Chapter 1591

While thinking about it, Gus suddenly turns his head and stares at Xiaoshan who runs to Zhang Xiaoqiang like a fierce beast. Xiaoshan runs quickly with his rifle in his arms. Instead of seeing Gus, he plans to run to Zhang Xiaoqiang and get him behind him. Suddenly, his whole body suddenly tightens, and his muscles seem to be out of control. He can't move when he falls to the ground, Xiao Shan was almost scared to death by the sudden change. It was as if all of a sudden the ghost's upper body was stiff, and even his body could not twist. The only thing that could move was his neck.

Xiaoshan doesn't know what happened to him. He turns to look around. When he looks into Gus's eyes, he falls into a trance. Big sweat oozes from his forehead and soaks through his crotch. Xiaoshan doesn't lack courage. He goes through life and death many times. Even youyinhua has been killed before Gus, Just like the newborn mouse in front of the cat, he can't even breathe in extreme fear.

"Brother Mingyue, brother Mingyue... Come here..."

Xiao Shan lies on the ground and shouts to Zhang Xiaoqiang. At the same time, he also shows his head behind him. Zhang Xiaoqiang sees the reloaded missile launcher and knows what Xiao Shan is going to do.

"Buzz, buzz..."

There was a strange noise, and the ground under Zhang Xiaoqiang's feet began to tremble. Suddenly, there was a crack in the ground boundary of tens of meters around him. In the blink of an eye, all the cracks were connected. The land under his feet overturned, and the whole land tilted slowly. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was standing on the land, also tilted.

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed out at the moment when the tilt happened. Gus didn't know that Zhang Xiaoqiang had completely recovered. After his new ability was launched, the whole tilt ground blocked his sight. In the sweat, his eyes were round, and his mouth was growling with vague and sonorous strange syllables, like a demon's whisper.

At the moment when he made the most of his ability, his eyes suddenly lost their pupils, and his bloody white eyes rushed to the sky with his raised head. At the moment when he bowed his head, most of the raised land in front of him quickly cracked, and large and small pieces of land fell off with the cracks of spider web. Without time, the whole land turned into quicksand, Build a mound in front of him.

"Ouch!!! I'm going to kill you... "

Gus angrily scolds Zhang Xiaoqiang who jumps away. He doesn't know what happened to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Before, he wishfully believed that Zhang Xiaoqiang's injury was more serious than him, which made him feel slightly relieved. He decided that Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was seriously injured, could not escape anyway. In case of any accident, he also used a cover up and used a series of tricks under the cover of the earth overturning, I wanted to harvest Zhang Xiaoqiang's body which was cut into pieces. Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang's meat was not found. Instead, I saw Zhang Xiaoqiang jumping and running with Xiaoshan rabbit.

Watching Zhang Xiaoqiang wriggle his big buttocks and jump over obstacles in three or two steps, Gus is angry. He doesn't keep his reserve in language, and forgets Juncker's noble elegance, just like the worst rough man's angry curse.

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't pay attention to the curse he doesn't understand. He hopes that when he gets to the ground, how can the anti tank missile make Gus suffer a little more?

Just when he was in YY, a black missile rubbed his side and rushed behind him. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't expect that the soldiers cooperated with him so well. He turned to Gus, his neck turned to half, and roared again, which made him happy. At least Gus didn't stop the missile. When he turned his head completely, he was surprised to find Gus chasing him, The huge smoke and the scattered soil form a background picture of destruction behind Gus.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is twisting his head, is shocked. He speeds up again with Xiaoshan. Gus behind him is getting closer and closer to him. Zhang Xiaoqiang jumps over several large pieces in succession and spins quickly with Xiaoshan. Everything around him moves around quickly with him. The corners of his eyes flash across all kinds of scenes. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang drinks loudly and throws discus, He threw Xiaoshan out of his hand and gave a loud drink


Zhang Xiaoqiang, who throws Xiaoshan, holds Shunlai's g36 rifle in his hand and rushes to the other direction. He skilfully bypasses a few piles of parts scattered with black smoke and turns his head again. However, he sees several piles of parts blocking the sight behind him split in silence. The scattered fragments reveal Gus, who rushes forward behind him. Zhang Xiaoqiang is clever and then rushes forward.

