After following Dai Jianfeng to the barracks, he hid behind and watched Dai Jianfeng's whole performance. He felt a little disdain in his heart. If he was allowed to come to this scene, the effect would be better. Especially before he was in front of the military department, Dai Jianfeng, a fool, had been provoking for so long. As a result, there was a friendly war between Ouyang Feng and their soldiers, which did not achieve the effect at all.

If it's the equation, then the equation is completely sure. Let those soldiers rush up to fight with ouyangfeng one by one as if they were dealing with the real enemy. At that time, they will plot to kill a soldier, which will arouse public anger. At that time, the scene will be completely out of control, and those evolutionists will not stay.

It's all this stupid person in front of us. He can't do any calculation. His power to sow dissension is too weak. He wasted a great opportunity. If he hadn't dared to speak just now and stirred up in the crowd casually, the scene would not have been as big as it was just now. It's just clear that he's not Dai Jianfeng. Just make a sound, I'm afraid Ouyang Feng will never let him go. It's estimated that he will be abandoned first.

At that time, although he could still bring a lot of trouble to Ouyang Feng, but he was abandoned. Even if he killed Ouyang Feng, what's the use? So he kept hiding behind until Dai Jianfeng left, because he also wanted to leave. He didn't know what ouyangfeng and his family were doing here. Once they were found out, he couldn't leave.

In any way, I'm afraid that the commander of this base will not offend a base, especially the Tianhuo base, because he's just joined the evolutionist. How can he say that he's totally unreasonable.

At this time, after hearing Dai Jianfeng's words, he just chuckled and said, "I'll go with you. If that fool comes, I can't stay here, or I'll die worse than you!"

Dai Jianfeng was stunned: "what you mean by a fool is..."

"It's the three idiots standing in the car. If it wasn't for them, Lao Tzu was also the leader of the base. These guys couldn't see others well. They destroyed my base and killed hundreds of thousands of people. They were killing people, killing humanity and madness!" He said with gnashing teeth.

Dai Jianfeng was very happy when he heard that the equation was an evolutionist. He knew it. Now it seems that the equation hated Ouyang Feng more than he hated them. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. What's more, the equation was originally a person in his own base. Although he had been in the base for less than two days, he was one of his own.

Now, Dai Jianfeng can't wait for another evolutionist to follow him, especially when they share the same enemy.

"Are you coming with us?" Dai Jianfeng once again confirmed: "they should not stay here for a long time. You are alone. It's easy to hide."

"I'm leaving! Originally, I stayed here to see if I would have the opportunity to take revenge with the help of the power here. At the beginning, I said that the reserve base had this meaning. Now that they are united, it is estimated that they will have no chance in the future and can only leave. If you don't leave, I will leave first. Now I can't stay here for a long time. " He said the purpose of the reserve base directly. Anyway, Dai Jianfeng is leaving now. It doesn't matter to tell him. He can still win his trust.

"Oh! i see! Then let's go together. " Dai Jianfeng suddenly realized that he really believed in the equation more: "just in time, I'll find a chance to revenge them in the future. Anyway, their base can't run, and we have plenty of time in the future."

"Make up your mind quickly! I think they will reach an agreement soon. By that time, I'm afraid they won't be able to leave. " The equation urged.

At this time, all the soldiers came out of the barracks one after another, with backpacks on their backs and weapons in their hands. They were fully armed and assembled in front of Dai Jianfeng again.

"To introduce you, this is the staff officer of the Sixth Army, because..." When Dai Jianfeng introduced the equation to the soldier in front of him, he just wanted to say that the equation was the enemy of Ouyang Feng, so he wanted to go with everyone. He interrupted him:

"Hello everyone! My name is Xi'an. I'm the staff officer of the Sixth Army. I've been asked to go to the headquarters by the order of the commander. "

As soon as the words of the equation came out, Dai Jianfeng's face suddenly changed. What happened to NIMA? Isn't the script right? Why go to the military headquarters again? After going there, these soldiers are sure to be OK, but they are dead.

I didn't expect that as soon as he looked at the equation, the equation continued to speak, because the equation was afraid that if it was asked foolishly and realistically, it would all leak out. Just now Dai Jianfeng opened his mouth, the equation recognized that he was going to tell the truth, and he couldn't help secretly scolding the pig. Now he hasn't left the military camp, so that these soldiers really believe that if they don't leave, they will implicate others My comrades in arms, can you tell the truth at this time?

