Chapter 2234

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks coldly at the survivors who throw chocolate into their mouths. The survivors are also in a little commotion because of their military uniform. However, they dare not act rashly under the pressure of the fierce humanoid beast. They are powerless to wait for their unknown fate. After a few glances, they can't wait for the fierce humanoid beast to kill them, which makes him feel dull, It was a young man with a broken arm in the crowd who made him take a look more. There was always an indescribable smell on him. When others were afraid, he was still calm and indifferent. Obviously, he was not the right person to see. For some reason, Zhang Xiaoqiang always felt that the attention of the human beast was not on the survivors, but on himself. This feeling was very strange, You know that guy doesn't have to look at things with his eyes, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can feel him staring at himself.

To tell you the truth, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't like Indonesians very much, so he doesn't like the new era of chasing and killing Indonesians. He's just a passer-by, and he doesn't want to recover this land full of countless Chinese grievances. Besides, he's still a prisoner of others. It's natural that he can't tell the truth. Just as he's waiting, the fierce human beast suddenly comes to him, Without waiting for his reaction, the snacks in his hand were snatched away, and there was no place for the guy. More than ten pieces of chocolate and high calorie candy just disappeared, just like those animal meat that had disappeared before.

When he was robbed of snacks, Zhang Xiaoqiang was bored. He picked up the cracking rifle on the ground and aimed at the fierce beast. Just pulling the trigger, the green light of death would shoot at the guy's back. But looking at the guy's back, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not kill him. Maybe he was familiar with this guy these days, Knowing that Zhang Xiaoqiang has only such an acquaintance in this strange land, when the guy slowly turns around, Zhang Xiaoqiang's cracking rifle falls down powerlessly and repeatedly says in his heart that even if he shoots, he may not be able to kill. However, his mind clearly knows that no one can hit him in front combat, and the only way to kill him is to sneak attack from behind.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's tangle didn't attract the guy's attention. Maybe after a good rest, he grabbed the serrated knife and continued to drive forward. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't care whether the survivors were alive or dead. He carried a cracking gun and followed them closely with supplies on his back until he left the survivors behind. Some of the survivors wanted to speak, but they were covered by people around them, Only those who had broken one arm said, "don't make trouble. Even if they're not Barto's people, they don't have to be friends. Barto's 30 elites will never give up. We have to leave as soon as possible. I hope they can help me attract my attention..."

If Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't go far, he would be surprised to find that these people speak dialects with variant Chinese, but they are not Indonesian dialects in Southeast Asia. Instead, they are variant dialects that combine Chaozhou Dialect and Hakka dialect. The only one that is the man with broken arms speaks some local dialect, that is to say, these people are all Chinese.

"Look, they didn't take it away..." After confirming Zhang Xiaoqiang's disappearance, a young man on the scene suddenly rushed to the body nearby, picked up a g36 rifle, awkwardly pulled the bolt and aimed around. Just as he was about to aim at other people, the bus paw suddenly knocked him to the ground. The moment he landed, the rifle went off, and he was shocked by the recoil force. He was stunned for a moment, At a loss, he looked at the young man with one arm who pulled him over. Fortunately, the direction of the muzzle of the gun was no one, or it would be a disaster. Until the rifle stopped shooting, his fingers were stiff on the trigger and could not be released. The young man with one arm looked down at the man who fell on the ground and said: "never point the muzzle of the gun at your own people..."

While he was talking, seven or eight men came out of the killing jungle trembling with all kinds of weapons and ammunition. Many people's rifles were still dripping blood. Seeing these weapons, the one armed youth's face softened, and his eyes suddenly burst with fire. Looking at more than a dozen men on the scene, he said, "weapons are available, Would you like to take revenge with me... "

During the conversation, all the men's faces suddenly appeared ferocious distortion. Even the guy who was knocked over sat up, his eyes were red, and he yelled: "thirty thousand people's blood feuds dare not not be avenged, brother Zhu, you take us back, even if you die, you have to kill a few Indonesian bastards to die again..."

Women can't help holding their children in their arms when they look at men's fanatical appearance. There is a bit of fear in their eyes. Men are going to take revenge. What should they and their children do? At the end of this life, they only had men to rely on. When they were in extreme despair, the one armed man nodded happily. Looking at the women, children and the wounded, he could not help frowning and pondering for a while, and said, "I can only take three people. We have no strength to fight back, we can only guerrilla in the jungle, The rest of the people with women and children retreated to the northern mountain area, where there are two Chinese gathering places. Tell them that Barto already knows where they are hiding and ask them to move quickly. No matter whether they believe it or not, you should take the words and the weapons here. Even if they don't leave, you should arm them as much as possible. "