Before they knew it, they went back to the starting point. There were two huge craters on the ground in front of them. There were countless smaller craters around the craters. In the middle of the crater, the Y-shaped propeller was inserted upside down on the ground, and there were traces of debris impact on it. The screw propeller with a broken angle became a sign on the parking apron with smoke everywhere, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly realized that they had been circling in place.

Gus is haunted behind him. I don't know why, Gus only believes that Zhang Xiaoqiang is the only evolutor left here. He is not the evolutor of the new era. According to the rules of the outside world, the evolutor is the leader of this rebel force, whether it is air defense missiles, Or the anti tank missiles are all directed by this evolutor. Therefore, if you want revenge, you have to kill this guy first.In addition, Gus was envious of Zhang Xiaoqiang's potential. Although he broke out in the throb of life and death, evolved to a higher level of ability, and finally saved his life in countless shrapnel rain that would kill him, Zhang Xiaoqiang completely recovered in front of him. You know, the previous damage to Zhang Xiaoqiang was on anyone, With the most advanced rehabilitation equipment of the new era, it is impossible to fully recover in less than five minutes. Zhang Xiaoqiang has broken his cognition, which makes him more envious and more murderous to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was toppled by Gus, and his heart was also bitter. People's emotions were constantly changing because of their different environments. He was seriously injured before, and he had the ability and means to use. Although he was defeated by Gus, Gus finally got the upper hand. He didn't even have the strength to turn around and run, so just now he had the courage to die with Gus.

Now it's different. I don't know how to recover completely. I'm in a better physical condition than ever before. At this time, if I ask him to go to Gus to work hard, he won't do it. So at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has only one goal. The farther he runs, the better.

When he thought about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang took off in three steps. He jumped on the fracture where the propeller was half stretched out and took off again. He turned over and fell behind the propeller. He turned slightly sideways and exerted his power from the waist to drive his whole body to wave the rat King blade in his hand. The rat King blade split the propeller blade on the ground into two. The propeller, which was wider than him and higher, suddenly tilted and fell down quickly, Before he fell down, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped up and put his feet together in the center of the propeller.

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang was hit by the huge anti shock force and flew upside down. The propeller, which weighed an unknown amount of Jin, was kicked off by the huge force of Zhang Xiaoqiang's whole body and whirled to the chase Gus.

Gus's face changed when he saw that the wall of the huge propeller was pressing towards him. Although his air blade speed was ten times as fast as before, and his accuracy and control ability were countless times as much as before, he could not guarantee that he would cut it into pieces when he was such a big guy. Sometimes, quantitative change would overwhelm qualitative change.

For a moment, Gus looked at the incoming propeller. For the first time, he didn't expect to cut it like the previous pieces of parts. Instead, he twisted his wrists and turned his body. The whirring propeller flashed past his clothes with a strong wind. Before he could stand still, the rotating propeller suddenly stopped and slightly deflected, Across the strange arc, from clockwise to counter clockwise, according to the previous track back to open, with the potential of a thousand troops to split him in two.

At this time, Gus's dodging angles were all covered by the propeller, which forced him to start his ability. At the moment when the propeller blade was close to him, he roared and used his greatest ability. Countless air blades shuttled on the surface of the propeller blade. At this moment, the huge propeller blade cracked inch by inch in front of his eyes, and the cracked metal fragments were almost poured out of a mold, General shape, general size, even the distance between length and width is the same.

Hundreds of pieces of debris, large and small, were falling like snowflakes before his eyes. Just as he breathed out the fear in his heart, he heard a few dull gunshots.

"Ding... Ding..."