A few moments later, in the front hall.

Lin Han walked over and saw how worried Lin Ruyan looked at first glance.

“What happened?” Lin Han asked.

Lin Ruyan was looking down but when she heard Lin Han’s voice, she looked up with delight and saw Lin Han walk out from the backyard unscathed.

“I was scared to death.There hasn’t been any news from you for the past few days, so I thought… It didn’t occur to me that you were hiding in your quarters.” Lin Ruyan scoffed.

“What did you think it was?” Lin Han revealed a smile.

“Haven’t you heard?” Lin Ruyan’s beautiful eyes had a look of surprise.

“Heard about what?” Lin Han asked curiously.

Lin Ruyan looked closely at Lin Han for a moment to ensure that he was not playing dumb, before she said, “A few days ago, three powerful Half-Grandmasters met with their deaths in the dense forest near Broken Sky Mountain Villa. Each of them died a horrible death. Some said it was done by the demons in the mountains. This news is spreading like wildfire, haven’t you heard?”


With a straight look , Lin Han calmly replied, “That night, Luo Qingcheng from the Governor’s Residence and I had a short discussion. I came back after that and stayed home to practice. I haven’t left the place since.”

“That’s great. the past few days without hearing from you, I couldn’t help but think you were…”

“Killed by demons?”

Lin Han smirked.

“Bad Lin Han, don’t laugh at me! I don’t believe in demons, it’s just that everyone’s talking about it. After all, who could’ve killed the three powerful Half-Grandmasters in a single night? It’s just impossible none of them escaped…” Lin Ruyan said with a pout. She looked adorable, and breathtakingly beautiful.

Seeing that, Lin Han smiled lightly and did not comment further.

If Lin Ruyan knew that the mysterious person who killed three of those Half-Grandmasters was the handsome, harmless-looking young man who was standing in front of her, one would wonder if she would be dumbfounded.

“By the way, you won the title of Greatest Heavenly Pride at this year’s Martial Arts Exchange, but since the news of the powerful trio murder a few days ago was the talk of the town, your win hasn’t been reported. I’m afraid that the Sect Residence upper levels weren’t informed yet, you can go and let them know. I think they’ll give you a handsome reward,” Lin Ruyan suggested.


However, before Lin Han could reply, a crisp and clear gong chime rang throughout the Lin Clan Sect Residence.

“It’s the Sect Residence’s ancient tribe bell, only when there’s an urgent announcement for the clan would the upper levels ring it. Apparently the bell hasn’t rung for decades. That’s weird…” Lin Ruyan said as she immediately dragged Lin Han towards the inner section of the residence.

“When the bell rings, is everyone supposed to assemble?” Lin Han asked while on the road.

“That’s right.”

Lin Ruyan nodded. “Especially for us Inner Residence Disciples. When the bell rings, we have to immediately gather at the survival arena.”

Along the way, both of them saw many of the disciples who looked doubtful while rushing towards the same direction.

“What actually happened?”

“That’s strange, did something happen within the Sect Residence Upper Levels?”

Many disciples were whispering among themselves along the way.

Lin Han’s eyes had a slight glint.

Was this bell rung due to the mishap that happened to Lin Badao and Elder White Eyebrow?

After careful thought, that was not logical.

Lin Badao did not hold a high position in the Sect Residence, and Elder White Eyebrow had left the Lin Clan Sect Residence that day. It was not necessary to ring the bell for these two insignificant people.

With these thoughts in heart, Lin Han and Lin Ruyan strode towards the survival arena.

Half an hour passed.

Below the survival arena stage of the Lin Clan Sect Residence, all of the Inner Residence Disciples stood in line. Lin Han and Lin Ruyan stood out among them.

At the forefront was Lin Gutian, the Inner Residence’s Greatest Disciple.

All of the disciples were surprised and tried to see what went on at the survival arena stage at that point.

In the survival arena, the most respected residence master in the eyes of the disciples actually stood respectfully with a slight bow beside a young man.

The young man was dressed entirely in black robes, and stood majestically straight at eight feet, like a great spear penetrating the sky.

At that moment, he stood beside the residence master, straight and upright, with a strong aura.

Many of the disciples below seemed shaken at the sight of that.

