Ding Dong, Ding Dong.

This is the sound of water falling from high and dripping on the water.

In the desert, this sound represents life.

Xiaoyun stood still in the dark and didn't know how long.

The ground is no longer sand, but cold but wet stones. It feels slippery. It should be moss.

She followed the tarsal maggot like woman, and did not know how long she had walked. She was like a wandering soul led by the Yin difference to Fengdu City, moving forward tirelessly and slowly.

When the sound of water drops sounded, the woman slowly disappeared like melting in the dark.

Is this the end of life?

After Xia Xiaoyun collapsed on the ground, her thinking began to work again.

Where's that woman?

Am I out of the desert?

What place is this? It's so wet and dark that you can't see anything?

Xia Xiaoyun looked around blankly, surrounded by boundless fear, slowly penetrated into her body from every sweat hole, making her heartbeat almost stop.

Sometimes, being awake is not necessarily a good thing.

At least, you can't feel fear in a trance.

In the dark, after a long time, Xia Xiaoyun tried to move her fingers.

Nothing unusual happened, good.

Next, she slowly groped on the stone.

When she caught a stone the size of an egg, she suddenly retracted her hand and clenched the stone with all her strength.

It seems that this stone is the whole of her life, at least the only way to ensure safety.

"Yes, is anyone there?"

Xia Xiaoyun opened her mouth and asked in a low voice.

Her voice was so low and hoarse that she could hardly hear herself. Of course, no one would answer her questions.


Summoning up courage, Xia Xiaoyun raised her voice.

This time, someone answered her in the dark, "is there anyone? Anyone? Are you sure? "

This is Xia Xiaoyun's own echo, very clear.

After the echo gradually disappeared, Xia Xiaoyun raised the stone in her hand and hit it heavily on the ground.

PA -- the echo of PA spread far and long.

Echoes can be heard in the wilderness and in the mountains, but the best effect is in underground caves, such as air raid shelters in the mainland. A little sound can be heard from the door in a very deep place.

It's dark, there's no light around, and it's wet. It's definitely not in the wild or in the mountains, but in a cave.

Ding Dong, the dripping sound of Ding Dong is always ringing in the darkness ahead, very regular.


Xia Xiaoyun asked for the third time. This time she could hear an obvious cry from the echo.

No one answered her except her own reply.

She began to grope on herself.

Although Xia Xiaoyun, who was eager to escape after meeting a wolf, lost her flashlight and pistol, she remembered that Laura had repeatedly told her to take a lighter with her.

People with wild survival experience know how valuable it is to be able to preserve fire. In addition to baking, they can also make a fire to drive away wild animals.

When Laura insisted that Xia Xiaoyun must bring a lighter, she thought it was a fuss.

Now it seems how right Laura's persistence is.

She found the lighter in the pocket of her down jacket.

Almost at the fastest speed, Xia Xiaoyun took out the lighter and began to light a fire: PA Da, PA Da!

The dark red cremation flickered, but no flame lit up.

"Why can't it catch fire? How can it be like this?"

Xia Xiaoyun was so anxious that she cried out. She thought the lighter was bad, but she didn't know that she was too nervous now, resulting in deformation of her action and couldn't light the lighter correctly.

"How could this happen!"

After more than a dozen hits in succession, and there was no fire, Xia Xiaoyun suddenly screamed and raised the lighter to smash it out: the big lady's temper, who threw things when she was not happy, broke out again.

Fortunately, just as she was about to throw the lighter out, a flame finally lit up.


Xia Xiaoyun stared at the red flame and breathed out a long breath.

The fire always gives people unspeakable courage in the dark. Even if the fire doesn't look much brighter than fireflies, it can at least let Xia Xiaoyun see her hand and the light reflected when water drops fall a few meters in front.

She adjusted the valve of the lighter as large as possible, held it high in front of her eyes, and walked step by step to the place where the water droplets fell.

In the dark, the falling water droplets are like mirrors. Even a little glimmer of light can be captured and reflected back.

After seeing the water drops, Xia Xiaoyun realized how thirsty she was.

The existence of water made her subconsciously speed up her steps -- but her feet suddenly slipped, and she fell straight forward in a scream.

With a pop, she was surrounded by cold water.

It turned out that there was a piece of water a few meters in front of her. Just now she just stared at it, but she didn't notice the fire reflected on the water under her feet.

It's like walking by the pond and accidentally sliding down.

After falling into the water, Xia Xiaoyun's lighter went out. Fortunately, she didn't throw it out.

It was like a pond. The water surface was almost two or three meters away from the height Xia Xiaoyun had just slid down, and the water was very deep. It suddenly flooded over her head.

