Just as Lin Han was secretly elated about deriving Su He’s trick of “building Ascendance”, the momentum on the practice stage arrived at a peak.

Especially for Lin Gutian, vague dragon roars could be heard around his body.

By taking a closer look, one could see his True Elements emerging out of his body, and the force from them formed a coiling dragon and a ferocious tiger outside.

His cultivation base was almost at the real Grandmaster Boundary!

Countless people were struck dumb, because Lin Gutian truly deserved his title as one of the Five Great Heavenly Prides for having such a formidable cultivation base.

On the other hand, Su He appeared to be exceptionally ordinary, and had a calm aura around. He was not unrestrained like Lin Han, or overbearing like Lin Gutian.

He gave an otherworldly, enigmatic feeling.

When the combat power of the two Heavenly Pride Level figures clashed, the atmosphere rose to a more fiery height, and the crowd watched with great anticipation.

Su He stepped onto the practice stage.

He looked at Lin Gutian who was already drenched in a cold sweat, then mentioned calmly, “One move.”

‘One move!’

‘The same words again?’

Many people off the stage recalled the familiar scene from last year, and were utterly shocked.

“One move?” Lin Han was shocked.

‘Su He and Lin Gutian are both a half step from the Grandmaster Boundary, is he so confident about defeating Lin Gutian with one move?’

“The same thing happened last year. Though the two of them are in the same boundary, Su He defeated Brother Gutian in one move,” Lin Cai explained to Lin Han.

‘He defeated Lin Gutian with one move?’

Lin Han finally found it strange.

‘Is Su He that powerful?’

“Actually, it’s not just Brother Gutian,” Lin Yu, the young lady who was ranked second in the Inner Residence spoke too, “Last year, Su He rose to be so powerful that he defeated Brother Gutian, Shen Wuxia, and Luo Tianyang with one move. Nobody was able to withstand even one move from him…”

Nobody was able to withstand even one move from Su He!

It became a law among the younger generation in Broken Sky City.

At that moment, Su He reproduced the familiar scene from last year. By saying the same words, the atmosphere in the arena became extremely heated.

“Su He!”

“Su He!”

Many people from the crowd cheered fervently.

Upon seeing this, Lin Han nodded to himself.

‘Looks like Su He’s prestige is unparalleled to the disciples of the younger generation.’

“One move…”

With a ghastly look on his face, Lin Gutian wiped his sweat away from his forehead. He was filled with strong fighting will as he shouted, “Su He, a year’s time can change many things, and I don’t believe that I won’t last a single move from you!”


A threatening aura was released from Lin Gutian’s body, and the roars of a tiger and a dragon echoed in the arena.


While charging at Su He, Lin Gutian formed a dragon and a tiger in the air using his hands, which seemed so terrifying as though they could break through everything.

He seemed like an iron-blooded warrior on a battlefield, and he advanced courageously like the howling wind and a surging wave.

Dragon-Tiger Celestial Seal!

Lin Gutian actually attacked with his strongest trump card — a damaged natural martial art.


However, at the next instant, everyone saw Su He swinging his right palm down lightly.


The arena fell dead silent.

Lin Gutian’s violent aura was a torrential rain obstructed by a thousand-foot-tall mountain. His ferocious attack was dispelled easily.

Following that, a palm pressed Lin Gutian’s chest, releasing an indescribable force that threw him into the air.

“Cough!” Lin Gutian spat blood in the air.

His momentum was crushed, and his face turned pale.


Not far away, Lin Han was dumbfounded. He instantly connected with his Golden Spirit Fire to derive the path of Su He’s palm in the air earlier.

Perhaps nobody noticed that instant, but Lin Han kneww what happened due to his incredible perception. Su He’s seemingly light palm-attack actually had behind it a kind of “force” that could not be fathomed by normal people.

Similar to his stepping rhythm, he triggered the power of Heaven and Earth.

For every move Su He made, he used that power to “build Ascendance”!

Lin Han was shocked the moment he realized.

The things that were done by Su He were far beyond Lin Han’s understanding of ordinary martial arts.

Therefore, he gathered his focus, and used the Golden Spirit Fire to imprint Su He’s attack on his mind in a detailed manner.

If he could learn it, it would certainly be a great trump card for him.

Before long, the crowd in the arena was in high spirits.

One move!

Sure enough, Su He did it in one move!

It was such a similar scene to the one last year.

A year ago, Su He defeated everyone the same way, and became the top of Broken Sky City’s Heavenly Prides as he was unstoppable.

On the practice stage, he stood with his hands behind his back, and appeared like a star as if he was a Grandmaster.

Nonetheless, nobody noticed at that moment that two mysterious figures were hiding in a dark corner on a beam above the practice, and were observing the battle between the geniuses.

They were two young men in fire-colored armor with profound auras, which made them look like two red ghosts in the dark.

“The young man whose name is Su He is merely in the half-step Grandmaster Boundary, yet he can use Heaven and Earth Power for his own. Especially the rhythm of his palm attack earlier, even I can’t see through its mystery. Judging from his talent and qualities, he’ll definitely be one of the top young geniuses in the thirteen cities ruled by His Royal Highness!” One of the men mentioned.

“Su He deserves the attention indeed, but the other young man, Lin Han, is extremely gifted too. Didn’t you notice that the martial arts he performed are all comprehended to the highest state? On top of that, he can fly in the air when he’s only in sixth tier martial arts, which is something that we can only do in Grandmaster Boundary. It’s unbelievable,” The other man exclaimed.

“I didn’t expect a small city like Broken Sky City to produce two top-notch geniuses. We must report to King Chiyang, His Royal Highness loves young geniuses like them…”

His voice slowly faded, and the two figures eventually disappeared.

Near the practice stage, on a seat among the Lin Clan Sect Residence disciples.

“What is it?” Lin Ruyan asked when he noticed Lin Han looking up to the top of the pavilion.


Lin Han shook his head and looked away, but wondered. ‘I sensed an unusual aura, was it just an illusion…?”

In a dense forest outside Broken Sky Mountain Villa, the two young men in red armor from before appeared.

“That was close, that fella’s perception is terrifying, we almost got spotted,” One of them mentioned while catching his breath.

“Indeed, it looks like we underestimated him.” The other man chuckled, then said, “Let’s go. Both of them are top-notch geniuses, we have to inform the Imperial Residence of Chiyang of their existence.”

Subsequently, they soared into the sky like eagles, and glided with the help of wind energy. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from the night sky.

The two men were Grandmasters!

In the pavilion at Broken Sky Mountain Villa.

On the practice stage, Lin Gutian broke out in cold sweat.


‘I was defeated by Su He in one move again?’

His expression was terribly dark.

Next, with eyes full of hatred, he stood back up to look at the young man in the sackcloth shirt. “Su He, didn’t you say that Lin Han from Lin Clan Sect Residence is your match?”

He then turned to look at Lin Han. “Lin Han, I don’t believe that you’re that strong. Challenge Su He on the stage!”

As soon as Lin Gutian finished, the genius disciples from various forces were startled.

‘After being defeated, Lin Gutian’s trying to drag Lin Han from his clan into the mire?’