Just like knowing big brother's face, Fang Yuan can also hear the meaning contained in all kinds of donkey's calls.

Find the enemy!

Oh, no, I found two people of unknown origin, four camels!

Boss, do you want to rush up, strip off their clothes and rob them of all their supplies?

The donkey barked wildly and rushed to the square like crazy. Just like the two brothers fought with the evil forces side by side in the past, he lay down in front, exposed his sharp canine teeth mouth and pasted it on the sand. His blue eyes were very scary.

Holding Lin Wuer in her arms, she didn't say a word, and looked at the front calmly.

Under the cold moonlight, several black spots are running here at the fastest speed.

As the donkey detected, there were indeed four camels. On them sat two people wrapped tightly. They lifted the reins only after they came tens of meters in front of them.

Several camels immediately stopped running and stood where they were.

Two men in black jumped down from Camel Mountain and walked slowly towards this side.

Fang Yuan still didn't move, but his face relaxed.

After feeling the big brother's alert lifted, the donkey also raised his head and wagged his tail.

The two men stopped when they came seven or eight meters in front of each other,

The man on the left looked up and down for a few eyes, then bent slightly and asked respectfully, "excuse me, are you --"

Fang Yuan interrupted him: "three heroes of barren city?"

After Fang Yuan said his brother's name, the boss of the three heroes of the wasteland city quickly took off the black cloth covering his face and said in a more respectful tone: "it's us."

Glancing at them, Fang Yuan asked, "Why are you two, old three?"

The boss hesitated and whispered, "the third offended your woman and was killed by her."

Fang Yuan frowned and asked, "my woman?"

The second explained in a low voice: "just a few days ago, on our way to find you, we met a woman wearing black tight leather clothes and trousers. The third was obsessed and Thought -- as a result, he died."

"It's water shadow."

After listening to the second man's explanation, Fang Yuan understood and said faintly: "the third man is really damn. If it weren't for the sake of your brothers, he might have become a eunuch a few years ago."

Although the second has long been unhappy with the third, no matter what, we also have a life-long friendship.

If the third person was someone else, the second one would have copied the guy. After all, the three heroes of the barren city are a whole.

But since this man is a saint robber -- he said that the third should die, it must be the third to die.

"After this time, you won't owe me any more."

It's the kind of woman who doesn't care about death.

After listening to Fang Yuan's words, the eldest two breathed a sigh of relief.

Those who live in the Jianghu, as long as they follow the rules of the Jianghu, will take the debt as a big burden and pay the debt in their dreams, even at the cost of their lives.

"Who else but you?"

Fang Yuan walked towards the camel and passed between the eldest brother and the two brothers, just as he was the owner of the camel.

"At least sixty people came to Lop Nur. As for where they have gone, we are not sure. "

The eldest brother and his two brothers followed up, a few steps behind the donkey.

From beginning to end, they didn't look at the round face.

Some people, some things, had better pretend to be blind and can't see, so they may live longer.

"Let's set off fireworks and get them out of this damn place."

Fang Yuan said, came to the camel and untied a water bag from the camel's back.

The cold water is so sweet that the cells of the whole body seem to be singing heartily.

The boast made by the Mullah's tongue when licking water is even more exaggerated.

Seeing that water, which is more precious than gold, has been ruined by a dog, the eldest brother and his brother have no complaints, and they don't want to steal his old man. How can they know that they must have brought fireworks with them.

Chi -- a pleasant scream and special high-altitude fireworks flew to a height of 50 meters and burst into full bloom, adding some charming colors to the dead desert.

When Fang Yuan carefully fed Lin Wuer an appropriate amount of water, several fireworks also rose in the air a few kilometers ahead of them.

Almost at the same time, there are fireworks in the front right, closer.

Fang Yuan turned over and stepped onto a camel, gently took the reins, turned to the East and said, "tell you, all people who come to Lop Nur will never owe me again. Moreover, you can make a request to me in the future. As long as it is reasonable, I will satisfy everyone. "

After Fang Yuan said this, the eldest two who lowered their heads after the fireworks showed a look of more ecstasy in their eyes.

No one can understand more than them how important the promise of stealing saints is!

It is said that a chief in South Africa once used 18 rare blood diamonds to ask the robber to agree to his request: when his son who always caused trouble was the most dangerous, he was decisively refused to help once.

He is an old man who steals saints. He is not the one who can buy a baby -- he always works according to his own preferences.

In short, it is what he wants to do. Even if he is threatened with a knife, he will do it.

Even if someone gives him a golden mountain, he won't take a look at what he doesn't want to do.

