Chapter 442

Name:Apex War God Author:I Am Pure
Yaowang Pavilion is shrouded in arrays. No one can get in and out easily.

Yang Wu let Mengxue break the array. She didn't understand the way of the array. She directly urged her strength to clap at the big array and wanted to break the array with strong strength.

Just when her strength impacted the array, the array produced a strong counter offensive force. This is an array integrating attack and defense. If there is interference from external forces, it will take the initiative to counterattack.

Bang bang!

Dream ice and snow and the power of this array roared together. People inside and outside the array felt the earth shaking power and were startled.

Yao Lingyu was surprised. His father invited several King level array masters to set up this array. It belongs to a real heaven level array. It can stop the attack of Tianyu realm and kill the people who touch the array. Why not be surprised that someone is breaking the array and causing such a big noise.

"Yang Zhennan really has a backhand. It's really urgent. I've destroyed all the King City." Yao Lingyu said to himself after wiping off the fierce color.

Yang Wu was surprised to see that Mengxue couldn't break the array at the first time. He said to himself, "the medicine King Pavilion is really well prepared. After I occupy it, let Xiao Hei lay a more powerful array. Even if the people of Emei really come, they can protect themselves."

If Yao Lingyu heard Yang Wu think so, he had to point to Yang Wu and scold: "Stinky and shameless, this is my territory."

"Broken!" Mengxue couldn't get this array. She was completely angry. She didn't want to disappoint Yang Wu. Her palms condensed the most powerful force. Bursts of cold force formed a cold wind of ice and snow and roared at the array again.

Also at this moment, the array power becomes distorted and the power disappears quietly.

The power of dream ice and snow continued to blow down towards the important area of Yaowang Pavilion, smashed a large area on the spot, frozen a large area, and bursts of cold hit the area within a few miles of Yaowang Pavilion.

The crowd was completely stunned.

How did the array power disappear?

At this point, even Mengxue herself was a little stunned. She was not smart, but she still had some basic reactions. She didn't explode this array.

Yang Wu said happily, "it seems that Xiaohei has succeeded."

After that, he plundered into the important area of Yaowang Pavilion, dreaming of snow and ice.

At this time, Yaowang pavilion was completely flustered.

They started the array to kill Yang Zhennan and others. It can also prevent Yang Zhennan from calling for help and cutting off their rescue. The array was suddenly exploded, and bursts of cold hit, freezing their bodies and making their movements slow. Some people were even more miserable. They were directly shot and frozen to death and suffered foolproof disasters.

"Child Dharma protector, start a thousand beast teams and kill them all." Yao Lingyu showed a look of fear. He rushed into the secret place and asked Tong Shi to launch a beast army.

There is a reserve of 20000 beast people here. Their bearing capacity is very strong, enough to withstand the beast's power. Their combat power can be comparable to that of any king, and even reach the realm of heaven.

This force has been prepared since yaoyanhai. If it is released now, it will be an extremely terrible combat power.

Yang Zhennan felt a lot of pressure. He really didn't expect that the foundation of Yaowang pavilion was so strong. He never underestimated Yaowang Pavilion, but he still found that he despised the enemy when he really started a war.

If he didn't hold an anti dragon gun and practice the Yang family's gun manual, it would be difficult for him to resist the encirclement of so many experts.

His blood is boiling in his body, his war intention is soaring constantly, and he does not lose the battle against the three top land and sea realm kings.

On the other hand, the thin monkey is the most abnormal. He is only an intermediate sea realm, but he defeated two high-level sea realm kings who surrounded him.

In addition to the south of Yangzhen, the thin monkey is the most powerful here. Even Su Yanshuai and Guo Xiafei, who have broken through the top land and sea realm, can't compare with him.

The thin monkey's eyes were covered with golden fire. He could see the attack track of the other party clearly. He drew a rainbow with a broken stick and broke one of his kicking legs on the spot.


The man thought his feet were very fast and could surprise the thin monkey. Unexpectedly, he was "surprised" by the thin monkey.

Another man stabbed the back of the monkey's head with a halberd, and the sharp mysterious Qi was going to pierce the monkey's head.

The thin monkey, with long eyes at the back of his head, squatted down. In the back, he waved his legs and kicked the other party over with his powerful foot awn.

"You are too weak. Let's have more." the thin monkey roared with fanatical eyes.

He is a real militant. Once he enters the state of battle, he wants to fight all the time. He has no fear of death at all.

With the increasing number of people in Yaowang Pavilion, the forbidden guards accompanying Yang Zhennan suffered heavy losses.

Fortunately, the array is broken, and the outside guards can kill in and share their pressure.

"Kill, these people are anti thieves. Their true colors are revealed."

