"Chief, the Hubin District and Wushan District of Jiangnan City are so bad that they have been completely occupied!"“ How about casualties? "

"Most people have moved to underground shelters, but many people are unwilling to evacuate. They say they want to spend the last time with their families!"

At the moment, the leaders are full of tears. They have really done their best, but even if they devote their global strength, they are still vulnerable to far more than their civilization.

In just a few minutes, hundreds of fighters were destroyed, and the rest lost control in an unknown electromagnetic wave. Even those mobile soldiers were not spared from losing their combat effectiveness.

Obviously, these invaders don't want to kill people. They want to capture them alive and enslave them. Otherwise, with their power, they only need a few rounds of naval gun shooting, and human beings on earth will no longer exist!

"Chief, a large number of alien civilized creatures began to land on the ground!"

"What?" The chief wiped away the tears on his face and paid attention to the war on the scene again. Dark figures came towards the ground over Jiangnan City.

"Are these powers of extraterrestrial civilization?"

"Chief, according to the definition of extraterrestrial civilization, these people are martial arts. Their energy response intensity is far higher than that of divine powers. They should be the source powers mentioned by consultant Fang. I'm afraid the number is more than 100000!"

"100000?" This shocking figure made the head tremble, "what about the mysterious figures in China today?"

"Chief, their energy level is far below these people," and there is a thick haze on Longting's face. "Although their number is ten times higher than those invaders, they are old and far from so strong combat effectiveness, and you see!"

In the picture, in addition to these people wearing silver armor, there are thousands of people wearing black armor. Judging by the energy test instrument, these people in black armor are dozens of times stronger than those in silver armor!

"Wait, chief, look at the sky!"


The two urban areas of Jiangnan City have been surrounded by gunsmoke, cries and screams, as if it were hell on earth. There is a high mountain in the center of Jiangnan City, where all the eminent monks who live in peace with the world live. They look at the sky and recite scriptures silently, as if they are praying.

"Grandpa, you see, something seems to be coming from the sky!" Suddenly, the little monk, who was only five or six years old, pointed to the sky and said, "is this the Buddha light you often say?"

"Stop talking nonsense and recite the Scriptures!" The big monk on the side patted the little monk.

"But there is really something in the sky!" The little monk said innocently.

At this time, everyone looked up and saw a golden flame coming towards the ground at a very fast speed above the clouds, like a meteorite falling from the sky.

After this meteorite, there are more meteorites, dense, and their target is that silver fleet!

"Miracles! It's a miracle! Did the gods and Buddhas all over the sky hear our prayers? "


"Go! Give it to me! Hit me hard! " Fang jueyu roared hysterically.

Through the pictures sent by Xiao Yi, Fang Jue saw the tragedy of Jiangnan City and was almost angry. If he had hurried faster and didn't delay so much time, maybe all this would not have happened, and maybe he could intercept the fleet outside the earth's atmosphere in time.


"Captain, an energy response is approaching us at a very fast speed!"

"What?" Likum took a look, then looked away frivolously, "it's just a meteorite, don't pay attention!"

"No, Captain, this is not a meteorite. Come and see! Meteorite rain can't have such a large volume! "

The picture was magnified layer by layer. In the flame, there was a black metallic luster. After treatment, the things in the flame immediately appeared in their eyes.

"Spaceship? Is that possible? " Likum suddenly had an ominous premonition, "what type of spacecraft is this?"

"This... This is the private spaceship of SEGS e series," likum's men immediately looked for the data corresponding to this picture in the database. "Captain, the private customized price of this spaceship exceeds 200000 yuan. The basic condition of customization is..."

"What is it?"

"Is a transcendent!"

"What?" Likum jumped up from his seat. How could there be transcendents on this planet?

Have transcendents discovered the existence of the earth before them? But it's not necessary. Although the SEG crystals on this planet are rich in reserves, they have little effect on the transcendents, and they don't lack this money. There's no need to come in person!

"Captain, there are still a lot of energy reactions after the nassegs e spacecraft. The number... Is more than 700!"

"Titan-21 warships, sparton-r8 warships, 10 class IV warships, and the 700 behind are all class III advanced Carlos D8 warships!"

"How could this happen?" Likum trembled. Such a warship, let alone sweeping the whole galaxy, would not have much difficulty even if it swept their three-level civilization.

How could such a fleet appear on such a barren planet?

"Come on, negotiate with the other party!"

"Captain, we have negotiated, but the other party rejected our communication request!"

"Pa!" Likum collapsed weakly in his seat and lost his eyes.


"Host, just hit it?"

"Hit! Hit hard! " Fang jueyu didn't mean to slow down at all.

"Click!" The shield enough to resist the ordinary three-level beam gun was broken in an instant under the impact of Fang jueyu's spaceship.

Fang jueyu's spaceship is less than 100 meters long, but each of these warships is several kilometers long. It seems that ants shake trees, but it has the effect of destroying the sky and the earth.

This black spaceship is much stronger than these warships. Under high-speed operation, it has become the most terrible killing weapon!

"Bang!" A class III warship was knocked down by the waist!

Next is the second, the third

Shuttling from the top to the bottom, a dozen spaceships were directly damaged by violence!

"Shit! I've only smashed sports cars before, and I've never destroyed spaceships. Today I'm going to knock down all your junk! "

"Everyone, standard target, ready to shoot!"

At the command, the 700 warships lined up vertically, and the black barrels were directly aimed at the Silver White Fleet.

In addition, more than 100 Japanese Yao warriors with golden light all over gathered energy comparable to nuclear fusion in his mouth.

"Captain, our ship is locked. All the equipment has failed. Their ship is too advanced. We're finished!"

"Abandon the ship! Abandon the ship! " Likum shouted. He was the first to run out of the interior of the warship through the emergency escape hatch.

"Second battalion commander, shoot me!" Fang jueyu roared.

"The master has orders! All fire! " Wei Zhongxian roared.



Dozens or even hundreds of meters in diameter, the whole sky was shrouded in airtight columns of light, and the mighty Silver White Fleet melted and evaporated under the scorching light beam, leaving no fragments.