The time agreed with the head was 2 p.m., but Fang jueyu was never used to being late. He came to Qi Dong's house early, and Qi Dong and his wife had been waiting for him at home.

"Xiao Fang is coming. Come on, sit down quickly!" Qi Dong greeted him warmly, "today I asked your teacher's wife to prepare some fresh fruit to eat!"

Qi Dong's attitude towards Fang jueyu is more friendly than his grandson. He not only solved the academic frontier problems at a young age, but also took out so much money to support his scientific research. If he had a granddaughter, he would like to introduce it to him.

"Mr. Qi, you are so kind. I want to thank you for your help." Fang jueyu was at a loss in the face of Qi Dong's excessive enthusiasm.

"By the way, the chief will come later today. You must be polite and don't be too rude in front of the chief! Speak modestly, you know? " Qi Dong reminded.

"Don't worry, I still understand this truth!" In fact, Fang jueyu was also very nervous. After all, it was the first time he had face-to-face communication with such a big man. It was impossible to say that he was not a little formal.

"Dong Dong Dong!" The door rang, "Lao Ba, open the door!"

"Oh, come!" Qi Dong quickly stood up.

Fang jueyu looked suspicious. This painting style is not good, is it? What kind of chief visits like this? The estimate of water meter box is similar.

"Click!" The door opened. Although he had not seen the head with his own eyes, he had seen it on TV. Obviously, the little old man outside the door was not the head.

"Hahaha, Lao Ba, you look good. It seems that you can cultivate yourself in this Jiangnan University!" Said the little old man.

"How can I compare with you? You don't have to worry about those trivial things at the academician workstation in Yanjing every day. Just focus on research. I envy your life!" Qi Dong and the old man gave a warm hug.

"Xiao Fang, let me introduce you. This is my college classmate Wu Yifang. We used to study subjects in the same direction, but he went to the north for development. I went to the south. Don't look at him like a fool. He won several national science and technology progress awards, and his academic level is no worse than me!"

"What's not worse than you, much taller than you, okay?" Academician Wu said unconvinced, "is this the young man you said?"

"Yes, that's him!" Qi Dong said.

"It's strange. It's hard to have such a level even when you're born. Little classmate, you really did those studies?" Wu Yifang still doesn't believe it.

"I have brought all the research data. If Academician Wu doesn't believe it, please ask any questions later!" Fang jueyu said confidently, relying on the knowledge Xiao Yi gave him, I'm afraid no one on earth can ask him down.

"Hahaha, young people are very confident!" A middle-aged voice came from outside the door. A middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit came in, just like the one on TV, but it felt less dignified and more kind.

"Chief." Qi Dong walked over and shook hands with the head.

"Hello, chief!" Fang jueyu tried to control his emotions and prevent his tongue from knotting, but his body was still slightly stiff.

"Yes, yes, the Chinese new generation has an outstanding young man like you, which is the luck of the nation!"

"The chief has been praised too much. I'm just making trouble."

"Chief, don't listen to this boy's nonsense. If anyone can make such a thing, what else do we have to do?" Qi Dong said, "also, don't pestle those outside the door. Come in!"

"Is there anyone else?" Fang jueyu saw that there were three scholars outside the door. In addition, there was another man who looked like a guard.

The guard didn't carry any guns and weapons, and he looked at least 40 years old. Isn't the configuration so low now? Even without a team of soldiers, there are at least two armed guards, right? If you encounter danger, how can you handle it alone?

"Host, don't underestimate others. The guard may be about the same age as your grandfather, and his energy fluctuation is at least SSS level," said Xiao Yi. "Can you take some brains? Which people around the head of a country are simple?"

"How does Gu Yi compare with this man?"

"Are you comparing the hardness of marble and potatoes?" Xiao Yi replied rudely.

"Old friends, long time no see!" The group who came here are authoritative experts in biology. They often work and communicate together and have some friends more or less.

"All right, all right, don't talk about these things. Let's see the specific research data quickly!" Those old scholars didn't come to talk about the past at all, but aimed at this innovative achievement, otherwise they wouldn't come all the way from Yanjing.

"Xiao Fang, then take out your things and open their eyes!" Qi Dong's home happened to have projection equipment. A group of old professors hurriedly sat in a row on the sofa, put on their glasses, took out their notebooks and began to concentrate on waiting for Fang jueyu's introduction.

"Then I'll start. First of all, let me talk about my idea. Since there will be some negative effects on traits in the process of changing plant genes, why don't we increase its DNA length on the basis of maintaining its original genes and deal with it on this new segment..."

Fang jueyu talked for more than 40 minutes with both voice and emotion. Time was limited. He could only simplify the key parts, but some experimental methods and innovative means he put forward made those scholars refreshing.

"I think the scheme is feasible, but have you done any practical experiments?" Asked a professor.

"Not yet, but I have done relevant simulation experiments!" Fang jueyu opened a video, which was simulated by his home supercomputer!

In the video, the seeds took root and germinated rapidly, and the coverage area and extension depth of roots were far more than dozens of times that of ordinary plants. Three months later, the desertification land began to have the trend of soil.

"On this basis, I also made some other performance changes to the plants, such as wind and sand prevention capacity, water storage capacity, etc. as long as these plants are put into use, the land can be fully used immediately, and even build a city suitable for human survival!"

Fang jueyu opened another video again, which simulates the environmental changes in the early stage of urban construction. The time required is about a year to a year and a half!

"It's amazing, it's great!" A group of scholars praised, "according to such efficiency, even the desert can soon become an area suitable for human survival!"

"But I have another question. How did you do your simulation experiment? With such a huge amount of data calculation, ordinary computers can't support it? " Someone asked.

"Oh, I have a small supercomputer at home. This amount of calculation is completely within the range of affordability!" Fang jueyu said.

"Supercomputer?" A group of scholars suddenly opened their eyes. This is the country's strategic equipment. There are few in the country. The young man actually built it in his own home, "isn't it a waste of resources?"

"No waste, no waste!" Fang jueyu said, "my computer downloads movies and plays games fast. It's definitely not stuck at all!"

"Is this something for watching movies and playing games?" If it weren't for the presence of the head, they would hate to tear Fang jueyu apart. Such resources are actually used for such boring things. If they were used for scientific research, how many scientific research achievements would have to be created each year?