“Ruyan, I’m here to talk about an event in Broken Sky City,” Lin Gutian said with a smile.


Upon hearing Lin Gutian addressing her so intimately, Lin Ruyan felt uneasy.

However, he was a powerful Inner Residence Greatest Disciple in Lin Clan Sect Residence, thus her face remained expressionless. “What event?”

Lin Gutian was secretly displeased when he noticed her neutral face.

He remembered very clearly that she was very ladylike toward Lin Han that day.

On the contrary, he could sense her indifference through her eyes at that moment.

‘Lin Han?’

As such, Lin Gutian became more jealous of Lin Han.

Nevertheless, he was able to hide that feeling. He smiled gently. “Half a month later, a Martial Arts Exchange for the younger generation will be held by us ‘Five Prides of Broken Sky’ in Broken Sky City. Plenty of young masters from the three great forces, which are the Lin Clan Sect Residence, the Shen Clan Sect Residence, and the Governor’s Residence, will participate.”

Lin Gutian was proud.

Especially when he emphasized on ‘us Five Broken Sky Prides’, he expressed his superiority. He later added, “Ruyan, it’s a rare opportunity, and I want you to join me as my martial arts partner.”

He spoke in a bossy tone.

After finally revealing his intention, he stared at Lin Ruyan closely.

‘Martial arts partner?’

Lin Ruyan’s expression changed immediately.

“Lin Gutian, I addressed you as ‘Brother Gutian’ because I respect you for being the Inner Residence Greatest Disciple, but don’t ask for more.” She spoke coldly.

She then continued, “I won’t go to the Martial Arts Exchange. If you have nothing else to say, please leave, and don’t disturb me during my cultivation.”

“Ruyan, you don’t understand how important it is to have a powerhouse to rely on in the clan. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know one day that I’m your best choice.” Instead of being mad, Lin Gutian smiled confidently and left.

Just as he turned around, he noticed someone approaching.

‘Lin Han?’

Lin Gutian kept a straight face as he walked, and he ignored Lin Han.

“Brother Gutian,” Lin Han greeted.

He did not know that Lin Gutian hated him.

“You better not come to Ruyan’s place so often, or I’ll show you what happens when you try to steal my girl.” Lin Gutian sneered before he walked away.

On the other hand, Lin Han was puzzled.

He shook his head as he found it ridiculous.

‘Which girl of his have I stolen?’

“He’s out of his mind,” Lin Han mumbled, then continued walking toward Lin Ruyan’s residence.

“Lin Han!”

When Lin Ruyan suddenly noticed Lin Han, she was surprised.

‘Lin Han actually came to find me?’

She put on a sweet smile, then made fun of Lin Han. “This is rare, you spend most of your time cultivating, why do you have time to come here?”

Lin Han grinned. “Is Uncle Ghost here? I need to ask for a favor.”

They entered the residence together.

At that moment, they did not know that Lin Gutian was standing on a wall, looking at them from a distance away.

He watched coldly when Lin Ruyan smiled at Lin Han gorgeously.

“Lin Han, how dare you disobey me. You’re courting death…” Lin Gutian’s eyes were full of killing intent.

In the courtyard of Lin Ruyan’s residence.

“What? Uncle Ghost left? He’ll only return after one to two months?” Lin Han was disappointed.

“What exactly is it? Tell me, I might be able to help,” Lin Ruyan asked.

When she heard that Lin Han was actually looking for Uncle Ghost, she was slightly disheartened.

“I need a powerful opponent to stimulate my potential, so that I can break through,” Lin Han explained with a bitter smile.

“A powerful opponent?”

Lin Ruyan nodded as she pondered.


‘If one is at a bottleneck, a strong external pressure can possibly incite one’s potential for one to breakthrough.

‘But Uncle Ghost disappeared mysteriously, and he only mentioned that he’ll return after a month or two.’

She was troubled.

“Oh right.”

All of a sudden, she recalled something, so she quickly mentioned, “Lin Han, you can take part in Broken Sky City’s Martial Arts Exchange.”

“Martial Arts Exchange?” Lin Han was intrigued.

“That’s right.”

Lin Ruyan nodded, and continued, “Half a month later, the ‘Five Prides’ of Broken Sky City will join hands to organize a Martial Arts Exchange for the younger generation in the city. Young powerhouses from the three great forces will be there, so you’ll definitely find a suitable opponent.”

She smiled brightly.

‘All young powerhouses from Broken Sky City’s three great forces?

‘Martial Arts Exchange?’

Lin Han was interested.

It was exactly what he wanted.

Normal opponents could no longer satisfy him, thus the fact that he could exchange blows with the young powerhouses from the city, especially the “Five Broken Sky Prides”, boosted his fighting will.

Lin Han believed that he would certainly gain a lot from battling or having conversations about cultivation with those young powerhouses, which would help him to advance his cultivation base.

“Alright, I’ll surely take a look.” He nodded happily.

Subsequently, Lin Ruyan “asked a favor” of Lin Han to practice with her as a reward for solving his problem.

Of course, Lin Han did not reject her.

Without her help, he could not have found out about the Martial Arts Exchange.

For the rest of the month, Lin Gutian often looked for Lin Ruyan, but was always denied entry.

This made him more gloomy.

Above all, Lin Ruyan rejected him, but practiced with Lin Han, which made him furious.

There was a huge difference between the way she treated them.

Nonetheless, Lin Gutian was glad that Lin Ruyan finally agreed to attend the Martial Arts Exchange with him.

That being said, if he knew that she only agreed to go because of Lin Han, he would probably vomit blood.

Another day passed.

It was nighttime.

There was a row of people who were fully prepared and gathered in front of Lin Clan Sect Residence.

Among them, other than Lin Gutian and Lin Ruyan, there were also a few Inner Residence disciples with high rankings, including Lin Yu, Lin Cai, and Lin Jiao.

This was because only the top five disciples in the Inner Residence deserved to participate in the Martial Arts Exchange.

Of course, other people could attend too, but they could only observe from far.

“Why isn’t Lin Han here yet?” Lin Ruyan was concerned.

Broken Sky City’s Martial Arts Exchange was about to take place soon, yet Lin Han was nowhere to be found.

“Let’s go.”

Lin Gutian waved his hand and was about to leave the residence with the group of people since he did not know that Lin Han was supposed to come.


Lin Ruyan suddenly called out.

“What is it?” Lin Gutian and the others were confused.

“Lin Han’s joining too,” Lin Ruyan answered.

“Lin Han?”

Lin Yu, Lin Cai, and Lin Jiao nodded.

Being one of the top three disciples in the Inner Residence, he deserved to go.

“Lin Han’s going too?”

Lin Gutian was actually enraged, but he dare not express it in front of the others, thus he smiled “gently”. “Perhaps he’s being held back, let’s…”

“I’m here.”

A voice was heard before Lin Gutian finished his sentence.

Lin Han walked over apologetically. “I’m sorry, I just arrived at the point of breaking through.”

The others were shocked upon hearing that.

They quickly sensed that Lin Han was already at the Intermediate state of sixth tier martial art.


A few of them gasped.

‘How long has it been since the Martial Arts Tea Party? He broke through again?’

They looked at Lin Han like he was a freak.

Lin Gutian was the only one whose face turned dark while being surprised at the same time.