Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Killing Knife Art?

At the moment, most of the disciples from the Outer Residence felt confused.

What kind of knife art is the Killing Knife Art? Why would the top disciple of Outer Residence Lin Han be so afraid of it?

“Half top-grade martial arts,” said Lin Tian slowly.

Right after he said that the crowd strangely turned silent as the tension in the air rose incredibly quickly.

“What? Half top-grade martial arts?!”

“As disciples of the Outer Residence, forget half top-grade, even the high-grade martial arts could only be obtained by luck. Yet, Lin Juedao was practicing a half top-grade martial art? This is insane!”

“The undefeatable myth of Lin Han should really be ending here.”

Every disciple was staring at Lin Juedao in shock.

“Half high-grade martial arts?”

Even certain disciples from the Inner Residence that came to watch the competition were shocked.

High-grade martial arts were very rare even in the Inner Residence.

Only a few top disciples of the Inner Residence had the eligibility to access high-grade martial arts.

“Lin Juedao’s father, Lin Badao, is one of the powerful elders at the management of Lin Clan Sect Residence.” Some people guessed.

At the same time, Lin Juedao pulled Lin Meier beside him into his arms and looked at Lin Han. He stared at Lin Han with his cold eyes and said, “Lin Han, the girl that grew up with you in pairs, is now in my arms, how do you feel right now?”

Lin Juedao wanted to humiliate Lin Han using Lin Meier.

However, right then, Lin Han had sight that reached farther than what was in front of him. His strong mind would not be affected by such words.

“That girl there is useless. You took her as treasure but why do you think I’d care?”

Lin Han mocked suddenly.

“You…” Lin Juedao did not expect Lin Han to say such words. His face turned sour in an instance.

The eyes of Lin Juedao darkened especially when the surrounding crowd from the Outer Residence stared at him weirdly.

“Lin Han! What did you say?!”

Lin Meier shouted at high pitch suddenly, “You’re just a disciple from the petty and low subdivision. How dare you talk about me!? What’s the point of having high martial arts achievements if you’re poor? Without a good identity and solid background, you will have no one behind you! You’re still doomed to be tr*sh!”

“I stand behind myself!”

Lin Han shouted immediately.


A strong aura spread out from Lin Han’s body.

Right then, a Five-Claw Golden Dragon roared in the consciousness of Lin Han. The dragon roar went up to the sky and the majestic spirit of the Dragon King was added into his words.

He was his own foundation!

He was the foundation!

That sentence dropped like a loud crack of thunder exploding on the earth.

Disciples from the Outer Residence felt chills down their spine and became excited.

They were all petty and low disciples in the Outer Residence that had no identity and background. They always felt it was unfair that they did not have powerful people behind them that could support them. They had no foundations but their own.

However, Lin Han’s words made them understood suddenly.

So what if they did not have backing from other people?

They would be their own foundation!

Lin Han was standing in the arena right then. His eyes were sharp like knives, and he was staring at Lin Meier. Lin Meier’s face turned pale immediately.

She was totally terrified by Lin Han’s stare and she did not dare to say anything more.

“This kid is quite interesting.” The elder from Inner Residence that hosted the battle saw that and smiled.

“Lin Han!”

Lin Ruyan was somewhere nearby. She looked at the green-shirt figure that stood proudly in the middle of the platform, as if his figure resembled the long sword shooting into the sky, the aura coming from him was spectacular.

She felt as if she was falling in love.


Although Lin Han was only at the fourth tier of martial arts, his aura was already comparable to certain martial arts grandmasters.

“Such a strong aura!”

Lin Tian, the top disciple of the Outer Residence, was shocked as well. “As I know, Lin Han was a disciple from a very faraway subdivision. In the past whole year, he suffered a lot from being bullied. What happened to him? How could he have made such changes in such a short period?”

Maybe what others saw was the strength of Lin Han.

However, Lin Tian was very observant. What he saw was the Essence, Qi and Spirit of Lin Han, the mind and heart of Lin Han for martial arts.

He felt very confused.

If Lin Han consumed a life-changing spiritual pill, or ate a rare and unique fruit, his growth of strength in such a short period could then be explained.

However, what was it that had the ability to change someone from the Essence, Qi and Spirit level? From inside out, thoroughly?

Not even Lin Tian knew. Lin Ruyan had a mysterious background, and she had very rich knowledge as well.

She was so curious about Lin Han.

If Lin Han were a powerless ant in the past year, right then, he had totally changed his life as he had then become a small dragon with endless potential.

Once born, his shine could never be covered. The dragon was doomed to return to the ocean, fly high into the sky and be on top of the world.

“Uncle, you said that in this small place, it was doomed that no one would be in the same world as I am, but…” Lin Ruyan thought. Her beautiful eyes stared curiously at Lin Han on the platform.

Lin Han looked at Lin Meier’s pale face, and the darkened eyes of Lin Juedao.

He felt ecstatic.

All of the negative emotions that he accumulated for a year went away.

Finally, today, in front of everyone, he washed away the biggest humiliation he received ever since he stepped into the Lin Clan Sect Residence.

“Insolent! How dare you humiliate me this way. You’re too boastful for your own good!” Lin Juedao pulled out his long sword from his back in a flash.

His eyes were cold and sharp. He stared at Lin Han, his killing intent bursting from him, and then he smiled brutally, “Right now, I’m still holding on to my words. Kneel in front of me, chop one of your arms off, and I’ll let you live. Otherwise, a horrible death awaits you!.”

“I’m holding on to my words as well.”

Lin Han stood on the battle platform. His dark hair fell around him like a waterfall, his eyes were sharp as lightning His killing intent was boiling for Lin Juedao as well. Lin Han unsheathed and pointed his sword at his opponent and said, “I believe, the one that will die awfully today… Is you!”


His True Element burst out at a terrifying scale.

The Art of the Ancient Dragon Emperor ran errant in his body and created a deep dragon roar that gave Lin Han explosive strength.

At the same time, Lin Juedao moved from not far away.

“Killing Knife Art!”

“Sky Splitting Form!”

“Sky Breaking Form!”

“Sky Destroying Form!”

Lin Juedao roared fiercely, his changdao shone in the color of fresh blood. The knife Qi spread throughout the sky and he slashed towards Lin Han three times in an instant.

Every slash was cold and fearsome, as if the air itself was being split apart.

Every swing was also stronger than the previous one each filled with killing and destroying intent.

It was as if every living thing should be sundered to dust under this knife intent. Nothing should stay alive.

“Top-grade martial arts, with slight conception.”

Lin Tian was shocked.


Lin Ruyan’s pretty eyes turned worried. She stared at Lin Han as the situation got more dangerous.

“Majestic Golden Sun Cover!”

However, Lin Han spoke very calmly right then.


The air shook. Facing that three terrifying slashes, Lin Han emanated all of his True Element. He raised his arms as if he was carrying the sky. An ancient Golden Sun Cover appeared around him and shone with metallic colors.

Cold, hard, bold and powerful!


The three blades landed on the Golden Sun Cover with horrifying and wild power, producing a violent roar.

At the moment, the dust and soil flew around and covered everything.

“Did he defend against that successfully?”

“Did Lin Han get chopped into three pieces?”

The floor of the platform cracked and exploded, inch by inch. Dust and debris covered the arena and no one could see the two people in the battle clearly.

Disciples from the Outer Residence and even those from the Inner Residence were in an uproar. Everyone was nervous.