Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

At this moment, the entire survival arena was enveloped in an eerie silence.

Lin Han and Lin Xue were facing each other with their eyes closed, which made the quiet atmosphere almost stifling.

Everyone could not take their eyes off the two people in the arena but they did not know what the pair of people in the arena were doing.

However, the seemingly peaceful survival arena was actually brimming with danger for at this moment, a danger which none of the ordinary martial artists could see…

In the survival arena, a vaguely transparent Five-Claw Golden Dragon had appeared behind Lin Han. It was in a spirit-like state and it roared into the sky, its majesty overflowing.

Behind Lin Xue, on the other hand, appeared a tall spirit-like image. It was dressed head to toe in black armor with a battle dagger-axe in its hand, its murderous intent through the roof.

One was the spirit of a dragon and the other was a valiant and brave armored soldier.

Nobody could see this scene because only a special group of people that could see through the spirit realm could watch everything unfold with their own eyes.

“How is that possible? The Yan Kingdom is a desolate place yet two Spirit Masters were awakened at the same time? How is that possible at all?” At this moment, a suspicious figure enveloped in a black robe, who stood in one of the courtyards of the Outer Residence, exclaimed in shock.

This black-robed figure was the mysterious “Uncle Ghost” that Lin Ruyan talked about!

At this moment, Uncle Ghost slowly looked towards the direction of the survival arena in the Inner Residence. His eyes, which resembled two will-o’-the-wisps, looked out from under the black robe and through the void as he watched the scene unfold in the survival arena.

He could not stop the shiver that ran through his body.

Spirit Masters specialized in cultivating their spirits, making them the direct opposite of Warriors who cultivated their physical bodies and their Qi-blood. Spirit Masters possessed countless unpredictable abilities, which made them one of the most mysterious and most respected Cultivators in the Lingwu Continent.

Even in the oldest Sects and Clans, Spirit Masters were rare and most of them would usually be Acquired Spirit Masters.

Out of millions of Warriors, there would usually only be one person that would have the aptitude to become an Acquired Spirit Master.

Besides that, out of all these millions of Acquired Spirit Masters, there might only be one person that could awaken to become an Innate Spirit Master.

It could be seen from this the rarity and value of Innate Spirit masters.

As for souls, there were many different forms and kinds, and most Spirit Masters were those that realized they could become Acquired Spirit Masters. Therefore, they spent a lot of time catching ancient and powerful Spirit Beasts to absorb into their souls for their own use.

Innate Spirit Masters, on the other hand, had their own souls within themselves, such as the ones behind Lin Han and Lin Xue right now.

Only people who have cultivated their souls to a certain level could see what was going on right now so no matter how strong a regular Warrior was, they would never be able to witness the ongoing battle.

Therefore, what made Spirit Masters so terrifying was their ability to kill a person through their soul, turning that person into a body with no thoughts.

Abilities like these could never be guarded against.

Therefore, the term ‘Spirit Master’ was a mysterious and fearsome name that was also valuable and rare on the Lingwu Continent.

Besides that, as Spirit Masters naturally had powerful souls, they were also natural Alchemists, Armorers, and Spirit Array Masters.

Therefore, once a Spirit Master was discovered, they would definitely be sought after by countless influential powers, since no matter how low-ranking the Spirit Master was, they would still be extremely valuable.

“I never expected for two Innate Spirit Masters to appear in such a remote place. However, from the looks of their state, they must be very new to this cultivation so they can’t put anything to use at all. They’re even worse than Level One Spirit Masters.”

Uncle Ghost muttered to himself but he knew that if these pair of young men did not meet an early death, they would definitely become major players in the future.

“Huh? This Lin Han, who has been very close to Young Miss recently, not only has a powerful soul, his physical body is quite impressive as well. His Qi-blood is vigorous… He’s so young yet he’s already so talented in martial arts and spiritual arts, truly a genius…”

Uncle Ghost’s voice then gradually disappeared in the wind.


At this moment, the roar of a dragon rang out suddenly in the revival arena.

