Chapter 1280

Before the fall, countless monks of hundreds of families kowtowed to Nanman and begged, and issued a cry like blood, which moved the world and darkened the sun and moon. They did so just to give Zijin a gentle room and a glimmer of hope, rather than being occupied by demons and eventually destroy everything.

They are pleading for forgiveness with the last cry of life.

The battle on the heaven and earth God bridge, although hundreds of families fought hard and resisted, but they could not stop the footsteps of the demon God army. They were moving forward steadily, leaving countless solemn and stirring corpses.

Witnessing this scene, there was a silence in the whole Lingxiao demon court.

There was no sound in the hall, but only the suppressed breathing sound. A pair of eyes stared at the tragic battlefield presented in the ancient mirror. A disabled body shed life and blood for the purple and gold continent made a final plea with a begging desire. Even with the iron and stone heart of the demons, there is a trace of shaking.

"Your Majesty, what to do, we listen to you."

The demons took a deep breath and looked at the emperor Shitian sitting on the Lingxiao throne. He asked with a dignified and respectful voice.

"The Terran retreated suddenly. Although they had resisted the demon army, suffered heavy damage and countless monks fell, they suddenly integrated an immortal artifact. I'm afraid their strength has not suffered a fundamental loss. They may not have no conspiracy to evacuate now. If we go to war, the Terran will do the same again. When we lose both with the demon and kill another rifle, I will The clan is not too unjust, so we must guard against it. However, the specific decision needs to be made by your majesty himself. "

Mengxi spit out a long turbid breath and said in a deep voice. There is no lack of a reminder in the voice.

"Since the Terran has evacuated, it is a lost dog. There is no need to be too afraid. There are plenty of opportunities to clean them up. If they want to repeat their old skills, they will only be destroyed."

Every word of emperor Shi Tian's powerful power was like a heavy mountain on his body. In his eyes, he looked very deep and said categorically: "Let's not beg for the sincerity of the hundreds of families in the sky. I think our demon family has only retired for more than 100000 years. These demons have dared to despise our demon family. It's tolerable. Who can't bear it. It's said that the emperor's edict: all the legions belonging to our Lingxiao demon court need not be covered. The whole army will go to war. The emperor wants to determine the world in a war. Let chaos know the prosperity of our demon family!!"


As soon as the voice fell, the whole sky over Lingxiao demon court trembled and roared violently. Countless purple Qi came from the East.

As emperor Shi Tian spits out his words, a noble scroll condenses out of thin air and falls into Mengxi's hands. Mengxi holds up her hands respectfully and quickly turns away.

On the Zijin continent, there are lightning and thunder in the void and different phases.

The vast Lingxiao demon court appeared in the void.

The towering pressure, like a mountain falling on the whole heaven and earth God bridge, suddenly curbed the arrogance of the whole God and devil army.

"Lingxiao demon court is the demon emperor. When the demon emperor hears our plea, is he ready to help us resist the demon God?"

"Great, the demon emperor is willing to take action. Our purple gold continent is finally saved. Our races can continue, and the purple gold continent can continue to exist."

"Brothers, kill, we should be the vanguard of the demon family and make up for the mistakes we made in ancient times. We are not cowards. Let's open the way for the demon family."

Many friars who had been shrouded in despair suddenly burned with hope and shouted excitedly when they saw the emergence of Lingxiao demon court.

One by one feel tired body, suddenly full of infinite power.

In Lingxiao demon court, Emperor Shi Tian and his officials appeared in the void.

Mengxi took the imperial edict and naturally shrouded himself in a kind of awe inspiring military power. He opened his mouth and ordered, "Your Majesty has an order. Where are the five armies?"

"The five legions listen to orders."

Boom, boom!!

In the neat pace, five battle formations wearing different colors of armor, but emitting the same fierce breath, appeared in front of the South Tianmen gate.

"Today's war, raise my demon power!!" Mengxi carefully spit out a sentence.

"War! War! War!! raise my demon power, raise my demon power!!"

The five legions shouted with a loud cry, one by one, and their eyes were full of endless war. Each of the nine soldiers in a group stepped straight on the heaven earth God bridge with a heavy step. The breath on the nine soldiers was connected, and on their heads, they either condensed a huge green dragon, a fiery rosefinch, or an unparalleled defense mystery Wu et al. The figure of the five divine beasts exudes terrible authority. Each one seems to be no inferior to the world.

The nine million soldiers of each Legion have gathered one million real beasts. The combat power has gathered together and erupted into towering destructive power.


The roar of the beast soared into the sky.

Naturally reveals a spirit of overturning the world.

