"Miss Faith? What are you doing here?
Leafa came to the kitchen to prepare a meal for Aria.
It's not often that someone other than LeFa, who has been assigned to take care of the meal, stops by, but this time there seems to be a guest.
I was a little happy to talk to Faith.
I'm training to be a bride.
What? You're getting married?
It's not ...... yet, but it might be in the near future.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it's a good idea.
I'm not sure if you've heard of it or not.
I'm not sure what to make of that.
She looked at Faeris with envy, her eyes twinkling.
I'm so jealous of your bridal training! I have yet to meet anyone who can help me. ......
"There's no need to be hasty--
The moment Faith turns around to reply, the knife she was using scratches her index finger by a few millimeters.
It's too early to be doing something else at the same time, because you're not used to handling it yet.
He withdrew his hand reflexively, so the taste of blood would not seep into the food.
Still, Faith was looking at her bleeding fingers in frustration.
I'm sure you'll be fine.
"...... Yeah. But I don't know what to do. It's hard. The fish that Iris gave me is going to be gone too. ......
I'm not sure what to do with it.
It seems that they have the knowledge to remove the internal organs, but don't have the skills to actually do so.
The fish had been chopped into pieces with the guts still inside.
A fish whose flesh was torn to pieces by the attempt to forcibly remove it.
Fish with knives still stuck in them for some reason.
It's a sight that makes you want to cover your eyes.
This is .......
Leafa's words did not come out immediately.
As someone who had been exposed to cooking since she was a child, she couldn't understand how such a mess could happen.
It's a miracle that I only lightly damaged my fingers when I was this clumsy.
It's a little tough to learn on your own.
It's a miracle that he only scratched his finger lightly.
It was a silent pressure - he wanted her to show him an example.
Leafa has no intention of turning it down.
For Faith's sake, and for the sake of her lover's life.
Leafa grips the handle of her knife tightly.
I've never had this type of fish before, but if you open up the belly, most fish will be fine - see?
Oh, I thought you'd take it from the back.
I think it's the other way around. ......
Leafa took out the guts with a practiced hand.
The fish that Iris gave me is a little unusual in shape, but the structure is almost identical.
There's only one dark, mysterious organ.
After discarding the one black, mysterious organ, Leafa fluidly sliced it into three pieces.
It was perfect as an example, but perhaps too smooth for teaching.
The only thing that saved her was the impressed look on Faith's face.
I think I'm ready to eat now.
Leafa cut the meat into thin bite-sized pieces and brought her fingers into her mouth.
"Ugh! It's disgusting!
You shouldn't eat that. I only got it for practice.
Leafa sticks out her tongue like a dog, feeling the bitterness in her throat that she can't believe is fish.
She managed to keep from throwing up, but it was a close call.
I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
"What? I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.
While Richt was away.
In Dystopia, an irreversible misunderstanding may have begun.