King Sadek is watching this grand military exercise live in Celia, the capital of bardos.

They baldos are not rich, but this time they built this aircraft carrier with the strength of the whole country. Although they have the behavior of beating fat people, they also announced the improvement of national strength and their voice in the sea.

The bardoss cost $2 billion. With the formation of cruisers and shipborne aircraft, the total value exceeds $5 billion. Now they still owe a lot of debt.

Thinking of these astronomical figures, Sadek couldn't help but have a headache.

"Mr. king, the housekeeper of the rolfis family wants to talk to you on the phone!" At this time, Sadek's private secretary whispered in his ear with a mobile phone.

"What? The rolfis family? " Sadek trembled when he heard the name. The rolfis family, the king of North America, although not in the open, had influence all over North America, and even said that the whole North America was in their pocket!

The status of this family in North America is the same as that of the lednik family in Europe. As long as they sneeze, the whole North America will shake three times.

Although he is only a housekeeper, his position is probably more important than that of the king of any North American country.

"Come on, give me the phone!" Sadek motioned to the people next to him to avoid it immediately. The people of the rolfis family have never taken the initiative to contact themselves. It is estimated that there must be a very important thing.

"Hello, I'm Sadek, king of bardos!" Sadek answered the phone and said cautiously.

"Hello, Mr. king. I'm beryl, the housekeeper of the rolfis family."

"Is she still a woman?" Sadek was a little surprised. She must have great skills to become the housekeeper of such a huge family.

"Miss beryl, what can I do for you?"

"Well, your majesty, our young master's plane from China to the United States had an accident on the way. The power system of the plane was damaged and could not fly to the North American continent. Your aircraft carrier formation is just in the Pacific Ocean, so the young master hopes to borrow your aircraft carrier for a temporary forced landing."

"This..." Sadek immediately hesitated. It was not that he was unwilling to lend it. Just by virtue of the name of the rolfis family, no country in North America dared to refuse their request. As long as they were willing, their small country would have economic crisis or even political turmoil at any time.

But their aircraft carrier has just been built. All the facilities are brand new.

The forced landing of the aircraft will inevitably cause damage to the runway. Moreover, it is not a helicopter or fighter, but a civil aviation. Its weight requires that the runway conditions it lands are more harsh.

The length of baldos is only about 300 meters. It is conceivable that it is difficult to make a forced landing. One improper thing is that the aircraft is destroyed and people are killed. This first aircraft carrier must be damaged. They can't afford such a loss.

Sadek took a deep breath and said his concerns.

"Your Majesty, we are willing to contribute 100 million US dollars to borrow this runway!"

Sadek was excited. For the bardos, they owed an amazing foreign debt. They could make 100 million dollars just by borrowing the runway. This is a pie from the sky.

But reason still made him hesitate. If the forced landing failed, they would lose more than 100 million dollars.

"Well, Mr. king, what is the net cost of this aircraft carrier for all warship formations and aircraft formations?"

"About $2 billion." Sardek replied.

"Well, the young master said, if you like, we are willing to buy this aircraft carrier at double the price."

"What? Double the price? " Sadek's heart jumped. What tyrant is the young master of this family? Pay double for an aircraft carrier?

But where did you stop? Can their country still allow private ownership of such medium-sized aircraft carriers?

"I wonder if Mr. sardek would like to? We don't need any weapons. You can leave those planes and warships directly, but I hope you can leave some blades to assist in the forced landing. "

"Yes, of course!" A fool doesn't want to sell an aircraft carrier worth only $2 billion for $4 billion. They can use the money to build a bigger one and pay off all their debts.

"That's all right. The money will enter your finance department in five minutes. The young master's plane will start to make a forced landing in 15 minutes at most. Please get ready immediately!"

"OK, I'll arrange it right away!"


In less than two minutes, the Minister of Finance called and told Sadek that he had just received a sum of $4 billion!

"Really, really!" Sadek immediately released his eyes. "The emergency exercise will stop immediately. All warships and planes will be evacuated immediately, and foam will be laid on the runway of the carrier ahead of time."

"King, what happened? The cost of military exercises is very high. If it suddenly stops, taxpayers will have an opinion! "

"Fuck your opinion. If you have any opinion, come directly to Congress and tell me!" Sadek burst into a foul language, "someone bought our aircraft carrier for $4 billion, just to make a civil aviation crash landing. The money is already in place. We have to do things when we take the money!"

"What? 4 billion? Really? "

"Absolutely true!"

"All departments are ready, urgent tasks, and all warships are evacuated!"


The military exercise ended hastily before it started. Everyone was ready and waiting for the arrival of the civil aviation.

All cooling measures and protective devices that can be achieved within 10 minutes have been laid on the track, and the surrounding escorting helicopters have also pointed high-pressure water guns at the runway.

"Coming, coming!"

A passenger plane with light white smoke swooped towards the first aircraft carrier from a distance. The cockpit of the passenger plane had almost been blown to pieces, and even a young man could be vaguely seen sitting in the cockpit pulling the joystick.

"Xinyu, let everyone sit down and fasten their seat belts. We're going to start landing!" Fang jueyu shouted.

"Whew!" The plane landed on the runway accurately, but the huge inertia kept it at a very high speed. If the speed could not be reduced, the plane would rush out of the runway, which would still be very dangerous at that time.

As soon as Fang jueyu pulled the joystick, the plane's head immediately pasted quietly on the ground, and the wheels were worn out at the moment of landing. He wanted to slow down with the friction of the aircraft body itself!

The intense friction made the temperature of the aircraft shell rise rapidly. Those helicopters immediately began to spray water towards the aircraft, and suddenly a white smoke shrouded.

Just as there was no line of sight in the smoke, Fang jueyu immediately reduced the surrounding temperature with cosmic source force, and the ice wall formed by water vapor blocked in front of the plane one by one to help buffer.

Finally, at a distance of 20 or 30 meters from the tail of the aircraft carrier, the plane finally stopped.

"Hoo!" Fang jueyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The passengers in other cabins finally couldn't feel the bumps anymore. They hugged each other and wept with joy.