Here, the one armed man can't help but feel a burst of sadness. The biggest problem of Chinese living in foreign countries is that they are not united. They act on their own according to various origins and are finally defeated by each other, especially the Chinese in Indonesia. The most serious disaster was the planned massacre of 500000 Chinese in 1965, and then there will be anti Chinese riots every few years, Since then, the Chinese living in Indonesia have fallen into a dead circle. After decades of hard work, their property has been robbed overnight, and then they have to work hard to earn money, and then they have to be robbed. In the end, this kind of looting in the guise of anti Chinese can not satisfy the desire of the Indonesian people, such as beheading, dismembering, rape, maltreatment and all kinds of violence. Finally, in 1998, hundreds of people were killed every day, Every day, hundreds of women are raped. They are treated as animals and survive under the practice of Indonesians. They do not have the right to speak Chinese in public, the right to open Chinese primary schools, or even the right to worship their ancestors. Even if they give up their Chinese identity, forget everything about China, and take Indonesian as their mother tongue, They are still pigs and sheep in the eyes of Indonesians and can be killed at any time.Despite the opposition of all overseas Chinese, China did not speak out about the tragedy in 1998. However, during the tsunami in Indonesia, aid totaled one billion yuan, which made all overseas Chinese motorcades lose confidence in China and made the local Chinese in Indonesia produce extremist groups in anger. Zhu jianchou was the victim of Anti China in 1998, his sister, All his younger sisters were humiliated and killed by violent and disorderly Indonesians. At the age of 12, he vowed to avenge him in anger. It is impossible to avenge ordinary people. At the age of 16, relying on the relationship with the mainland, he bribed the officials of the armed forces, passed the political trial and became a soldier of the people's Liberation Army. He absorbed all kinds of combat skills madly in the army and became a well deserved soldier king, After that, he applied for the military academy, studied various theoretical knowledge, and finally graduated with honors. When he was promoted to an officer, he retired and returned to Indonesia. He also organized extremist forces in Indonesia, absorbed all Chinese descendants who had blood feuds against the Indonesians, and planned revenge against the Indonesians. Thanks to his existence, many parts of Indonesia were in great panic, and they did everything they could, No matter soldiers or civilians, they carry out killing operations, and are finally sold out and put in prison for execution. At this time, the virus broke out.

For him, the outbreak of the virus is a rebirth and a reshuffle of order, but for the Chinese in Indonesia, it is the beginning of a double disaster. The Indonesian survivors who lost their families think that all this is the ghost of the Chinese. When the Chinese are threatened by zombies, they have to deal with the killing of the Indonesian people. Finally, the Chinese have to unite to form forces and fight for themselves, Until the new era, it landed and took over the power of the whole Southeast Asia, and took Kalimantan island in northern Indonesia as the center, radiating the surrounding islands, rescuing the population resources after the end of the world.

However, no one thought that the fourth army formed by Indonesians in the new era would bite back. Indonesians, who had always been rebellious, never wanted to be ridden on their heads. When the new era suffered heavy losses in Asia, the fourth army formed by Indonesians finally killed all the officers and took over everything left by the new era in Kalimantan, After the Indonesians obtained a large number of weapons and equipment, the first step was not to wipe out the zombies and recover the city, but to carry out an unprecedented clean-up against the Chinese who were identified as the culprits. Whether they were descendants of the Chinese who could not speak Chinese after several generations, or mixed race children with dozens of blood lineages, they were all within the scope of their clean-up.

At this time, the Chinese people's shortsightedness finally revealed their greatest weakness. They did not have an army, and all their former armed forces were seized by the new era. In order not to let the authorities suspect, they were not willing to send their Chinese children to join the army, and they did not even believe that the new era would not protect them, The Chinese, who thought they knew the minds of the superiors, were conquered by the Indonesian New Army led by Bator. Thirty thousand people died in this catastrophe without being buried. One by one, men became entertainment tools for torture and killing. After their heads and limbs were cut off and cooked on charcoal fire, they became rare meat for the Indonesian people, while women were abused by them at will, They even kneel down and walk like dogs. If something goes wrong, they will cut off their hands and feet and make them bleed to death in wailing. The end result is still Indonesian's food. They even force Chinese fathers to eat their children, let Chinese sons rape their mothers, and even let Chinese men rape their men. Indonesian people play all kinds of heinous activities, When the Chinese finally know that they want to resist, it's too late. Indonesians will not kill only men but not women, as the Mongols did. Even women who are pregnant with Indonesian children are killed by them. Thousands of children are thrown into zombies by Indonesians. They watch zombies chase their children and bet, which they call rabbit hunting.

Zhu Jianqiu, who never believed in the new era and the Indonesians, came forward. He attacked the Indonesians everywhere for revenge, rescued the Chinese who fled into the jungle, and informed each Chinese gathering place. However, no one believed him, and no one was willing to leave the safe gathering place to start a new life outside. Some even informed Barto of his whereabouts in order to survive, It is precisely because of the betrayal of the Chinese that he has come to where he is today. If not for Zhang Xiaoqiang's accidental encounter, Zhu Jianqiu may never have a chance to revenge. But even so, Zhu Jianqiu still wants to give those people information, even if he is about to embark on the road of revenge