His old man is so willful. He has always enslaved money and will never be enslaved by money.

Therefore, it is more exciting to get his promise than to get a golden mountain!

We just ate the sand and traveled around Lop Nur. We not only paid off the debt we owed, but also got a promise from him - the boss felt that he really should stab his leg with a knife. It seemed that only in this way could we live up to the promise of stealing the Holy Ghost.

"Yes, we'll inform you right away!"

The boss bowed down and said, stepped on the camel with the second, and took the lead in running to the East.

In the next ten minutes, fireworks continued to bloom in the desert night sky.

The whole desert seems to have unspeakable vitality.

On a sand dune, a man with a height of more than two meters looked to the East.

Standing here, you can see fireworks rising constantly, and a smile slowly appeared on his terrible face -- let's call it a smile for the time being, although it is more terrible than the devil.

The knife light flashed and hid behind his elbow. The man turned to the West and walked in a flying way.

If someone could see him, he would be surprised: how could such a big man have such a light pace when running, just like a ghost, and soon disappear under the distant night sky.

When the last fireworks rose, Lin Wuer opened her eyes.


How did I see the fireworks?

After she passed out of coma, because she was worried about someone and a dog, she was reluctant to completely coma. She was always awake in her subconscious and knew that she was in Lop Nur, a desperate situation without people for thousands of miles.

So I was surprised when I just opened my eyes and saw the fireworks.

Then, she felt that her body was no longer cold, and her deadly hunger and thirst were gone. She was warm, like sitting in front of the stove wrapped in a quilt, with good wine and roast geese next to her


A camel's low cry sounded. Lin Wuer stared at the eyes where the fireworks took off, turned slightly, and then saw a arrogant dog by the moonlight.

If a dog can lie on its back like a man, covered with a blanket to keep out the cold, and shake its head slightly with the undulating body of the camel like an uncle -- if this is not arrogant, what is arrogance?

What kind of dog, what kind of brother.

Lin Wuer saw the surrounding area.

Fang Yuan is also looking down at her.

She was held in his arms and wrapped like a mummy.

Four eyes are opposite. No one speaks, but just looks at it.

Sometimes, some words don't have to be said at all, and two people know what each other is thinking.

Three minutes later, Lin Wuer smiled and said in a soft voice, "you owe me a life."

Fang Yuan did not deny: "yes, I owe you a life."

"But I won't let you repay."

Lin Wuer said again.

Fang Yuan nodded: "I won't pay you back."

Lin wu'er smiled better and said softly, "because we are brothers."

"We are brothers."

Fang Yuan is like an echo, always following the words of Lin dance.

"Brother's secret is your secret."

"I know that."

"Brother, if you want to know how we sit on camels, you have to tell me why."

"Because someone, like you, came to this damn place to find me. Fortunately, they found me when I needed help most. "

"You're right. In fact, I'm a fool."

"Then I am also a fool, because we are brothers."

"Well, I won't play with you. To be realistic, even if we meet people who come to you, can you guarantee that we can go out alive? "

Lin Wuer was not used to being wrapped into big zongzi at all. He was also held in his arms by a man. He twisted his body uneasily and changed the topic.

"I won't let you suffer a little more before you go out of Lop Nur."

Fang Yuan's voice was so loud that he completely forgot that he almost became a mummy not long ago.

Lin Wuer's eyes moved and smiled: "Oh, just won't suffer, don't you enjoy?"

Fang Yuan asked, "what kind of enjoyment do you want?"

"For example --"

Lin Wuer thought for a while before he said, "in this desert, there is a bonfire party. Many people dance around. We drink wine and eat roast sheep... This is the best enjoyment I can think of at present."

tell some fantastic tales.

If someone hears Lin Wuer's words, they will doubt whether her brain will burn out.

This is Lop Nur, the sea of death. Although they have long been away from the center of death, they still travel hundreds of kilometers without smoke. How can there be a bonfire party?

Fang Yuan looked up at the East and said, "not today, because it's almost dawn -- but I promise you'll see it in the evening."

"Lie to me."

Lin Wuer tilted his mouth.

Fang Yuan shook his head and said very seriously“ No. "

"Well, I'll take it seriously."

Lin Wuer opened her mouth and yawned gently.

Fang Yuan said, "you should have a good sleep first. It's best to sleep until night. Then I'll wake you up and watch the bonfire party."


Lin Wuer whispered and soon fell asleep.

In fact, she really wants to talk to Fang Yuan.

Only when the tight nerves completely relaxed, incomparable fatigue flooded her.