Translator: 549690339

Despite living by the sea, the daily scent was not of fresh sea breeze but of a persistent methanol odor in the air.

The air quality was extremely poor.

Apart from the elderly, there were hardly any young people living in the village. Most of those who did reside there were laboring husbands and wives working at the nearby chemical plant.

The demographic was complex, and the roads in the village were also in terrible shape, bumpy and potholed, damaged by heavy vehicles.

Such an environment, if posted online, would be believable as a rural area on the outskirts of Rakshasa City or even a third- or fourth-tier countryside.

Lin Mo drove his car, searching for the self-constructed house number 139 in the village, while contemplating a question.

Why did Chen Kainan visit such a place every day?

What exactly was the thing mentioned in the intelligence reports that he held dear?

He was a man of notable power in Rakshasa City, with terrifying connections. A single stomp, and the whole Rakshasa City would tremble thrice over.

Why would he abandon his luxurious villa to frequent this remote countryside? Drugs?

It didn’t seem likely!

Which drug addict could stand almost two hours of travel to such a godforsaken place for a fix?

Chen Kainan wasn’t afraid of being caught by the police, so that was no reason. After a long thought.

Lin Mo simply couldn’t fathom Chen Hainan’s motives.

If it didn’t make sense, it was better not to dwell on it. The current priority was to find self-constructed house number 139 and then plan the next steps.

However, after circling the village entirely, Lin Mo still had not found self-constructed house number 139.

It wasn’t that house number 139 was too hidden, but rather that most houses in the village didn’t even have a house number displayed, or they were placed somewhere concealed.

Some that did have numbers were not in sequence; one side was number 9 and suddenly next to it was number 119.

Each village had a unique way of arranging house numbers, complicated by this or that alley. Lin Mo had often encountered such problems during his time as a mover.

After wandering for half an hour, he finally located self-constructed house number 139.

Lin Mo didn’t park rashly; he just tapped the brakes and slowed down while passing by house number 139, to preliminarily observe the house’s exterior. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The building was four stories high, with ordinary exterior decoration, not strikingly different from the other self-constructed houses nearby.

The only slight difference was the high fence around house number 139-at least three meters tall, topped with a layer of barbed wire, which might be electrified. There were no trees nearby to aid covert access, and the house was under the surveillance of two large security cameras installed at the entrance Merely attempting entry was clearly no easy task.

Lin Mo grew increasingly puzzled about why Chen Kainan would come here.

If it weren’t for his trust in the Intelligence System, Lin Mo would even suspect there was some error in the intelligence.

A mix-up?

“First, do some reconnaissance, then decide what to do,” he thought.

Because of the cameras, Lin Mo dared not linger outside Chen Hainan’s door.

He drove eastward and stopped where the cars were most numerous, to blend in.

He turned off the engine, reclined the seat back all the way, lay down, opened the sunroof above his head, and deftly launched the drone out.

The DJI drone performed incredibly well. Even in the dead of night, with profound darkness and poor visibility, it could still capture clear images of buildings within a 100-meter range using the faint moonlight, and the zoom function wasn’t greatly affected.

Since there could be anti-drone devices, given Chen Kainan’s excessive caution, Lin Mo didn’t dare to get too close to Chen Kainan’s home. He simply observed the self-constructed house number 139 from a distance.

The courtyard was large and housed four or five huge, fierce dogs.

Pitbulls, Dobermans, Tibetan Mastiffs, Rottweilers each looked to be about fifty or sixty kilograms, very strong.

They were not tied up but roamed energetically around the yard.

Any unlucky thief who broke in would probably be torn to shreds on the spot. Apart from that, upon activating the drone’s infrared mode, Lin Mo also faintly made out many red-light cameras, covering nearly 360 degrees without a blind spot.

What looked like an ordinary self-constructed house was heavily guarded and fraught with danger.

What should he do?

Lin Mo’s initial plan was to stealthily enter the house, hide, wait for Chen Kainan to arrive, then launch a surprise attack kill him or take him hostage.

No one knew he would come to this place, so even if Chen Kainan went missing, his backers would need time to investigate. They would never trace it back to Lin Mo.

This was the exact reason Lin Mo was so excited upon learning that Chen Kainan moved alone!

It was like being offered a pillow as he was about to fall asleep!

But now, Lin Mo’s original plan was proving to be impractical.

Climbing over the perimeter wall wasn’t the challenging part, but avoiding those fierce dogs and surveillance cameras was a different story!

Lin Mo’s brow furrowed unintentionally.

This damn guy was truly cautious, always ensuring his own safety was impermeable!

Could he take advantage of the moment when Chen Kainan came over here, muster his courage, and try to run him over with his car?

The thought occurred to Lin Mo.

But it was quickly dismissed.

Because he had noticed that the house’s gate was fitted with a track, highly likely being controlled electronically. This meant that Chen Kainan might not even get out of his car at all; he could just drive straight into the yard.

That was in line with Chen Kainan’s cautious nature.

And with that, Lin Mo wouldn’t stand a chance to run him over.

Actually, even if there was an opportunity, this method was flawed.

What if he didn’t manage to kill him?

The roads here were narrow; he couldn’t even get up to high speed.

If he didn’t succeed in killing him in one strike, Chen Kainan would have a chance to draw his personal firearm, and then Lin Mo would have no chance of winning!

“The safest method is still to sneak into the yard, avoiding those cameras, and then find an opportunity to launch a surprise attack.”

“But… how?”

Two problems.

How to disable the surveillance?

And how to deal with the fierce dogs in the yard?

Disabling surveillance could be accomplished by causing a power outage.

That part wasn’t too hard.

Lin Mo had worked on construction sites, been a laborer for many years, and often helped neighbors with electrical repairs; he had a decent understanding of circuits.

Causing the entire village to lose power wasn’t a big deal.

But the key issue was the pack of fierce dogs!

I hose dogs were formidable; no ordinary person could handle so many of them!

It might be possible to kill one or two, but Lin Mo was not confident he could deal with so many at once.

Besides, if he made too much noise, the neighbors might hear and call the police, which would be a real problem.

Not to mention alerting the target.

Whether he could come out of the police station unscathed was a very big if. After pondering for a full half-hour.

Lin Mo finally came up with a workable solution to both problems.

However, it was too late now.

And Chen Kainan might have already been inside.

Because according to the Intelligence System, Chen Kainan would visit this place every day after midnight!

Any rash action would just alarm him!

Even if he wanted to try, he had to wait until tomorrow!

He took a deep breath.

Although he had less than 48 hours left.

Within these 48 hours, if he didn’t take care of Chen Kainan, his family would bear the brunt of Chen Kainan’s fury!

Time was of the essence!

But in moments like these, he couldn’t afford to be hasty.

He had no room for errors.

No margin for mistakes.

One misstep, and it would be an irrecoverable disaster!

So, tonight, Lin Mo intended to get a good night’s sleep, whether he could actually fall asleep or not, he must force himself to sleep!

Because tomorrow night, he might face a fierce battle!

He must be in peak condition!

The decisive moment was approaching!!