They knew that the residence master was the most powerful in Lin Clan Sect Residence. He possessed a great deal of power and had a seventh tier martial arts Grandmaster cultivation base.

However, there and then, he stood beside the black-robed young man and had a hint of fear about him.

Could it be that…

The black-robed young man, was an eighth tier or even ninth tier martial arts Peak Grandmaster?

“Residence master Lin, are these all of the disciples from Lin Clan Sect Residence?” The black-robed young man asked slowly, his voice deep and powerful, as loud as the sound made from the tremors of a huge bell.

“My lord, the Lin Clan Sect Residence Inner Residence Disciples are all here,” the residence master replied respectfully.

Lin Han was a little shaken by the sight of that.

The residence master, one of the three people who had absolute power over Broken Sky City, a lord over his land, was treating a young man in such a way?

“Very well, I’ve received news a few days ago that a super genius appeared in the Lin Clan Sect Residence. I’m here in your small city for this super genius, and take him to the Imperial Residence of Chiyang as per King Chiyang’s orders.”

When the words came out of his mouth by the black-robed young man, a commotion ensued below.

The looks of all the Inner Residence Disciples changed significantly.

Even Lin Gutian and Lin Han were startled.

King Chiyang!

The title represented a kind of legend throughout the Yan Kingdom.

Legend had it that King Chiyang was a heavenly being who touched the unknown realm beyond ninth tier martial arts. His each and every move contained great power.

The royal family of the Yan Kingdom also did not hide the fact that King Chiyang was the strongest in the Yan Kingdom. If he desired domination, he would have reigned in the Yan Kingdom.

However, King Chiyang had no wild ambitions. Besides cultivation, his only interest was to look for exceptional geniuses within the Yan Kingdom.

If anyone was selected to enter the Imperial Residence of Chiyang, he would rise through the ranks in an instant, like a chicken transforming into a phoenix.

After all, King Chiyang’s reputation was greater than the royal family of the Yan Kingdom.

Just like that, a legendary individual’s name was blurted out at the survival arena stage from the lips of the black-robed young man.

“The Chiyang Guard!”

Instantly, everyone had the same thought of a title in mind.

The Chiyang Guards were King Chiyang’s personal secret forces.

According to legend, there were nine Chiyang Guards. Each of them was a Martial Grandmaster who assisted King Chiyang in scouting for super geniuses in every corner of Yan Kingdom.

That being said, the black-robed young man standing in the arena might just be one of those members!

All the disciples suddenly realized the reason behind the residence master’s courtesy towards the young man.

One had to know that even the lowest ranked Chiyang Guard was considered more honorable by leaps and bounds than the master of a noble family from a small city.

“According to the reports by the Eight and Ninth Guard, there are two super geniuses from Broken Sky City who are worthy. One is from the Su family, but I have searched and it turned out that the Greatest Genius from the Su family has left the family and disappeared. The other super genius is in the Lin Clan Sect Residence. However, I was rushing to get here and forgot to retrieve his name,” the black-robed young man said with a slight frown.

There was no intention in his speech, but those who heard it took it to heart.

Below, Lin Han stood silent among the people, his eyes flashed a little.

The Greatest Genius from the Su family who was mentioned by the black-robed young man should be Su He. However, Lin Han did not expect him to leave Broken Sky City just like that.

At that instant, after some contemplation from the black-robed young man, he said, “Residence master Lin, who is the Greatest Disciple in Lin Clan Sect Residence?”

Lin Clan Sect Residence’s Greatest Disciple?

The residence master pondered and two people crossed his mind.

Lin Gutian and Lin Han.

However, due to the commotion caused by the mysterious killings of Lin Badao and his allies, the news about the Greatest Heavenly Pride of Broken Sky City won by Lin Han was not reported to the Lin Clan Sect Residence.

As for Lin Gutian, it was naturally the jealousy and hatred which he had that stopped him from breaking the news to the Sect Residence Upper Levels.

Under this condition, and the fact that Lin Gutian was the main division disciple, the residence master was fond of and favored Lin Gutian more compared to Lin Han.

Without giving it much thought, the residence master said, “The Greatest Disciple of Lin Clan Sect Residence is Lin Gutian.”