Fortunately, Xia Xiaoyun could swim. After falling down, she instinctively closed her mouth. Just about to wave her arms to surface, she felt like a rope pulling her. She didn't need her to make any action at all, and swished to surface.

Then she raised her hand and wiped her face. Then she opened her mouth and took a deep breath.

Immediately, she tasted the bitter taste.

Very bitter, or very salty, like sea water, more like cooking soup with too much salt.

Xia Xiaoyun quickly spit and pedal her feet quickly, trying to find the bottom of the water.

There is no bottom, only the side of the pool.

By the pool.

She felt her hands like falling down by the pool. After a few times, she grabbed something and immediately stopped treading on the water, but her body couldn't help floating up, just like she had just fallen into the water.

The buoyancy of water is great.

Even in the panic, Xia Xiaoyun noticed this.

Led by a strange woman in white to an unknown cave, there is an unknown pool in it, and the buoyancy of the water is quite large.

Where the hell is this?

"Calm down, you must calm down. It will be fine. It will be fine!"

Xia Xiaoyun whispered and began to take a deep breath.

After several deep breaths, she finally calmed down and began to try to dial the lighter again.

Maybe she forced herself to pray calmly, which played a certain role. After playing a few times, the lighter was lit again.

After the fire lit up, it immediately reflected on the water, flickering, but still can't see too far.

When she looked up, a drop of water fell from the sky and just fell on her lips.

Sweet feeling, not bitter or salty at all.

She opened her mouth and the drops of water kept dripping. Every drop of water was so sweet and quenched her thirst.

It seems that the water dripping from above should have been filtered from the rocks at the top.

The speed of water dripping is not fast, but it is not slow. In a short time, Xia Xiaoyun's body needs all the water.

When she is full, she just overcomes one of the most important physical needs. How to leave this ghost place has become what Xia Xiaoyun needs to do next.

Xia Xiaoyun held the lighter high and looked close to the pool.

By the light of the surrounding fire, she could see that the pool was surrounded by stones, hung with shiny things, like grains of salt.

Just as she was eager to find a stone that she could climb, a red dot suddenly appeared in the corner of her eyes.

She suddenly turned back and looked at the fuzzy red dot. Her nerves were tense: didn't she see two red dots the night she went back with Laura?

Wolf eyes.

There are wolves here, too?

This time, Laura didn't sacrifice her life to save her.

Even if that strange woman in white appears, it's OK!

When Xia Xiaoyun saw the fuzzy red dot, she felt these desperate thoughts in her heart.

The fuzzy red dot gradually became larger, and then there was a faint sound of water, and the water surface obviously rippled, which proved that something had come.

Xia Xiaoyun is afraid of darkness, but she also knows that darkness is sometimes the best protective color, just like this situation now. When she saw the fuzzy red dot, she immediately extinguished the lighter and dared not move again.

The red dot comes slowly, shaking slightly, and rippling in circles.

Although the red dot came slowly, it did not stop at all, and it became bigger and bigger, from the size of beans to walnuts and apples, to like a big grapefruit, and then to a lantern.

It's a red lantern.

The red lantern stopped more than ten meters in front of her. The red light seemed not much stronger than the lighter, but Xia Xiaoyun could see a dark shadow standing behind the lantern.

Lanterns are the symbol of civilization. Only human beings can use lanterns. For the time being, no matter who is behind the lanterns, as long as they are of the same kind, Xia Xiaoyun can have an unspeakable sense of intimacy.

Even if it is a ghost, Xia Xiaoyun, who is in the current situation, will greet it.

She raised her hand and opened her mouth -- before she could make a sound, she heard the sound of animals.

The sound of camels.

After arriving at Guqiang County, Xia Xiaoyun saw many camels in the street and heard their cries.

Eh, how can there be a camel's cry?

This question still echoed in Xia Xiaoyun's mind, and the sound of footsteps echoed from the night.

Someone's coming.

Several people.

But is it really human?

The appearance of that strange woman made Xia Xiaoyun suspect that there were people in the world she couldn't understand. She also learned that when she didn't figure out what was going on, it's best not to easily expose her whereabouts.

Suddenly a red flame lit up, like a torch burning in the night.

It's a torch.

With the footsteps getting closer and closer, Xia Xiaoyun saw the torch reflected on it and several figures. With the fluctuating water surface, they looked so ethereal.

She looked up and tried to see who was standing on the bank. She saw a long object thrown down.

With a splash, the thing was quickly submerged, but then it floated up and floated on the water not far in front of her.

By the light of the torch, Xia Xiaoyun saw that it was a person.

A woman with a beautiful face.