Chapter 528

"Ming, I'll wait for you at the door."

"No!" Huangfuming grabs Xuewei's hand.

She knew that Huangfu Ming was worried about her feelings.

But today they come here to make Xiao Cha die. I'm afraid she will stay here. Xiao Cha won't say anything more.

He gives Huangfu a look. Xuewei pushes his hand away with a smile and walks slowly to the ward

"Xiao Cha, what do you want?" Two meters away from the hospital bed, Huangfu Ming refused to step forward and asked frankly.

Xiao Cha bit his lip chokingly: "I think... I want to be with Commander Huangfu..."

"I only love my wife!"

"But... But general Xue has hurt you. I won't hurt you... "

"You have hurt me. You're hurting me when you step in between me and my wife! " Huangfu shook his fist angrily.

Along the way, he has told himself to tell the girl to understand everything.

But after meeting her, he still couldn't control his emotions.

At the thought that because of her, he and Xuewei almost broke up, he was very angry.

"Do you really love snow general so much?" Xiao Cha looked at Huangfu Ming in tears.

He didn't even hesitate and nodded: "yes!"

"Then... Then you can continue to be with general Xue as long as... Only you can accept me..."

When Xiao Cha finished, Huang Fu Ming couldn't believe his ears.

What the hell is this theory!!?

If he did such a thing, he would be worse than a pig or a dog!

"Xiao Cha, I tell you, I only love one woman in my life, that is my wife Xuewei. I can't accept other women any more!"

"Then why do you come to visit me?"

"The reason why I came here today was proposed by my wife. She doesn't want to see you lose your life for this matter! "

The real answer brings out bloody cruelty.

For Xiao Cha, who is in love with Huangfu Ming, his presence will make her feel warm. But if this is Xuewei's opinion, she only feels that her heart is like falling into an ice cave

One door apart.

Xuewei relies on the cold wall without expression. When she hears the conversation in the ward, a subtle smile appears on her lips

"It's really not luck that you can get to today's position!"

Looking at Mr. Cha walking slowly, she put her hands around her body and said with a smile, "what do you want to say?"

"My granddaughter is not very familiar with the world, so she doesn't understand your insidious tactics of" retreat is advance ". In fact, you want to take this opportunity to make my granddaughter give up completely and feel guilty for your so-called kind wife, don't you? "

Sure enough, ginger is old and spicy.

Just see through everything at a glance!


She did not deny that it had nothing to do with the so-called kindness and benevolence to ask Huangfu ming to visit Xiao cha.

Just ask, which woman in the world can forgive the woman who takes the initiative to climb onto her husband's bed?!

She pitied Xiao Cha for her love for Huangfu Ming; But also hate the little Cha destroyed the feelings between their husband and wife!!!

"Mr. Cha, since your granddaughter has the courage to destroy my marriage, then... I also have the" weapon "to defend my marriage!" Words, snow Wei Yin Ning of Mi Mi.

But Mr. Cha said with a smile, "you can't defend your marriage. My granddaughter is destined to... Walk with Huangfu Ming!" Words fall.

He opened the door of the ward with a slap.

Huangfu glanced coldly and walked slowly into Mr. Cha: "go first!"

"Commander Huangfu..." Xiao Cha lowered his eyes and clenched his hands tightly.

Next second

Mr. Cha took a quick step and stopped him in front of him: "sorry, commander Huangfu, you can't go yet!"

"Oh, Mr. Cha, what else do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything. Now, the matter between you and my granddaughter can't be solved by resigning. My granddaughter is... Pregnant!" A pregnancy test report is cold in front of Huangfu Ming.

Looking at the test results on the pregnancy test sheet, Huang fuming's pupil dilated countless times instantly, and even a trace of blood could not be found on that handsome face.

"Pregnant Hearing all this, Xuewei's brain is buzzing, and her heart seems to be pinched by something, with pain.

"You can't defend your marriage. My granddaughter is destined to go with Huangfu Ming!"

"Now, the matter between you and my granddaughter can't be solved by resigning. My granddaughter is... Pregnant!"

Xiao Cha is pregnant... Xiao Cha is pregnant!? Mu Feng, who was full of pain, gradually turned to Huangfu Ming... When their eyes crossed, countless sad elements filled the air. Turn around and leave“ Xuewei Huangfu ran after him. Where to? Where should I go? Snow Wei aimlessly running in the hospital, the road ahead has gradually distorted, she does not know where to go. I just feel more and more difficult to breathe, even if I want to pretend to be calm, I can't do it“ Wei! " Huangfuming grabbed her firmly. Turning around... Tears filled Xuewei's eyes: "I'm sorry... I thought I could stick with you all the time..." "I thought I could do it!"“ I thought I wouldn't mind! "“ I thought... I thought... Everything was what I thought. But... When I heard that girl was pregnant... I know... I really can't hold on! Wu... "The body is weak and drooping. Huangfuming quickly pushed her gradually paralyzed body into her arms: "can you give me some time? Wei, I'll take care of everything!! Trust me! " Huangfu is in a mess... She knows that Huangfu is in a mess now. Because the impact of Xiao Cha's pregnancy is too big for them, no one can calm down“ handle? What do you do? " Tearful eyes whirled at Huangfu Ming. He forced to bite the bad teeth, word by word: "I will not! Call that kid! I was born‘ I'm so depressed. Maybe as a mother; Maybe it's the sense of mission that the baby has nurtured in her stomach. She has already died a child, so she can't bear to see any child leave without seeing the world