real God rings condensed out of thin air and surrounded each source species. In each god ring, there stands an immortal Holy Spirit!! Present all living beings.

together! Two! Three——

With the endless imperial purple Qi and the power of desire, each life source is transforming into the purest purple gold crystal, showing a six diamond shape. Each one is the same size. Outside, twelve immortal rings rotate around one after another.

In the blink of an eye, these 129600 crystals, which had been transformed into blood essence, were quickly arranged and operated in the imperial immortal array, and directly jumped into the real body of emperor Shi Tian standing in the void.

Boom, boom!!

Immediately, with the speed visible to the naked eye, Emperor Shitian quickly derived inch by inch like crystal iron flesh from his body, covering the whole body. In the twinkling of an eye, he had recovered and turned into a black god tiger proud of the world. The strong imperial power distorts the void around. The twelve immortality rings around the body emerged one after another, and even the newly born twelfth God ring was transformed into essence. The body is made up of the purest essence of life.

The smell of immortality permeates the flesh and blood.

More powerful than before!!

The first decline - flesh and blood decline, through!!

Dong Dong!!

In the void, the dull drum sounded again.


However, at this time, a crisp sound suddenly came from the emperor's celestial body. In the sound, I saw that the hind legs of emperor Shi Tian suddenly softened, as if the bones in his legs had broken. An unprecedented pain directly swept through every inch of mind.


A tiger roar broke out from his mouth, and the purple golden ripples rippled rapidly around. Endless pain swept through.

This is not a broken bone, but an inexplicable force that crushes the hard bone inch by inch and turns it into powder. This pain is unimaginable. Moreover, a terrible failure force is born again. This failure force is more powerful and pure than before. It directly makes the crushed bones unable to heal by themselves and become powder, which is really turned into powder. This kind of crushing, coming fast, directly spread to every bone in the whole body.

Almost for a moment, in the body, there was no half bone support in the flesh and blood.

"The second of the five declines of heaven and man - bone decline!!"

Tianyunzi saw the congealed bleeding flesh born by Emperor Shi. After the first decline, he looked more dignified: "this bone failure is more terrible than the previous flesh and blood failure. If the bone is destroyed, most of his strength will be wasted. This decline is even more terrible. Many world-class strong people died in this disaster."

While speaking, his face looked very cautious.

"Dad must be able to pass." Emperor Yan said slowly with a firm belief.

Without blinking, he looked at the scene in the picture.

"My skeleton, the sky can't return, and my spine can hold the sky!! turn my will into thunder, thunder condenses silk thread, connects each grain of powder, and reunites the divine bone!!"

Emperor Shi Tian took his power with him. His faith remained unchanged and he spit out a word directly.

In the body, in the will God, the pure will of the emperor quickly turns into small strands of purple gold thunder silk, which rushes into the body and appears in the bone powder. Each ray of thunder silk is sharper than the war sword. It quickly penetrates through particles of bone powder that can not be seen by the naked eye, and connects them in series. While connecting, it destroys the aging force in the bone powder and washes them.

Leisi was very fast. In the blink of an eye, a leg bone condensed, although on the surface, there were countless terrible cracks like broken ceramics. But it is always tough and stable, calmly stepping on the void, supporting the operation of flesh and blood.

With the supreme will, condense the bones!!

However, this consumption, even the will of emperor Shi Tian at the moment, is faintly dim.

"Bone failure, break it for the emperor!"

Emperor Shi Tian roared, and the last skull burst out a bright divine light, condensed in the divine light.

Bone failure, through!!

This will is not what an ordinary strong man can have. Emperor Shi Tian is crossing the robbery with his own will far beyond that of an ordinary strong man. He can't lose his body after two failures in succession.

Dong Dong!!

In the void, the third decline drum sounded.

This is a sign of the third decline of the fifth decline of heaven and man. This is the bad music played by heaven and earth.

In the sound of the drum, Emperor Shitian suddenly felt that his eyes, ears, eyes, mouth, nose, body, and even his mind were dark. At the same time, they mysteriously disappeared and completely fell into endless darkness.

For a time, in the void, Emperor Shitian stood in the void, but he didn't convey a breath, not even a sound, as if he had completely annihilated and fallen.

"This is... This is the third of the five declines of heaven and man - the decline of six senses!! this disaster is more terrible than before. The eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and divine senses will collapse and close in an instant. Their own will wanders in the endless darkness. They can't hear, see, feel or smell. They sink forever and even fall. It is also the most dangerous one Decline. "

There are already some tremors in tianyunzi's voice. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Your support is my greatest motivation.)