It was the semi-transparent dragon soul behind Lin Han!

It was currently spiraling its strong body as it roared into the sky, an aura of majesty surrounding it.

This stunning scene could only be “seen” by Lin Xue.


The next moment, the armored soldier behind Lin Xue roared violently as well. With his battle dagger-ax in hand, he rushed forwards.


Although Lin Han had both his eyes closed tightly, he could “see” clearly what was going on. The vicious soul-like armored soldier opposite him was rushing towards him with an intent to kill.


At this moment, Lin Han could feel his heart and mind wavering. He instantly felt like his own soul was being poured into the body of the soul-like dragon behind him.

At this moment, Lin Han’s soul and determination had morphed into a dragon that was roaring into the skies.


An inhuman roar sounded.

It was Lin Xue’s soul, the “Armored Soldier”, who was roaring this time. Although his entire body was in a soul-like state, it looked like it actually had substance with the battle dagger-ax in his hand and the overflowing murderous intent.


Lin Han’s soul had formed into a mighty Blue Dragon, its dragon eyes gleaming with power a king would have as its giant dragon claws slashed towards the Armored Soldier.


The powerful dragon claws slashed downwards, tearing through the air like iron hooks tearing through silver, and slammed the Armored Soldier into the ground, shattering it completely.

However, in the next moment, the Armored Soldier’s battle dagger-axe stabbed upwards into the air, directly penetrating the dragon’s massive body.


The massive dragon cried out and Lin Han felt a sharp pain in his soul.


However, Lin Han was tenacious and determined. He bellowed and the dragon echoed him, its roar shaking the sky as it swept its tail. Like a steel whip, the Armored Soldier was immediately smashed into pieces.


The next moment, in the survival arena, Lin Xue suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and all the color drained from his face.

Opposite him, Lin Han slowly opened his eyes, though his expression showed that he was struggling.

“Was that the confrontation of souls and wills?” Lin Han muttered under his breath; when the Armored Soldier had stabbed its battle dagger-ax into the dragon’s body, it felt like his soul had been stabbed instead, which was a terrifying feeling.

“Why did Lin Xue suddenly spit out blood?”

“Look at them both, their faces are so pale. What did they go through?”

At this moment, the countless Outer Residence disciples had looks of confusion and puzzlement on their faces.

From the very beginning until just now, all they had seen were Lin Han and Lin Xue standing in the survival arena facing each other before Lin Xue suddenly spat out blood.

What kind of tricks were these two playing?

“Are you okay?” asked Lin Han suddenly.

“I’m fine.” Lin Xue laughed bitterly and continued, “It’ll recover again.”


Lin Han’s eyes flashed because he knew that Lin Xue was talking about the Armored Soldier formed from his soul.

“What the h*ll was that?” asked Lin Han so that only the two of them could hear.

“Lingwu Continent’s most mysterious and respected Cultivators, Spirit Masters.” Lin Xue seemed to know quite a lot as he suddenly answered.

“Spirit Master?” asked Lin Han in disbelief.

“That’s right.” Lin Xue nodded his head and with an inexplicable smile, continued, “Your soul is very strong, completely beyond my expectations. I hope you find your own spiritual cultivation method. Both you and I don’t belong here anyway… However, I’ll be leaving now. I look forward to the day we meet again.”

As soon as his words fell, Lin Xue seemed to have nothing else stopping him.

He turned and left the arena before walking into the distance.

Nobody knew where he was headed to…

“Lin Han!”

“Lin Han!”

The next moment, after a brief silence, the countless Outer Residence disciples erupted into cheers once more.

Everyone looked at the green-robed figure in the arena with almost fanatical gazes.

The figure was like an immortal monument that would never fall.

Everyone knew now that as soon as Lin Han defeated the current Outer Residence Greatest Disciple, Lin Tian, he would become the first subdivision disciple to become the champion of the Outer Residence Competition.

That would make him the greatest dark horse of both the Lin Clan’s Sect Residence and its Outer Residence!