"But although I was ordered by commander Wang, I'm not going to carry out it. I'm going to disobey for the first time in my military career." Equation said aloud, with a dignified face: "because I was beside them when they were talking with Commander Wang. I recognized that it was probably that you offended them in order to complete the task. Therefore, they took advantage of this reason to trouble us and tried to make us agree to some of their conditions.""I don't want these people who bully the door to succeed in their treacherous schemes, so I'd like to persuade you to leave. Although it's unfair and dangerous to you, I'm very happy. When I arrived here, commander Dai told me that you have decided to leave. You are worthy of being soldiers of our R group army. You'd rather face the danger yourself than implicate your comrades in arms."

"I admire you! So! I also want to leave with you. One day, when we are really strong, we will let those arrogant and greedy guys know our strength. "

At this point, he said to Dai Jianfeng, "commander Dai! this matter should not be delayed! We set out in a hurry. I'm afraid it's too late. Moreover, we have to go out under the banner of an urgent task. Fortunately, today's sentry post is arranged by the Sixth Army. I can still talk. Otherwise, going out will be a trouble. "

Their barracks also have walkie talkies, and the sentry at the gate is necessary. Generally, when someone goes out, the Sentry will first confirm with the military headquarters. Dai Jianfeng was originally prepared to rush the card by force, but now that the equation says so, it is obvious that they are safer.

Under Dai Jianfeng's command, the soldiers in front of him immediately disbanded and climbed onto the military vehicles in the camp. A thousand soldiers drove 20 military vehicles to the gate of the camp.

At this time, Ouyang Feng was talking with the apostle Peter, and most of the other officers were in Wang Tao's room, so no one paid attention to them. When he got to the door, he said to the sentry, "Xiao Li! Open the door quickly, commander Dai. They have an urgent task. I'll help them lead the way. It's the order just given by the commander. "

The sentry at the gate saw that he was his own staff officer, so he quickly opened the gate and let Dai Jianfeng out. Looking at the barracks which was gradually away from him, he narrowed his eyes, showed a cold look in his eyes, and murmured: "hope base! You wait! One day, you will regret provoking me! "

Of course, Wang Tao and Ouyang Feng didn't know that Dai Jianfeng was leaving, and it took some time for the troops to assemble or for the survivors to prepare before they moved. Therefore, Wang Tao and Ouyang Feng all came to the gate of the military headquarters.

Seeing the hurricane at the gate of the military headquarters, Wang Tao said with a smile: "you are really extravagant! There are even hurricanes. It seems that you've got the reserve base? "

"Well! It was the Shura instructor who gave it to us, because his last task before the end of the world was in that base. Later he met me and joined my base, so he gave me the storage warehouse. " Ouyang Feng said with a smile.

"You mean that base is yours? But not from the Shura instructor? " Wang Tao suddenly has something wrong with his face. It doesn't matter if he gives his soldiers to Shura instructor. After all, he is the leader of dark thorn, the most powerful man in the world, and the boss of his instructor. But if he gives them to this little guy, Wang Tao will feel uncomfortable.

"Yes! It's mine in name Ouyang Feng realized that he was too quick to say anything, but he still said quietly: "the drillmaster never cares about anything. The management of the base is left to me and another guy named Duan Lei. In fact, it's just like you here. At the beginning, commander Dai also said that the top commander of the base is commander Wang."

"Oh! That's right! It seems that the dark thorn is the dark thorn Wang Tao suddenly realized, yes! The dark thorn, of course, should be in the dark. Can the one exposed be called the dark thorn? That special call Ivory!!

Seeing Wang Tao's look, Ouyang Feng breathes a sigh of relief. He says that he has managed to muddle through and is almost ruined by himself.

At this time, a school official ran over and first saluted Wang Tao, then said to Dai Guo, "commander Dai! What are your brothers in the fifth army out for? I just wanted to borrow some people from them to help organize the survivors. As a result, there was no one in your barracks, not even a guard post. "

"What?" Dai Guo was so anxious: "don't you even have his mother's post? no way! I'm going to have a look! "

"Wait!" Wang Tao quickly stopped Dai Guo and looked back at Ouyang Feng: "can I call you crazy, too?"

Ouyang Feng nodded with a smile.

"Madman! Can I borrow your hurricane and let's go and have a look? " Wang Tao asked.

"Yes! Commander, do you want to drive by yourself Ouyang Feng said with a smile. From Wang Tao's eyes, he saw Wang Tao's love for hurricanes. However, Ouyang Feng didn't plan to give him a ride. It's no problem for him to have fun driving.

"Ha ha ha! I'm about to show my hand. I haven't opened it for a long time! " Wang Tao, a little excited, walked towards the hurricane. The door had not been closed. Wang Tao went directly into the hurricane, got into the driving position, started the hurricane with ease, and then drove to the Fifth Army station , the fastest update of the webnovel!