"Yes, they are all guys who collude with King Fu'an. Take them all and make great contributions."

The forbidden guards raised their momentum and screamed loudly, fighting with the people in the Yaowang pavilion to the end.

Under the command of Lu Zhi, the people of the death Legion killed everywhere.

Although there are few of them, they are all people who have been on the battlefield. They have a spirit of not afraid of death. The people who killed the Yaowang Pavilion collapsed. Only those animal people pose some threats to them.

Yang Wu with induction, looking for his father's direction, took a step and rushed forward quickly.

"Those who break into the medicine King's pavilion will die!" the people in the medicine King's Pavilion rushed over and exclaimed.

Yang Wu didn't even answer. When he swept over, he simply blew a punch and broke the man's chest. He couldn't die anymore.

In addition, more than ten martial artists launched an attack on Yang Wu at the same time. They threw out their battle guns. The spear awns glittered with mysterious Qi. If the rain fell, they wanted to stab Yang Wu into a honeycomb.

Yang Wu didn't even look at these war guns. When the war guns were about to fall in front of him, an invisible force vibrated and shook them back towards the fighters.

Ah ah!

The dozen fighters could not escape at all, and most of them were assassinated by these guns on the spot.

The people in Yaowang Pavilion realized how powerful Yang Wu was. Some of them took out the beast pill and swallowed it. For them, it was a life-saving pill.

Yang Wu could have stopped them from swallowing the pill, but he hesitated and didn't do so. He let the other party swallow the beast turned pill.

At the beginning, when King Fu'an was dying, he swallowed the beast turned pill and directly stepped into the power level of heaven. Even if it was only a pseudo heaven, the power could not be borne by the strong in the earth sea realm.

When these people swallowed the beast pill, their combat power was rapidly improving and soaring, and their bodies became ferocious.

They rushed towards Yang Wu quickly to tear Yang Wu to pieces.

"I don't know where the medicine King's Pavilion got the beast turned pill. It's obviously not complete. If it was complete, it wouldn't be like this." Yang Wu murmured and greeted the beast turned people as fast as lightning. Wherever his fist went, the beast turned people were blown away like sandbags, and pools of fresh blood splashed everywhere.

Yang Wu can kill even the sky fish realm, not to mention these beast like people who are not even the real king.

"Die!" a king in the medicine King's pavilion has been waiting for the machine for a long time. When he saw that Yang Wu was fighting against the beast man with all his strength, he sneaked and assassinated with a war sword, and the tip of the Sword Pierced Yang Wu's back.

This person cultivates the golden Xuan Qi. The sword tip releases the power of no firmness and no urging. Even the mountains and boulders are easily stabbed to pieces.

Seeing that the sword was about to reach Yang Wu, Yang Wu swept an arm shadow with his backhand. The arm shadow didn't float, so it hit the sharp sword.

"Death!" the man said proudly when he saw Yang Wu's great support. In his opinion, Yang Wu's arm must be broken. He was very confident in his sword.


A clear voice sounded, the sword was interrupted and separated from the man's hand. Not only that, the man's hand burst into bleeding.

He wanted to retreat quickly, but Yang Wu's arm hit him again, just like the top of Mount Tai. He hit him on the forehead and beat him to death.

A king was killed!

This is the terrible power of the arm of God.

Yang Wu is training his potential and talents to give full play to their combat effectiveness.

After the king was killed, the people in Yaowang Pavilion were frightened. They were retreating and dared not challenge Yang Wu. Even if they fought with the forbidden guards, they should stay away from Yang Wu.

Yang Wu rushed all the way to his father. He was seeing his father being besieged by several people. Without saying a word, he rushed over and waved a fierce fist over the most powerful king.

The man was no one else, but Bao cracked ice. He cultivated ice Xuanqi and held the top King soldier. His combat effectiveness was quite amazing. It was his existence that restrained Yang Zhennan and forced Yang Zhennan to kill others. Even he had to kill Yang Zhennan.

Yang Zhennan is an enemy of three. Although he hurt two people, he himself is also decorated in many places. If he goes on for a long time, he will not be able to get well.

Bao cracked ice found the flaw of Yang Zhennan. When he was about to assassinate Yang Zhennan, he felt a terrible crisis approaching behind him. Without thinking about it, he turned his back and stabbed him behind him.

This is the ice knife chopping out a thick cold, trying to freeze the range of tens of feet.

He felt that whoever wanted to sneak attack must pay enough price under his knife.

Yang Wu was surprised at the reaction ability of Bao cracked ice. He used his fist like a bull to sprint, smashing the blades of the ice skates, breaking all obstacles and falling on Bao cracked ice.