This scene, in the eyes of Qun Xiu, only felt that his mind was shaken. It was like that what came was not a legion, but a powerful ancient demon God. That kind of power was more magnificent and irresistible than the previous Terran armies.

"Demon clan, this is the strength of the demon clan. If the demon emperor is really so powerful, in a short time, he can make the demon clan have such details and such a powerful Legion. Why worry about the immortal demon God."

"Ha ha, I'm saved in the purple gold continent. The demon clan is finally moved by us. OK, OK, demon cubs, now the demon clan is coming. Let's see how arrogant you are."

A warrior roared with ecstasy.

However, as soon as the demon family makes a move, there will be only one Legion. This time, Emperor Shitian doesn't have the idea of only slowly investing in the battlefield. What he has to do is to sweep the demon God directly with strong strength at one time and compete with the demon God. Vow to avenge the ancient blood feud.

"Heavenly punishment corps, go to war!"

A cold warrior leaped out, each with a cold killing intention, as if they were the supreme heaven's punishment in heaven and earth, and any enemy would be judged by heaven's punishment.

The whole heavenly punishment Corps directly set up an eight day array. The whole Legion is connected as a whole, like a terrible beast, killing the demon God.

"Bloody legion, go to war!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In the killing sound, I saw a huge vortex in the void. A bloody warship came across the void. In the vortex, I could see another completely different world. Countless bloody guards with murderous intentions stood cold on the warships. Each of them directly crossed the earth level and was promoted to the ancient sky demon. The original bloody generals broke through the heaven level one after another, and the fierce murderous Qi on their bodies was enough to break the sky.

In the warship, you can clearly see that there are countless corpses of demons and gods stacked inside. It seems to be a naked declaration of war.

Bang bang!!

In the blood killing warship, the cold killing cannons directly roared, and blood colored cannons smashed into the demon God army. Countless blood lights and destructive power twisted all the demon gods in the blood light range into powder.

The terrible killing intention runs through the boundary of heaven and earth. Directly on the heads of countless demons.

Let those demons, can't help but have the illusion that their scalp is numb and explodes. Smell a strong smell of death.

The invincible momentum of the five party legion, the heavenly punishment legion, the blood killing Legion and the three demon armies has been directly revealed.

"Hum!! demon clan, it's ok if you don't intervene. If you intervene today, you'll cripple your demon clan again. This strength is not in the eyes of our God devil alliance. Just a demon clan, why do you stop my God devil army."

"Kill your demon clan today. It depends on how powerful you are."

Many superior demon races roared, including star elves, demon soldiers, dragon demons, blood demons, fallen demons and so on. The roars of countless superior demons inspired the morale of the whole demon army on the spot and roared one after another.

"Death corps, go to war!"


On the eve of the dream, I drank with a break. I saw that in the vortex in the void, an army in dark robes suddenly stepped out of the spin vortex. Each body exuded a cold air, like a god of death crawling out of the underworld. There was no sound, holding a dark sickle of death in their hands. There was a faint light.

Unexpectedly, every one exudes a powerful breath that is no inferior to any ancient heavenly demon. This breath is emitted from the flesh. Like, every statue is an ancient fierce beast.

Such a legion of death has a huge number of 60 million, and its momentum is not inferior to any Legion in front of it.

"God of death? Your majesty, you have already subdued the God of death in the exile and gathered countless half demons to create such a powerful army of God of death."

Duobao boy looked surprised and asked the emperor Shitian respectfully.

"Ancient demon legion, fight!"

Dream Xi did not stop, opened his mouth and spit out a word again.


In the vortex, there was a terrible roar, and bursts of strong evil spirit almost invaded the whole void. Among countless evil spirits, there is an ancient evil song: "Heaven and earth gave birth to us. The mountains on the great bank are my backbone. The endless rivers are my blood. The vast sky is my will. The demon God can't cut off our backbone, drain our blood and kill our will. The ancient heroes run through me and step out of the abyss of death. Only to fight the demon God again and sacrifice blood to the ancient heroes."

The ancient war song exudes a desolate, tragic and tragic tragic atmosphere.

I saw that an army with endless vicissitudes and war spirit came step by step from the exiled land. It was like coming across time and space. It has returned to the battlefield since ancient times.

This is an ancient demon Legion returning with the endless fighting spirit of the ancient demon family. That kind of tragic murderous spirit and hatred towards the demon God can't be compared with any race.

"Thousands of ancient demons. In ancient times, almost all the powerful demons fell. How can you be reborn?"

A demon God raised a shocking question. (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly ticket at Qidian. Com. Your support is my greatest motivation.)