Chapter XV Angel's Heart-(Code: DEMON'S HEART)
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Edward has made up his mind of taking the league into the battle against the Taurosians, who have been on going all the while of constant attacks around the premise. It is not the time anymore to be more complacent but rather to take turn of winning back his wife , Helga. Pressumably, the battle will cease the fire betewen the Fantasians and the rebels, who have been less fortunate of being under the power of old dark demon,Olga.By then they must make sure that this all will make sense and definitely bring to an end. Although it may seem to be as impossible as how they would come as one and defeat the enemies, yet Edward and the King have had the biggest hearts, which made them even bigger than they are, along with the remaining amulets on hand….Let them get out and fight for the name of fantasia whereas is at stake.
He could see the light at the end of the tunnel despite the fact when there is no left but to try it everything at all cost. He will take some time in all his favour to knock off their shoes just as ease. He is in high hopes for all the kingdom and no one could hinder his success to be with his wife once again, when time calls most of his attention.
He could still remember when Helga held his face and said," Look up at the bright side of our kingdom and you could see that everything could be possible when work as one"…?Look up at the bright side of our kingdom and you could see that everything could be possible when work as one"…?You are now the crowned - prince of Andromeda, who is the protector of the people. Then we shall make a pact to unite all the tribes on more time whenever troubles could have been approaching. I will definitely stand by you Edward. You know how much I love you and I will always be here for you"…
Then Edward spoke," You are all I my dreams and I will find you with every breath I take. You are as genuine as your smile at starry night, moreover, as with your angelic face that I could not ever learn to get over about"… Next thing would just be the night with endless pleasures by two birds way up high.These are getting even closer when each of them would just choose to spend the rest of their time making good memories together like they are going to lose one another in a blink of an eye…
Right on the moment, he frantically choked and made a promise with a hand on his chest that he would not ever let anyone hurt his only Helga, when there is too much to take…And that is what he lives for, that nothing is more important than the precious life of his other half. Apparently, he is two steps behind and he could make it all happen indeed.
They used to have a hard time being away from one another too much too long, when Edward had to go and visit other kingdoms from Andromeda. Then he would bring her a present out of the blue, which she loves the most. There could be no one happier than them indeed. Yet, things don't go the way they are expected to be when Helga has been abducted and they were left no choice but to go into the battle and bring her back from the Taurosians. It is now time to let them get on their knees, thus, they hall come prepared no matter what…
Helga spoke", Do you like my present today?"…" I made one for father too", she added…This is the symbol of my heart for you who is the only person to win my heart even though"…Edward answered, " I l like it but you don't have to. Your presence is enough yourself"…Then they kissed each other with gladness on their heart.
Angel's Heart-(Code: DEMON'S HEART)
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